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Boiler Room – Elites Trading Program
Description of Elites Trading Program
Welcome to Boiler Room Trading’s Elite Program. Let’s be straightforward here, our elite trading program is very focused on options trading, Swing Trading, and in-depth technical analysis. This program is all in real-time, with live trading rooms and classes.
Our Program focuses on bringing traders some of the best live stock and options trading, as well as live educational classes. Connor Pollifrone has teamed up with two veteran traders, Brandon Walsh & Dave Hahn to er multiple avenues for learning the stock market. Our Elite Trading Program is focused primarily on mentoring traders.
What will you learn in Elites Trading Program?
Large Cap trading, Option Trading, Swing Trading, Penny Stock Trading, Watch list Building, The whole nine!
What Can You Expect To Learn From Each Of Your Mentors
Each mentor will specifically focus on teaching specific style of trading, our mentors have tremendous amount of insight into the market! You can expect to master penny stocks, large cap stocks, option trading, and swing trading. More specifically you will learn how to master technical analysis via our admin Brandon, how to master option trading, and the TD-Ameritrade think or swim option trading platform via Dave Hahn. Connor will help reinforce each aspect of the program.
What features does our elite program er?
24 Hour Chatroom Access

Day Trading Room
Swing Trading Room
Option Trading Room

Daily Live Audio & Broadcast With Connor

Stock Trading in Real time
Alerts, Entry, Exits

Daily Live Audio & Broadcast With Brandon (Team Large Cap Trader)

Stock Trading In real Time
Alerts, Entry, Exits

Hot Stock Watch List (Daily)

Penny Stocks
Large Cap Stocks
Earnings Plays

Live Streamed Stock Scanners

Pre-Market Gap Scanner
High Of Day Momentum Scanner
Reversal Scanners & More

Various Option Trading Alerts & Set Ups

Puts & Calls
Bullish Call Spread
Bearish Put Spread
Butter Flys & MORE

Many of these option trades are very advanced strategies and may not fit your trading style, the program is designed to teach you the basics of options all the way to the complex strategies ered through option trading.
Your Instructor: Boiler Room Trading Team
Meet Our Trading Team,
Connor Pollifrone
Founder of Boiler Room Trading – Specializes in Penny, Mid Caps, & Large Cap Stock
Brandon Walsh
Lead Large Cap Trader – Large Cap Day Trader and Swing Trader – Futures trader
Dave Hahn
Lead Option Trader – Specializes in options trading, swing trading options
Our team is very well diversified when it comes to trading. Our current team knowledge is strong enough to teach multiplet approaches to trading the stock market. We are here to help provide multiple avenues for learning for any and all of our Elite members.