Derek Rake – Dark Rapport & Dark Rake Method


Dark Rapport
Build Intense Sexual Rapport At Record Speed
Discover How To Create Speed Rapport And Completely Eliminate The “Friend Zone” Problem

Discover the quickest way to escalate from the “Rapport” stage to the “Attract” stage with the never-before-seen VAKSOG™ methodology

Completely sidestep the “Friend Zone” problem by brute-forcing her brain to alter her perception of you (from a friend to a lover)

Learn advanced Anchoring, Mirroring and the “Truth Camouflage” brain hack that will make her accept anything (yes, anything) you tell her as unquestionable truth!

Never get stuck in the dreadful Friend Zone again, ever
You’ll Learn How To Create Rapport The Right Way And Make Her See You As A Desirable Lover, Not A “Friend”

Discover the one and only reason why guys get friend-zoned (sidestep this very common pitfall and you’ll never be seen just as a “friend”) – PAGE 9

Know the foolproof way to build up rapport in the shortest time possible and escalate to the “Attract” stage easily – PAGE 26

Learn a simple, ten-word question which contains an Indirect Command which increases your desirability in her mind without her knowing what you’re really trying to do to her (very sneaky!) – PAGE 57

Learn about the “Rapport Inflexion Point” and how to use it as a surefire indicator that you have built enough rapport to escalate to “Attract” and “Enslave” stages – PAGE 45

Discover the groundbreaking VAKSOG Framework which shatters the mystery of how a woman’s mind develops sexual rapport with a man – PAGE 21

Understand how to “hack” the six (6) ways her mind processes the information that she receives from you to trick her mind into submitting to your charms – PAGE 18

Know how to master the advanced technique of combining Mirroring with the VAKSOG technique to take your body language skills to the next level – PAGE 43

Understand the advanced mechanics of placing Anchors on a woman by combining them with subtle VAKSOG triggers – PAGE 33

Find out about Linguistic Sequences, an advanced variation of Implanted Commands which lets you plant a suggestion inside a woman’s mind covertly – PAGE 49

Tool up with an arsenal of advanced Anchor triggers and gestures ready to be placed on the woman that you want to seduce – PAGE 36

Discover the Truth Camouflage Sequence which misdirects a woman’s attention into obeying your commands to her subconscious mind without question – PAGE 50

Find out about the one pitfall of the VAKSOG Framework that will sabotage your rapport building efforts to the point of no return (you must know this!) – PAGE 28

Learn how to place Negative Anchors in order to induce sickness in a woman (good for Boyfriend Destroying!) – PAGE 38

…and more!

Dark Rake Method
The Method “Seduction Gurus” DON’T Want You To Know About
The real Dark Rake Method consists of a set of two ebooks – two highly ‘covert’ hypnosis routines used by master seducers to make any woman fall in love with them in a matter of minutes

Developed with concepts of persuasion and influence and its application in the field of dating and seduction, the Dark Rake Method is designed to be the fastest way to success with women.

How to induce a hypnotic daze to covertly hypnotize someone in less than 3 minutes…and not found out.

Why old school hypnotists are totally clueless when it comes to using hypnotism to seduce women.

Biggest misconception about hypnotism you must avoid, and how it could hinder your progress with women.

The twin methods of inducing hypnotic state in women – using embedded commands and natural language.

The exact, word-for-word hypnotic lines a man can use to covertly suggest to women to make them fall in love immediately.

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Derek Rake – Dark Rapport & Dark Rake Method Contents: Pdfs