Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book


Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book Arm Yourself With The Most Advanced Intrigue Generation Tactics EverThree (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in everyday situationsThree (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in social environmentsThree (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in a noisy environment (clubs or bars)The most fundamental principle of Intrigue Generation – “L*** is A***** M***”A secret “hack” that brings your Intrigue Pings to the next level – infuse it with the same principle which powers up Implanted CommandsThe crucial differences between Shogun Method Intrigue Pings and Pickup Artist “opener routines” or pickup linesThe Five Grounding Principles of Intrigue Pings – obey all five and your success is pretty much guaranteedThe single most important aspect of the Intrigue stage inside the IRAE ModelThe art of timing your Intrigue Pings – especially crucial when you’re in a club or barWhy you don’t even need to be a good conversationalist to make a woman intriguedThe biggest misconception about the the initial approach – why you don’t NEED to spark instant attractionWhat if you “screw up” an Intrigue Ping? Follow this no-fail rebound strategyThe difference between face-to-face and text/online Intrigue PingsThe ONLY valid reason to use Intrigue Pings via text (warning: disobey this rule and you’ll see things go badly quickly!)(ADVANCED) How to use Intrigue Pings to put your target under trance…(ADVANCED) How to infuse your Intrigue Pings with trance-inducing statements, get your target to relax and put her guard down…(ADVANCED) The “L*** M*” Intrigue Ping that subconsciously increase your appeal in her mind – sneaky yet highly effective!EXCLUSIVE BONUS: BUY INTRIGUE BLACK BOOK™ AND GET “ASSHOLE GAME” FREE“Asshole Game” works tremendously well no matter if you’ve just met her, or if she’s your girlfriend or wife