
Depesh Mandalia – FAATT Framework

Original price was: ₹32,951.00.Current price is: ₹3,480.00.


What You Get:

Full on-demand video training with step by step videos, written instructions and links for additional insights.
​How to bypass many of the iOS14 restrictions at no additional cost to you
​No monthly fees for software you won’t use or need – we show you 80% of what they do for you, that you can instead install yourself at ZERO cost
​A solution designed for both tech and non-tech people
​Backed by SM Commerce agency experience overseeing tens of millions in annual trackable ads revenue
​Based on over 10 years research and implementation

​Bonus 1: FREE GA Ads Analysis Template
​Bonus 2: FREE Zapier Automation Templates for CAPI and Offline Conversions
​Bonus 3: Attribution Breakdown Explainer
​Bonus 4: iOS14.5+ Friendly Audience Targeting
​Bonus 5: iOS14.5+ Friendly Campaign Building