Denver Riddle – Color Grading Academy For DaVinci Resolve


Our objective is to help you improve your color grading so you can elevate your production style leading to more clients and better paying opportunities.File Size: 30 GB

Denver Riddle – Color Grading Academy For DaVinci Resolve


Course Description

Are you a filmmaker looking to improve your color grading either as a professional freelancer or small business owner? You know how important color grading is to the final product and in helping you ‘stand out’ from your competitors. That’s why we have designed a 4 week training school specifically for you that is a step-by-step guide to understanding the art and theory of color grading so you can tell better stories. Our objective is to help you improve your color grading so you can elevate your production style leading to more clients and better paying opportunities.

Follow step-by-step color correction and grading instruction plus mentoring*
Followa proper grading workflow
Learn how to match multiple cameras and shots in a scene
Learn strategies to help you work more quickly and efficiently
Learn how to get proper and natural looking skin tones
Learn in depth color theory so you can create “looks” that aid the story
Learn how to create looks that imitate popular feature films
You’ll receive certificate of completion upon completing the school

* Mentoring provided through private FB group
What people are saying about the school:

“It’s no understatement to say that your online course has provided me with some essential new skills – skills that I have been craving for years really without knowing it – and the benefits will be show up in my work. Many thanks and best of luck with everything.”BorisJänsch, Baci Films Ltd, U.K.
“[Your tutorials] are amazingly good. The presentation is clear, to the point and well thought out. I especially liked how you emphasized on the basics and workflow. That gives me a firm foundation and a clear roadmap of what needs to be done. Kudos to you for putting it up online…”Imran Saleh, Singapore
“What [Denver Riddle] has done with his tutorials is make color grading no longer too daunting, and no longer an after thought that people like myself could one day really venture into. His [tutorials] are amazing, and for me personally these have really helped me think about what potential stories I can tell, and how color will enhance the mood and feel of the story I am trying to convey.”Cecil Bonifacio, San Francisco, California
“You’ve been a fantastic teacher,… all your video’s on color grading central have helped me understand color grading and color correction in a much better way.”Ben Munro, Australia
“Thanks for such a great resource, Denver. I was awash in a sea of useless/no information online until I landed on your site. I wouldn’t say that I’m an expert at grading because of the tutorials you offer, but they definitely gave me the confidence and competence to know what’s involved and navigate my way around.”Noah Witchell, Omaha, Nebraska
“Thanks for sharing your valuable experience with us. Many people know a rare thing but very few reveal it.”Mazhar Shaik, Hyderabad, India
“[When] I discovered Color Grading Central, I was very impressed because for the first time, a colorist shared his working method to the world. And the results were great!”Lamberto Lamberti, Italy
Get immediately download Denver Riddle – Color Grading Academy For DaVinci Resolve

Course curriculum

Welcome Start Here First



Module 1

17DR101 Database Setup and Project Manager

17DR102 Preferences and Project Settings

17DR103 Interface Introduction

17DR104 Media Page

17DR105A Cut Page

17DR105B Edit Page

17DR106 Edit Tools Part 1

17DR107 Edit Tools part 2

17DR108A Fusion Page

17DR108B Color Page

17DR109 Fairlight

17DR110 Deliver Page

17DR111 Gallery Page

17DR112 Conforming Introduction

17DR113 Conforming with an XML

17DR114 Conforming with an EDL

Scene Cut Detection Exercise File

17DR116 Scene Cut Detection

17DR117 Fixing Scene Cut Detection Errors

17DR118 Round Tripping Part 1

17DR119 Round Tripping Part 2

17DR120 Resolving Conform Issues

Download Scopes Introduction Exercise Files

17DR121 Introduction to Video Scopes

Download Waveform Scope Exercise Files

17DR122 Waveform Scope

Download RGB Parade Exercise Files

17DR123 RGB Parade

Download Vectorscope Exercise Files

17DR124 Vectorscope

Download Histogram Exercise Files

17DR125 Histogram

17DR125B CIE Chromaticity

17DR126 Color Grading Workflow

Download Setting Exposure Exercise Files

17DR127 Setting Exposure

Download Color Balancing Exercise Files

17DR128 Color Balancing

Color Balancing with Color Overlay Waveform Exercise Files

17DR129 Color Balancing with the RGB Overlay Waveform

Download Broadcast Safe Exercise Files

17DR130 Broadcast Safe

17DR131 Using LUTs Overview

17DR132 Technical LUTs

Download Using LUTs for Speed Exercise Files

17DR132B Using LUTs for Speed

Download Using Creative LUTs Exercise Files

17DR133 Using Creatinve LUTs

17DR133B Resolve Color Management

17DR133C ACES Color Management

17DR133D Understanding Gamut

17DR133E Why Does My Output Look Bad?

Download Log Grading Exercise Files

17DR134 Log Grading

Download Working with RED Exercise Files

17DR135 Working with RED

Download Working with Blackmagic RAW Exercise Files

17DR136 Working with BlackMagic RAW

17DR137 Working with the hdr palette

DR137 HDR Palette Exercise Files

Questions and Comments about Module 1

Module 2

Working with Serial Nodes – Exercise Files

17DR201 Working with Serial Nodes

Working with Parallel Nodes – Exercise Files

17DR202 Working with Parallel Nodes

Working with Layer Mixers – Exercise Files

17DR203 Working with Layer Mixers

DR204 Exercise File

17DR204 Working with Key Mixers

Power Windows – Exercise Files

17DR205 Power Windows

Exploring the 3D Tracker – Exercise Files

17DR206A Exploring the 3D Tracker

Fine Tuning the Tracker Exercise Files

17DR206B Fine Tuning the Tracker

Stabilizing with the Tracker – Exercise Files

17DR206C Stabilizing with the Tracker

Advanced Cleanup with Power Windows – Exercise Files

17DR207 Advanced Cleanup with Power Windows

HSL Qualifier – Exercise Files

17DR208 HSL Qualifier

HSL Qualifier Advanced – Exercise Files

17DR209 HSL Qualifier (Advanced)

Hue Curves – Exercise Files

17DR210 Hue Curves

DR210B Color Warper Exercise Files

17DR210B Color Warper

DR210C Magic Mask Exercise Files

17DR210C Magic Mask

DR211 Keyframes Editor – Exercise Files

17DR211 Keyframes Editor

17DR212 Soft Clip Tools

Keeping Nodes Organized – Exercise Files

17DR213 Keeping nodes organized

Grading White Limbo – Exercise Files

17DR214 Grading White Limbo

HDR Grading Technique – Exercise Files

17DR215 HDR Grading Technique

Raccoon Eyes – Exercise Files

17DR216 Raccoon Eyes and Eye Retouching

Sky Replacement – Exercise Files

17DR217 Sky Replacement

Noise Reduction – Exercise Files

17DR218 Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction with Splitter/Combiner Nodes – Exercise Files

17DR218B Noise Reduction with Splitter Combiner

Overlaying Effects – Exercise Files

17DR219 Overlaying Effects

Working with OpenFX – Exercise Files

17DR220 Working with OpenFX

17DR221 Intro to Ideal Skin Tones

Correcting Skin Tones – Exercise Files

17DR222 Correcting Skin Tones

Correcting Darker Skin Tones – Exercise Files

17DR223 Correcting Darker Skin Tones

DR224 Exercise Files

17DR224 Correcting Lighter Skin Tones

DR224B Correcting with a Variety of Skin Tones Exercise Files

17DR224B Correcting Scenes with a variety of skin tones

Preserving Skin Tones with Parallel Nodes – Exercise Files

17DR225 Recovering Skin Tones with Parallel Nodes

Recover Blown Out Skin Tones – Exercise File

17DR226 Recovering Blown Out Skin Tones

Questions and Comments about Module 2

Get immediately download Denver Riddle – Color Grading Academy For DaVinci Resolve

Module 3

17DR301A Working with Remote Local Grades

17DR301B Working with Shared Nodes

17DR302 Working with Groups Part 1

17DR302B Working with Groups Part 2

17DR303 Using Gallery Stills

17DR304 Choosing a Hero Shot

Automated Grading Features – Exercise Files

17DR305 Automated Grading Features

17DR306 Exploring Different Viewer Modes

Using The Lightbox View – Exercise Files

17DR307 Using the Lightbox View

Matching Using the Split-Screen View – Exercise Files

17DR308 Matching Using the Split-Screen View

Shot to Shot Matching – Exercise Files

17DR309 Shot to Shot Matching

Shot to Shot Matching Advanced – Exercise Files

17DR310 Shot to Shot Matching Advanced

DR311 Exercise Files Part 1

DR311 Exercise Files Part 2

17DR311 Grading Multicam

Grading Multicam Advanced – Exercise Files

17DR312 Grading Multicam Advanced

Masterclass – Exercise Files

17DR313A Masterclass Basic Color Correction

17DR313B Part 2 Shot to Shot Matching

17DR313C Part 3 Grouping

17DR313D Part 4 Look Building Introduction

Questions and Comments about Module 3


Module 4

17DR401 What is the Goal

Creating Mood – Exercise Files

17DR402 Creating Mood

Suggesting Time of Day – Exercise Files

17DR403 Suggesting Time of Day

Contextual (Location Based) Looks – Exercise Files

17DR404 Contextual Looks

Dialing Looks to Taste – Exercise Files

17DR405 Dialing Looks to Taste

Creating Looks Around Skin Tones – Exercise Files

17DR406 Creaing Looks Around Skin Tones

17DR407 Contrasts of Color Introduction

Contrast of Light and Dark – Exercise Files

17DR408 Contrast of Light and Dark

Complementary Contrast/Warm-Cool Contrast – Exercise Files

17DR409 Complementary Contrast

Contrast of Saturation – Exercise Files

17DR410 Contrast of Saturation

Contrast of Hue – Exercise Files

17DR411 Contrast of Hue

17DR412 Memory Colors and What Colors Mean

17DR413 Color Schemes and Harmonies

Creating Looks Based on Color Scheme – Exercise Files

17DR414 Creating Looks Based on Color Scheme

Bleach Bypass – Exercise Files

17DR415 Bleach Bypass

B&W Look – Exercise Files

17DR416 B&W Look

Day for Night Look – Exercise Files

17DR417 Day for Night

Cross Process Look – Exercise Files

17DR418 Cross Process Look

Vintage Looks – Exercise Files

17DR419 Vintage Looks

Cosmetic Look – Exercise Files

17DR420 Cosmetic Look

Orange/Teal – Exercise Files

17DR421 Orange Teal

Wes Anderson Look – Exercise Files

17DR422 Wes Anderson Look

Questions and Comments about Module 4