
Denver Riddle – Color Grading Academy For Adobe Premiere

Original price was: ₹239,700.00.Current price is: ₹20,418.00.


Course Description

Why Can’t I Color Grade Like That?
Denver Riddle – Color Grading Academy For Adobe Premiere
Chances are you’re either a filmmaker or an editor and you handle all of you’re own color grading inside of Premiere (the buck stops with you). But you might be feeling frustrated when you’re not getting the results that you’re looking for. You may feel overwhelmed with the Lumetri Color panel or you may even watch a film or project and say to yourself, “Why can’t I grade like that?”

Well I know how you feel and I’ve been there. In fact I remember the day years ago that my boss told me my grading was either “too extreme” or “looked muddy.” He then assigned the project to somebody else! This was a major blow to my creative ego and to say it made me feel inadequate is an understatement.

Well the good news is color grading is my obsession and so I didn’t want to give up. Through years of practice and study I was able to discover the groundbreaking techniques that top colorists from around the world use. Techniques that I used when grading commercials for big brands like Facebook and on films with theatrical releases.
Take. Action.

Imagine for a moment what it would feel like knowing that you’re getting the most cinematic look from your camera. How it would feel to be complimented on the style of your work. What would it mean to stand out from your competitors who are likely not even thinking of color grading or very good at it? And how would it feel to land a big project with a major client? You can do it and I’m here to help you.

Step-By-Step Mentoring

What if you were only one technique or tutorial away from getting the results you’re looking for in Adobe Premiere? What if there was someone willing to mentor you every step of the way? Someone willing to open up and share their top grading techniques and share with you how color theory can have an impact on your grading.

The Color Grading Masterclass for Adobe Premiere is 6 months in the making. Yes you heard that right, 6 months to ensure that all the basics, virtually every question is covered and no stone left unturned. We have surveyed extensively and have received feedback from our members so that we know all the key points to cover.

I have a keen interest in helping you to see results in your color grading. We have thousands of satisfied members but what I’m interested in where you’re currently at, the struggles you’re currently going through and helping you get to the finish line. When you feel confident in your abilities and you celebrate your success is when I’ll celebrate. Feel free to peruse the masterclass curriculum and I’m always one email away if you have a question or need some feedback.

What You Get

A step-by-step color grading training program

Opportunities to ask questions and get answers from me

Nearly 70 in-depth training titles

Exercise files so you can download and follow along with

A proper color grading workflow

Easy to follow system for matching multiple cameras and shots in a scene

Strategies to help you work more quickly and efficiently

In-depth series on getting proper and natural looking skin tones

In-depth color theory series so you can create “looks” that aid the story

Breakdown series on creating the looks of popular feature films

A certificate of completion upon completing the masterclass
Course curriculum
Module 01



Download Exercise Files – Setting Up a Timeline in Premiere Pro

Setting Up a Timeline in Premiere Pro

Color Grading Workflow in Premiere Pro


Download Exercise Files – Introduction to Lumetri Scopes

Introduction to Scopes in Lumetri


Download Exercise Files – Lumetri Waveform Scopes

Lumetri Waveform Scopes


Download Exercise Files – Lumetri Parade Scopes

Lumetri Parade Scopes

Download Exercise Files – Lumetri Vectorscopes

Lumetri Vectorscope

Lumetri Histogram Scopes

Comments and questions about scopes

Download Exercise Files – Setting Exposure in Premiere Pro

Setting Exposure in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Color Balancing in Premiere Pro

Color Balancing in Premiere Pro


Download Exercise Files – Obsolete Color Effects in Premiere Pro

Obsolete Color Effects in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Color Balancing With The RGB Overlay

Color Balancing With The RGB Overlay

Download Exercise Files – Broadcast Safe in Premiere Pro

Broadcast Safe in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Overview of LUTs in Premiere Pro

Overview of LUTs in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Create, Add and Save LUTs in Premiere Pro

Create, Add and Save LUTs in Premiere Pro


Download Exercise Files – Using Technical LUTs in Premiere Pro

Using Technical LUTs in Premiere Pro

Using Creative LUTs in Premiere Pro

Comments and questions about LUTs

Color Management

Download Exercise Files – Working With RED RAW in Premiere Pro

Working With RED RAW in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Working With Black Magic Cinema Raw in Premiere Pro

Working With Black Magic Cinema Raw in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Working With LOG in Premiere Pro

Working With LOG in Premiere Pro

Coments and Questions about Module 1


Module 02

Download Exercise Files – Secondary Corrections With Vignettes and Masks

Secondary Corrections With Vignettes and Masks

Download Exercise Files – Effects and Mask Tracker in Premiere Pro

Effects And Mask Tracker in Premiere Pro


Comments and questions about masks, vignettes and tracking

Download Exercise File – Hue Saturation Curve Tool in Premiere Pro

Hue Saturation Curve Tools in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – HSL Secondary Corrections in Premiere Pro

HSL Secondary Corrections in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – HSL Advanced Secondary Corrections in Premiere Pro

HSL Advanced Secondary Corrections in Premiere Pro

Comments and questions about HSL controls

Download Exercise Files – HDR Grading Technique in Premiere Pro

HDR Grading Technique in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Grading White Limbo in Premiere Pro

Color Correcting White Limbo in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Keyframing Effects in Premiere Pro

Keyframing Effects in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Raccoon Eyes Technique in Premiere Pro

Raccoon Eyes Technique in Premiere Pro

Introduction to Ideal Skin Tones


Download Exercise Files – Correcting Skin Tones in Premiere Pro

Correcting Skin Tones

Download Exercise Files – Correcting Darker Skin Tones in Premiere Pro

Correcting Darker Skin Tones

Download Exercise Files – Correcting Lighter Skin Tones in Premiere Pro

Correcting Lighter Skin Tones

Download Exercise Files – Recovering Skin Tones in Premiere Pro

Recovering Skin Tones

Comments and questions about grading skin tones

Export Options and Formats

Comments and Questions about Module 2

Module 03

Grade Management in Premiere Pro

Download Exercise Files – Grade Management in Premiere Pro

Picking a Hero Shot

Download Exercise Files – Shot to Shot Matching in Premiere Pro

Shot to Shot Matching

Download Exercise Files – Shot to Shot Matching Advanced in Premiere Pro

Shot to Shot Matching Advanced

Download Exercise Files – Shot to Shot Matching Multiple Cameras

Shot to Shot Matching Multiple Cameras

Download Exercise Files – Grading Multicam

Grading Multicam

Download Exercise Files – Grading Multicam Advanced in Premiere Pro

Grading Multicam Advanced

Download Exercise Files – Building the Base Correction

Masterclass Part 1: Building the Base Correction


Download Exercise Files – Shot to Shot Matching and Secondaries

Masterclass Part 2: Shot to Shot Matching and Secondaries

Download Exercise Files – Grouping

Masterclass Part 3: Grouping

Download Exercise Files – Looking Building Intro and Delivery

Masterclass Part 4: Look Building Intro and Delivery

Comments and Questions about Module 3


Module 04

What is The Goal?

Download Exercise Files – Creating Mood

Creating Mood

Download Exercise Files – Suggesting Time of Day

Suggesting Time of Day

Download Exercise Files – Contextual Looks

Contextual Looks

Download Exercise Files – Dialing Looks to Taste

Dialing Looks to Taste

Download Exercise Files – Creating Looks Around Skin Tone

Creating Looks Around Skin Tones


Download Exercise Files – Auditioning Different Scene Versions

Auditioning Different Scene Versions

Contrasts of Color Introduction

Download Exercise Files – Contrast of Light and Dark

Contrasts of Light and Dark

Download Exercise Files – Complementary Contrast and Warm Cool Contrast

Complementary Contrast and Warm Cool Contrast


Download Exercise Files – Contrast of Saturation

Contrast of Saturation

Download Exercise Files – Contrast of Hue

Contrast of Hue

Memory Colors and What Certain Colors Mean

Color Schemes and Harmonies


Download Exercise Files – Creative Looks Based on a Color Scheme

Creative Looks Based on a Color Scheme

Download Exercise Files – Bleach Bypass Look

Bleach Bypass Look

Download Exercise Files – Black and White Look

Black And White Look

Download Exercise Files – Day for Night Look

Day For Night Look

Download Exercise Files – Cross Process Look

Cross Process Look


Download Exercise Files – Vintage Looks

Vintage Looks

Download Exercise Files – Cosmetic Look

Cosmetic Look

Download Exercise Files – Orange Teal Look

Orange Teal Look

Download Exercise Files – Wes Anderson Look

Wes Anderson Look

Comments and Questions about Module 4