Declan MC, Venkata Ramana & Manny Hanif – Total Ecom TakeOver



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Declan MC, Venkata Ramana & Manny Hanif – Total Ecom TakeOver
Fool-Proof Blueprint Shows How You Can Use Facebook Ads + Shopify To Generate $694 In Profit In 24 Short Hours
When You Join Total eCom Takeover, you’ll discover…

How YOU can easily find products that are guaranteed to sell in 5 minutes or less…
How to get your store setup TODAY with ZERO out of pocket expense, even if you don’t have any design or coding skills… it’s “point and click” easy…
The “copy and paste” method for getting CONVERTING traffic for pennies…
Start With $5 And Scale Up To $100+ PROFIT Per Day!

Limited Budget For Ads? No Problem… Start With $5 And Scale Up To $100+ PROFIT Per Day!

We’ll Show You How To Get Facebook To Send You Converting Traffic For Pennies…
Building A Six-Figure Business With Shopify Is As Easy As 1, 2, 3…
1. Quickly find products that people want to buy (We’ll show you how)

2. You need to be able to get Shopify setup fast… even if you’re not tech-savvy (Watch our step-by-step videos and you’ll be ready to go TODAY)

3. Get Facebook to send you hordes of “penny” traffic that converts… (We’ve cracked the code to getting conversions for pennies…)
Hi there, Declan here with Venkata and Manny…
Seeing all the buzz around eCommerce and Shopify, I tried my hand at it…
I know you’re probably expecting me to tell you how much money I made and how easy it was, but…
Failure Was Not An Option…

I noticed others out there doing really well with Shopify, and I knew that I could do the same.
I started to closely study what others were doing, bought a few courses, and began to look for patterns…
You’ve probably heard the phrase that “success leaves clues…”
…and it’s true. It does.
After regrouping and working with Venkata and Manny, we tried this again…
One of the things I struggled with in the beginning was finding a product.
I really struggled with this, and I know others do as well… Maybe you can relate?
After some trial and error and spending a lot of time looking at what others are doing…
…We uncovered a formula that makes choosing a product that is guaranteed to sell VERY simple.
In fact, I can now find a profitable product that I can EASILY source within 5 minutes or less.
I also realized I was making some big mistakes with my traffic generation…
After closely looking at what others were doing to drive traffic, and doing a lot of testing, Manny, Venkata, and I finally cracked that code too and figured out a system for setting up simple Facebook campaigns that convert like crazy for PENNIES!
We got everything setup and tried again…
…luckily, with the new formula we had come up with, this didn’t take very long…
After a couple of hours of simple “work,” we were ready to try this again…
We Went Through My Final Checklist…

1. Awesome product that people will buy –
2. Store setup for maximum conversions and profit –
3. Easy and inexpensive traffic ready to go –
We got the traffic turned on and flowing…
After a couple of hours, I checked our stats, and this is what happened…
This Method For Success With Shopify Is…

Simple… you don’t need any special tech skills or experience to see results…
Works for anyone that follows it… if you can follow basic instructions, you can see success quickly…
Repeatable… You can make hundreds of dollars per day with a TINY investment in Facebook ads… (start with as little as $5)

Now, When It Comes To Making Money With Shopify, You’re Probably In One Of These 3 Groups…

Group #1
You’ve seen other people making big money with Shopify by investing a small amount in traffic and you want to discover how to do it yourself…

Group #2
You’ve tried to make money with Shopify in the past and you struggled to make any decent money… or worse… you might have even lost money…

Group #3
You’re starting to see some results with Shopify, but you want to find a way to SPEND LESS on traffic and get even BIGGER results and scale this to SIX FIGURES and beyond!
It doesn’t matter what group you’re in…
Total Ecom Takeover Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Get Started With As Little As $5…

…And Make Hundreds Of Dollars In Profits Within 24 Short Hours From This Very Second

So Don’t Waste A Single Moment.. Get Started Now
Inside Total eCom Takeover, You’ll Get Access To…

70 “Over the Shoulder” Videos that walk you through everything you need to do to get to $100+ per day in 48 hours or less… it’s like having an eCommerce expert coming to your home or office and showing you what to do… every step of the way… with no stones left unturned.
8 Video modules filled with everything you need to start making money within 24 hours from right now…
Although this training is simple for ANYONE to follow and see results, you’ll also get access to world class support…

Here’s Just A Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside…

How to get started TODAY even if you have never made a penny online or failed with eCommerce in the past
The simple 5-minute formula for finding a product you can start selling right away… We break this down for you and make it simple… no more wondering if something will sell… you’ll know before you even launch your new Shopify store
Which product categories sell the best and why… you’ll become an expert at how to quickly find and source products that are “winners”
The simple, step-by-step method to get your new Shopify store setup… we make this “point and click” simple, and you can have your new store up and running, with NO investment out of your pocket…
The exact method we use to consistently get traffic is revealed and simplified… Simply “copy and paste” what we’re doing inside the course and you’ll NEVER worry about getting traffic ever again…
Don’t have a lot of money to spend on ads? No problem… We show you how to start with less than $5 and scale that up to a $100+ PROFIT in as little as 24 hours…
The biggest mistake most eCommerce marketers make and how to avoid the pitfalls that will lead to failure…
How to make a consistent $100 per day in profit without ever holding any inventory or making a trip to the post office to mail items to people… Fulfillment takes just a few clicks of the mouse and we show you exactly how to do this…
The secret method we use to sell MORE dollars per customer and increase our profits overnight… many marketers drop the ball here and leave a fortune on the table…
The exact tools we use to simplify sourcing products and getting everything setup… Don’t worry, most of them won’t cost you a penny!
How to quickly scale up your income to six-figures without increasing your workload and time spent… This will show you exactly how you can build an eCommerce EMPIRE and quit your day job… for good!
Plus, a whole lot more…

This is the easiest, most-complete Shopify method that ANYONE can use to make $100+ per day… If you follow our step-by-step system to success… you WILL make money.
Here’s Why This Is Better Than Any Other Facebook Ads, Shopify, Teespring, or eCommerce Training Out There…

It won’t cost you an arm and a leg… Some eCom courses costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars, but you won’t pay anywhere near that today… Plus, we’ve got a very special discount lined up for you, so you can get started today even if you don’t have a ton of cash on hand…
We’ve structured this training so that ANYONE, regardless of tech skills or prior knowledge can quickly see success…
The results from this method are PROVEN… not just for a day or two… We have proof that comes from multiple products over months of testing and tracking… We didn’t just wake-up one day and decide to become “eCom experts”
You’ll discover our simple 5-minute formula for finding WINNING products… the part of the process that most people struggle with…
You’ll learn a simple method for driving traffic that won’t cost you a fortune, and we cover how to start small and scale up by reinvesting your profits… this means ANYONE can do this, regardless of budget or experience…

Are You Ready To Start Making $100+ Per Day In As Little As 24 Hours From Right Now?

If you were going to pay an eCom expert to come to your home or office, take you by the hand, and show you the exact steps to success with Shopify… you’d spend a small fortune…
It would EASILY set you back $500-$1,000… possibly more.
But, even at that price, it would be worth it right?
If someone came up to you and offered to give you $3,000, or more, per month, for a one-time investment of $1,000, what would you say?
Of course, if you had the $1,000 available to spend, you’d say YES to that deal, right?
Who wouldn’t?
But we realize that the people that can benefit from this the most, may not have that kind of money to invest…
Although we may bundle this up into a high-end group coaching program in the future, we’ve decided to release this at a HUGE discount right now and create hundreds or even thousands of success stories of people using the Total eCom Takeover method to make $100+ per day…
You won’t have to invest $1,000 today.
Not even $500… or even $100…
Now, here’s Why You Need To Get Total eCom Takeover Today…

This is structured as a dime sale, so the price is increasing with every sale.
If you come back tomorrow, you will spend more money for this training…
Total eCom Takeover is an opportunity for making moneywith Shopify that speaks for itself… but we want to make it REALLY easy for you to say “YES” today…
Now Is The Time For You To Join The Ranks Of People Making $100+ Per Day With The Total eCom Takeover Method?

Yes, I’m ready to start making $100+ per day in profit
Yes, I understand that this method is created to be so easy, anyone can follow it and see results
Yes, I understand that Total eCom Takeover is a COMPLETE method that will show me how to get targeted traffic for PENNIES and turn it into sales
Yes, I’m ready to start making money within 48 hours from RIGHT NOW