
Debra Benton – How to Act Like a CEO

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Debra Benton – How to Act Like a CEO
How To Act Like A CEO. 10 Rules for Getting to the Top and Staying There. In the follow-up to her bestselling How to Think Like a CEO, #1 executive coach Debra Benton’s work with top-level executives from AT&T, Colgate, Pepsi, Mobil Oil, N abisco, and American Express, and her interviews with 100 CEOs worldwide reveal 10 “rules of the game” for managers, Rules CEOs apply for everyday success, Managerial pointers for readers on how to apply each rule in their professional lives.
Whether you’re a CEO now or on your way to becoming one, you want to be a good one. No, a great one! That’s wonderful. That’s what is needed in the businessworld. Your employees, customers, investors, community, and competitors will demand it. But most importantly you want to be the best because that’s the kind of person you are. Like California winemaker, Robert Mondavi says, “Even when I played marbles as a child, I wanted to be the best.” You are who I like to work with. You have basic ambition, drive, and talent. You’ll put the effort in, and you’ll make a difference in the world for all the people around you. You’ll be what Super bowl Champion Denver Broncos coach, Mike Shanahan, wants on his team, “A difference maker.”
“Some people grow up with a certain hunger to excel. They aren’t always sure what form that hunger will take. Whether they will end up in law, business, acting, or racecar driving. But they develop a desire to excel and succeed and through sheer hard work and continuous improvement get there,” says Ed Liddy, CEO of Allstate. “If you’re in business it helps if you’re fortunate to work for a great CEO. Then be watchful and observe what works and doesn’t work. And be open to modify your style. But be careful who you hang around with.”
Truth is, as good as you are now you probably could do about 1000 percent more than you thought you could. And you can do it starting today. “Some CEOs think the day they become CEO is the high point of their career. They ought to feel they’re just beginning,” says Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric. And really, every day you are beginning anew and what is required to be the best today is to beat the best. – D. A. BENTON
About Author:
D.A. Benton founded Benton Management Resources in 1976 to provide executive development and career counseling. She has worked in seventeen countries and her numerous media appearances around the world have brought her wide acclaim. Her clients include AT&T, American Express, Pepsi, United Airlines, Nabisco, Mobil Oil, PricewaterhouseCoopers & Lybrand, and NASA. Benton is also the bestselling author of How to Think Like a CEO and Secrets of a CEO Coach.
Debra Benton is an effective, charismatic and powerful speaker/consultant/author. In 1976, she founded Benton Management Resources, and has since been in business successfully for over 30 years. She has helped professionals worldwide design subtle changes in their presentation, attitude and leadership style that increased their personal and professional effectiveness – and subsequently their financial status.
Her client list reads like a “Who’s Who” in successful business today. Benton’s style and ability to influence positive change has put people “in office,” made companies millions, accelerated career advancement and created a beneficial ripple effect throughout numerous organizations.
Benton coaches corporate executives, politicians and business leaders on their organizational impact in every industry imaginable. Every Week Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company feature one of Benton’s previous or current clients.
From thousands of in-depth interviews with high-profile leaders, Benton has written eight books and numerous articles in business publications including the Harvard Business Review and The Wall Street Journal. Her best-selling books have been translated into fourteen languages.
Her expertise has afforded her front-page coverage in The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. She has been repeatedly written about in Time, BusinessWeek, Fortune, The New York Times and has been a welcome guest on the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN and interviewed by Diane Sawyer for CBS.
As an internationally recognized communications and interpersonal relations expert Benton is a popular keynote speaker. She has spoken to hundreds of organizations including American Express, United Airlines, Viacom, McKinsey & Company, Comcast, Kraft, Hewlett-Packard, U.S. Border Patrol, Lockheed Martin ….in 18 countries before audiences as large as 5,000 on such topics as: Executive Charisma, How to Think and Act Like the Best CEOs, and the Art of Leadership. As a speaker, Benton has consistently achieved a rating in the top 2% of all presenters.
Although has never been in the military she served her country by observing Naval leadership on the U.S.S. Clarke missile frigate. She was later invited onboard the U.S.S. Washington aircraft carrier to study military leadership with a group traveling with General Abizaid in the Middle East. Benton has repeatedly worked with most branches of the military including several assignments with the Veteran’s Administration and the U.S. Border Patrol.
Benton has been on the Editorial Advisory Board for the Rocky Mountain News and was a Career Expert for CBS affiliate, KMGH-TV. She holds a B.S. in Economics and Finance from Colorado State University and is the recipient of the school’s Distinguished Alumni Award.
Benton lives in Colorado with her husband, a retired cowboy and ranch manager, Rodney Sweeney.
Debra Benton is the author of Secrets of a CEO Coach, Lions Don’t Need to Roar, How to Think Like a CEO, and The $100,000 Club. Debra’s most recent book was reviewed by Harvey MacKay “Benton knows what it takes to take you to the top.” With her friendly yet authoritative style, her presentations on attitude & redirecting energy, understand what the outside of you says about the inside of you, while motivating and inspiring her audiences.