Deb Soule – The Feminine Way of Plant Medicine


The beauty and hope of herbs and other plant medicines can help us to build a close relationship with the Earth. — one based on mutual respect and care.

Deb Soule – The Feminine Way of Plant Medicine

Discover medicinal plants and tonic herbs most valued for women’s health — to heal and thrive during your specific cycle of life.
Do you have a favorite plant or tree whose leaves or fruit you anxiously await each year — to craft a tea, tonic, or tincture?
The enjoyment and healing derived from our relationship with the plant medicines we grow starts long before we apply or ingest them…
Herbs and other plant medicines offer us hope, beauty, and the opportunity to create an intimate relationship with the Earth — one based on mutual respect and care.
The Daily use of The use of herbal remedies allows us to take care of our families, our communities, and ourselves.
Our herbal wisdom connects to healers and herbalists throughout history who have relied on the healing power of herbs of plants.
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Your intimate relationship with medicinal plants
Connecting deeply to those living, growing “beings,” including the soil, offers you an opportunity to not only better know a plant’s healing qualities and growing requirements, it can Take care of your mind, body and soul..
When you’re attuned to a plant’s essence or “spirit,” you’re awakened to how its energies and life cycles synergize with yours.
For example, seeds awaken when they are placed in moist soil. When you add them to your teas or tinctures, they will offer the same awakening energy.
And using seeds as medicine and saving them from your garden, as well as growing and eating food that your ancestors ate connects you with your roots and the Earth — honoring both the plant’s life cycle and your own.
These simple acts can help heal any injuries in your body.To celebrate and continue the lineage of Both your people as well as your plants.
Pay attention to the beauty, smells, and vastness of nature. of flowers, you can Find inspiration on both the physical and spiritual levelsThey can help you feel more connected, awake, and embodied, instead of feeling isolated and disconnected.
Working with the soil to produce healing plants can give us a deep spiritual grounding. We also have the opportunity to bring about reciprocity in this relationship through the use of of Organic, biodynamic gardening practices that are good to the Earth.
We can also bless others as we sow seeds or gather harvests. This allows us to energetically express our gratitude and positive intentions for the plants that can heal.
We can also look to the rhythms of the season and solar and lunar cycles to discover when it’s best to plant and harvest. Our ancestors have looked to the moon’s phases for centuries to raise vital crops.
Discovering a Plant’s Spirit Expands Your Knowledge of Herbalism
Herbs replenish and restore your body’s health and vitality by supporting its inherent metabolic processes of Strengthening, toning and rebuilding.
You can learn more about the healing properties of berries, leaves, flowers, seeds, roots, roots, and seeds. of their healing powers — beyond the physical — when you look deeper, into a plant’s “spirit” or intrinsic essence.
For example, medicinal roots — the foundation of a plant — help to strengthen your inner core, cultivate confidence, and feel present and rooted.
Liver-Supporting herbs that support adrenal function are especially important for women because they help balance hormones and mood swings, and promote emotional resilience.
Flower essences nourish your self-Empowerment, dignity, inner harmony, healing capacity.
There are also specific flowers which support breast health, liver health, lymph, nerves and skin.
These include herbal breast oil, herbs, and dietary regimes for supporting vaginal well-being.
Explore the Feminine Way of Plant Medicine Talk to a respected expert
In The Feminine Way of Plant MedicineAuthor, teacher, herbalist, gardener, and author Deb Soule Invites you to bring your plants “to life,” They can be grown and made natural medicines, but it is also important to look beyond their physical attributes and reach their spiritual essences.
She’ll also share the feminine approach to raising medicinals — through Biodynamic gardening is about utilizing seasonal, solar, or lunar cycles for harvesting wisdom and blessings to your crops as you sow them..
And she’ll share practical wisdom she’s cultivated over decades of growing and crafting plant medicines…
… including how to determine the vitality and therapeutic quality of herbs by how they’re grown, gathered, prepared, and stored, herbal dosage and safety considerations, and how to prepare and use herbal infusions, decoctions, tinctures, elixirs, foot baths, and spiritual healing baths from fresh and dried herbs.
Get your instant download Deb Soule – The Feminine Way of Plant Medicine
She’ll also introduce Herbal teas and tonics for the menopause, menopause and elderlyIncluding medicinal herbs for supporting your heart, liver, digestion and memory.
Deb She has more than 30 years of experience in growing, preparing, using and storing medicinal herbs. Her view on herbalism is deeply rooted in her work. of The Earth as a living thing.
In this 7-Module journey into the feminine path of plant medicine, you’ll:

Determine the quality of herbs — how they’re grown, gathered, prepared, and stored affects their vitality and therapeutic benefits
Prepare and use herbal infusions and tinctures, elixirs and foot baths made from fresh and dried plants.
Know the safety and dosage of herbs
A daily meditation practice will help you to strengthen your relationship with plants, and your connection to Mother Earth.
Find herbs and lifestyle tips to improve memory, mental clarity, inner harmony, and mood.
Investigate roots that support detoxification. Balance, digestion, and immunity.
Low libido? Get herbal support and lifestyle coverage
Relax your nervous system by studying herbs that promote sleep.
Give a seed-Prayer planting
Identify specific berries or seeds that support heart health, nerves and liver health, immunity, vaginal health, and kidney health
For heart palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations, agitation, and grief relief, you can try herbs.
Learn how to use seed for healing intergenerational trauma
For meeting the spirit, meditate of A plant whose seeds or fruits are used to treat a disease.

And much more…
Women have used medicinal plants throughout history to support their relationships with the Earth, the cosmos and their spirituality. In The Feminine Way of Plant Medicine, Deb These healing plants will help you to strengthen your relationship with yourself, your community, the Earth, and others.
And you’ll discover the feminine way of Plant medicine can be used as a spiritual path for body, mind and soul. The lives of others of The growing “beings” That aid in our healing, the earth, and the land.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
This 7-Module transformational intensive Deb will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully practice the daily use of Herbal remedies that empower you to take care of yourself, your family and your community.
Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to look beyond the physical qualities of plants and into their spiritual essences.
Module 1: Remembering Our Roots as Herbalists & Healers

Herbal wisdom connects us with herbalists and healers from all ages who have tapped into the healing power of herbs of plants.
When we look at their potential benefits, it is possible to use herbal teas, tinctures and baths that enhance our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being beyond their prescribed uses. “spirits” — those qualities that make them nutritive to the soul, as well as the mind and body.
We can also start our healing and help heal the Earth with how we work in our gardens, offering blessings and other reciprocity practices — many used by our ancestors — to energetically connect with the land.
The Daily use of The use of herbal remedies allows us to take care of our families, our communities, and ourselves.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:

You can cultivate a daily meditation practice to deepen your relationship and connection with Mother Earth.
Harmonize with the lunar, solar, and seasonal rhythms
For gathering and preparing plant medicines, create a reciprocity policy
Determine the quality of herbs — how they’re grown, gathered, prepared, and stored affects their vitality and therapeutic benefits
Prepare and use herbal infusions and tinctures, elixirs and foot baths made from fresh and dried plants.
Know the safety and dosage of herbs
Flower essences can be used to nourish our self.-Empowerment, dignity, inner harmony and the ability to heal

Module 2: Herbal Teas & Tonics for Menstruating Years, Menopause & Elderhood

Herbs replenish and restore health and vitality of the body by supporting the body’s inherent metabolic processes of Toning, strengthening, and rebuilding. Women should take extra care to support their liver and adrenal function. These herbs balance hormones and mood swings, and increase emotional resilience.
In this module, you’ll discover:

You should have a variety of herbal teas that you can enjoy regularly in your pantry
The Role of Hormonal imbalances in the liver
Herbs for supporting liver function
Herbs that reduce stress and support adrenal function.
Lifestyle and herbs that can improve memory, mental clarity, inner harmony, and mood

Module 3: Medicinal roots
Digging Deep

Medicinal roots strengthen our inner core, help us cultivate confidence and feel present and rooted throughout life’s varied journeys. Strong roots open up infinite possibilities. Root medicine, whether it is taken in the garden or as a dietary supplement, can help us to reconnect with the Earth. Root medicines can be taken for a time. of Time is a valuable resource.-lasting health benefits.
Download Haled immediately Deb Soule – The Feminine Way of Plant Medicine
In this module, you’ll discover:

Herbs and diets to maintain flexibility and healthy bones
Roots that support detoxification and digestion, balance, immunity, and immune system health
Lifestyle and herbal support for low levels of libido
Meditation for connecting with the spirit of A plant whose roots can be used to treat a disease.
Energetic qualities of The earth elements
Digging roots based upon the Biodynamic planting schedule

Module 4: Medicinal Leafs
Breathing in Vitality & Wholeness

The Colors, shapes, textures, and scents of The stories of leaves are endless. The Water contained in leaves and early morning dew that covers leaves are reminders of The transformative and magical power of magic of Water and herbs
In this module, you’ll discover:

Specific leaves are known to support heart health and liver function, digestion, memory, meditation, and other related functions.
Herbs that promote sleep and relaxation of the nervous system
A seed-Prayer planting
How to plant your holy basil plants directly from the seed
Meditation to meet the spirit of A plant whose medicinal leaves are used.
Energetic qualities of The water element

Module 5: Medicinal flowers
Enhancing Inner Beauty & Light

The Beauty, scent, and expansiveness of nature of Flowers are a source of healing on both a spiritual and physical level. They transform us from feeling isolated and disconnected into being present, awake, embodied. The Vibrant and subtle colors of For a nourishing and rejuvenating body and soul, flowers can be easily added to teas, massage oils and baths.
In this module, you’ll discover:

Flowers that support breast health, liver, lymph and nerves, as well as skin health
How to make your own homemade herbal breast massage oil
Support healthy vaginal tissue with diet and herbs
Flower baths to lift the spirit and increase inner peace
How to integrate flower essences into daily life
Meditation for meeting the Buddha “spirit” of A plant whose flower are used to treat illness
Energetic qualities of The air element

Module 6: Medicinal Berries & Seeds
Carriers of Memory

The seeds awaken when they are placed in moist soil. The same process can be achieved by adding seeds to our teas, tinctures, or foods. The healing power of seeds can be found in using them as medicine, growing and eating the food our Ancestors ate, as well as saving our own garden seeds.
In this module, you’ll discover:

Certain berries and seeds have been shown to support heart health, nerves and liver health, as well as immunity and vaginal health.
Herbs to soothe anxiety, heart palpitations (agitation), insomnia, and grief
Seeds for healing intergenerational trauma
Meditation to meet the spirit of A plant whose seeds or fruits are used to treat a disease.
Energetic qualities of The fire element

Module 7: Creating Herbal Gardens for People & Pollinators

Let’s spark an herbal revolution by encouraging more people to incorporate medicinal herbs and flowers into their window boxes, gardens, hedgerows, and farms for nourishing both people and pollinators.
All of We depend on healthy food for our survival, no matter if we are gardeners or simply enjoy the beauty of the land. of nature. Holistic systems are becoming more popular than ever. of Biodynamics, a form of agriculture, plays a vital role in helping to heal our ecosystems and protecting our seeds and pollinators.
In this module, you’ll discover:

Meditation to meet the spirit of A place or a garden
Design elements for healing gardens
Biodynamic gardening and agriculture
Specific medicinal plants that are beneficial to pollinators and people
How to create healing gardens in public places such as schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, community vegetable gardens, and farms.

Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seventy-eight people have recorded a record of 90-Minute Class Sessions Deb Soule
This rare opportunity presents an opportunity to mentor and learn from a well-respected herbalist Deb Soule — from the comfort of You can do this in your own home. Each class will guide you to develop the skills and abilities necessary to awaken your spiritual potential.
Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
Apart from the high prices,-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, highlight, and summarize the most important insights and practices.
Questions and Exercises for Every Lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of Answering questions, practicing new tools, or completing related exercises will help you to learn faster and integrate each session.
The Feminine Way of Plant Medicine Bonus Collection

A selection of Teachings Deb’s Archives

3 Video Instructions Deb Soule

Sustainable Nutrition: Food as Sustainable Nutrition Medicine, Medicine Food

Video teaching starting Deb Soule

Herbal Tonic Immunity

Video teaching starting Deb Soule

How to Move Like a Gardener

First 2 chapters of Ebook starting at Deb Soule

20% Discount on Avena Botanicals

Course Participant Discount Available Deb Soule’s Online Store

20% Discount on Floracopeia Store

Course Participant Discount From David Crow’s Online Store

You have an unrivalled opportunity to join The Feminine Way of Plant Medicine Virtual Training
We feel honored Deb Soule has chosen to partner The This exclusive online training is offered by Shift Network. This is an opportunity to learn from a herbalist, gardener, author, whose powerful insights, pioneering work, and exemplary work are helping us heal ourselves and our world.
Through this powerful online formYou can find more information att, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Deb’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!
If you’re serious about transforming your relationship with medicinal plants into one that heals you, others, and the land, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-Kind training
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.