David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses 2.0


So, my biggest, most awesome kick-ass digital program Create Awesome Online Courses: The proven step-by-step system for creating, promoting & profiting from online courses launches Tuesday morning (after over a year of research, planning and other fun stuff). Yes, I just said awesome twice in one sentence.Purchase David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses 2.0 courses at here with PRICE $997 $123 David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses 2.0Get David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses 2.0 at the CourseAvaiThe #1 Program in the World for Turning Your Expertise & Experience Into a Successful Online Course & Dream Business got a complete overhaul. Welcome to CAOC 2.0.Video 15 Steps To Coming Up With An Online Course That SELLSVideo 27 “Rookie Online Course Mistakes” To AvoidVideo 3The Simple Tools I Use To Create, Promote & Profit From Online CoursesThe Next StepCreate Awesome Online CoursesGAME PLAN:OBVIOUSLY: THE 5 STEPS TO COMING UP WITH A COURSE THAT SELLSSHARE WITH YOU A LITTLE OF MY NUTTY COURSE STORY (AND WHY ONLINE COURSES ROCK)THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MEDIAPRENEURS MAKE THE BLING BLING BY CREATING & SELLING THEIR OWN STEP-BY-STEP ONLINE COURSEReason #1 Punches dollars for hours in the faceHUGE leverage of your timeYou do a bunch of work up front and then can generate automated revenue 24/7..for YEARSReason #2Packaging up & sailing WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOWYou already know something other people want to learn from youReason #3You don’t need a HUGE amount of buyersOnline courses sell at a PREMIUM (more than say ebooks)Heck 1 buyer at day for a $497 course = $181,405 a year!Reason #4Positioning in the marketplace as a exportReason #5Big backend opportunityWHAT SELL5? And What Doesn’t?Get David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses 2.0 at the CourseAvaiSTEP-BY-STEP SYSTEMS HOW TO INFORMATION ACTUAL OUTCOMESTUFF YOU ‘ALREADY* KNOW (HAVE YOUR OWN RESULTS!) DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FOR YOUR ‘ENTIRE* AUDIENCE HAVE TO BE SPECIFIC IN TERMS OF WHO YOU ARE SELLING TO AND WHAT PRQBLEM YQU ARE SQLyiNQ FOR THEM OR AMgITIQN. YQU ARE HELPING THEM ACHIEVESTEP #1:PAY ATTENTION PRINCIPLETo como up with your ideaASK YOURSELF:WHAT TOPICS AM I ALWAYS ASKED ABOUT?WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON QUESTION I GET VIA EMAIL? -WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON QUESTION I GET ON MY BLOG/ SHOW/ONLINE PLATFORM?WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON QUESTION I GET ON SOCIAL MEDIA? -WHAT ARE OTHER FOLKS SELLING IN MY NICHE/ON TOPICS I KNOW?STEP #2: RESEARCH & “ TEST “ using your OWN platformON YOUR BLOG/SHOW/PLATFORM WAS THERE A “HOW TO” POST OR TOPIC THAT GOT A BIG RESPONSE?CREATE A YIDEO/SHOW/BLOG POST ON THE TOPIC YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT FOR YOUR COURSE AND SEE IF THERE IS A PASSIONATE RESPONSE(TRY: HOW TO GET STARTED, TIPS TO, YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH)STEP #3: BLOG POST & SURVEY ‘critical step*WRITE A BLOG POST/CREATE A VIDEO ASKING PEOPLE ABOUT THEIR KEY QUESTIONS ON THE SPECIFIC SUBJECT YOU CAME UPWITHCALL TO ACTION? NOT COMMENT BELOW… INSTEAD A VERY SIMPLE SURVEYWHY A SURVEY? BEGINNING OF YOUR YIP LISTSTEP #4: PROMOTEPROMOTE THE BLOG POST & SURVEY EVERYWHERE INCLUDING: YOUR CURRENT EMAIL LIST, SOCIAL MEDIA SITESEXAMPLE: HEY GUYS, SO I’VE BEEN GETTING A *TON* OF QUESTIONS ABOUT KETTLEBELL TRAINING SINCE I LOST 50 POUNDS LAST YEAR USING KETTLEBELLS. DO YOU HAVE BURNING QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW I DID IT & HOW YOU CAN DO IT? CHECK THIS OUT (LINK)STEP #5: ANALYZEPICK UP LANGUAGE USEDTHE KEY QUESTIONS WILL HELP YOU DEVELOP YOUR EXACT OUTLINE (YOU WILL BE SURPRISED WHAT YOU WILL LEARN)THESE FOLKS BTW WILL END UP SOME OF YOUR BEST CUSTOMERSDOESN’T MATTER IF YOUR FAN BASE IS SMALL!Whew, it has been one heck of a whirlwind over the past few months..and holy crap tomorrow is the day (Tuesday, June 18th).I feel like a proud parent but instead of creating a little human bundle of joy, I’ve birthed a kick-ass digital programSo, my biggest, most awesome kick-ass digital program Create Awesome Online Courses: The proven step-by-step system for creating, promoting & profiting from online courses launches Tuesday morning (after over a year of research, planning and other fun stuff). Yes, I just said awesome twice in one sentence.It is going to be a game-changer as it is going to help so many folks ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE (key!), generate revenue from their expertise and platform (i.e. your blog, web show and podcast) and stop trading dollars for hours.Am I a little excited? Well I’m currently shaking, haven’t had caffeine and I’m sweating a little. So, either I’m getting sick OR I’m super excited.Get David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses 2.0 at the CourseAvaiPurchase David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses 2.0 courses at here with PRICE $997 $123