David Shade – Deluxe Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms


David Shade – Deluxe Give Women Wild Screaming OrgasmsDo You REALLY Know How To Satisfy A Woman?What Women Secretly Wish You Knew About Sex…Deluxe Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms By David ShadeBut will never, ever tell you to your face!From:David ShadeDear Friend,If the subject of sex embarrasses you… or… if your religion teaches you sex is bad… or… if the idea of having extremely good sex offends you… please… stop reading now!However, If you’ve ever dreamed of discovering all the little-known secrets of truly heart-pounding sex (less than 1 out of 10,000 people know about this)… well… if that’s the case… then this will be the most exciting message you will ever read.Here is why…Thanks to the Internet, there is a new openness about sexuality sweeping the world. The normal desire to discover more (about sex) is now shared by millions of people around the world.Also in the last few years, it has become “OK” for men to admit they want (and deserve) to have a super exciting sex life, and also to admit they don’t understand woman, and don’t know exactly what to do to unleash her sexuality.Look, if you are at all tapped into your “animal intuition”, you know, deep down, that a amazing sex life is the foundation for good healthy relationships and a deeply-satisfying existence!There is just one small problem…Many So-Called Sex ExpertsAre Full Of Crap!When you set out to discover the secrets to having the best sex humanly possible, who can you trust to give you the NO B.S. truth about what will give you and your partner the best sex of your life?I had the same questions 19 years ago when my wife left me for a ‘bad boy’. I swore it would never happen again, and I set out to find the truth about women and great sex.It didn’t take me long to discover a very simple fact… You see, nearly every so-called “sex information” product I found on the market was little more than…A Silly Attempt To Pass OffBad Pornography AsReal Sexual Technique!And I discovered that most of the so-called “experts” you see on television… and especially on the Internet… do not know anything… about giving women knee-buckling orgasms by using truly superior sexual techniques combined with a deeper understanding of female sexuality.In fact, most of the advice comes from people in the academic community who are not actually having sex themselves. So they tend to focus on advice on improving your relationship through better ‘communication’ with your partner.And that may be fine, but the fact is…No Real Communication Can ExistWhere There Is Continued Sexual FrustrationDue To Lack Of Knowledge And Skills!Listen…. anyone can call themselves a sexual expert. But honestly, not one in a thousand learns anything new after their teenage years. And when these so-called ‘experts’ pass on bad information to the public, all it does is keep the majority of people in the Dark Ages about sex!It’s a tragedy. So many people just want to have healthy exciting sexual relationships, and all they get for their hard earned money is mostly useless crap! It’s just not fair. However, here is…The Most ExcitingSex News In Years!LIsten, if there is anyone who knows just how much bullshit sex advice there is out there… it’s me! I know, because I have wasted thousands of dollars buying better sex guides, and it got me nowhere.And that was before all the Internet sex-gurus started sprouting like mushrooms growing on cow dung. The come and go like they are part of the Whack-a-Mole arcade game.Believe me, I’ve probably thrown away more books, videos, and CD’s on sex than you can find at most bookstores. However I did do one thing that helped me find answers… answers that got results…I Tested EverythingOn Real Women!I’ll spare you the graphic details, let’s just say it took me a lot of women to figure things out.And I tried everything… including phone sex (which lead to my biggest breakthrough). Sometimes it meant the woman never called back, then I knew it didn’t work. Other times a woman wouldn’t stop calling, then I knew I was on to something.After about 9 years of hands on experimentation in my ‘Love Lab’… I discovered and refined aA Foolproof method forleading a woman to unleashher sexuality in full force.I refer to this as her ‘Inner Animal‘ and sometimes as her ‘Inner Sluttiness’. (If you really understand women, you know they love to be ‘slutty’ in the bedroom with the right man, but NEVER want to be referred to as a slut.)This is something that a woman could never tell you how to do, and even if she could, most guys are unable to handle a woman’s raw sexuality! (Don’t worry — I’ll show you how to be totally at ease with a highly sexual woman, even if you have little or no experience).To make my method work there are three critical pieces you must have and use every time. I call this the Erotic Equation. The video below explains…There are 3 modules, each of which covers one of the 3 parts of the Erotic Equation. First up are the beliefs about women and sex that hold you back. Time to undo the bullshit social condition.Module #1Cure Any ‘Nice-Guy-Itis’!Are you tired of being “just friends” with women?Do women tell you their troubles, then run off to hook up with some guy on a Harley, a jock or some tattooed guitar player?Maybe you’ve heard those bone chilling words “you’re a nice guy, but…”If you answered yes to one or more of those questions, then this module is where you need to start.Here’s why…If you are like most modern guys (and me), you were raised to be ‘nice’. Yet now you find yourself asking: “If I’m so nice, why isn’t my sex life better?” The secret is in this simple formula…Be a Good Guy in the living roomand a Bad Boy in the bedroomWhen you are outside the bedroom, be a good man. Show kindness, respect and be trustworthy. Outside the bedroom… be nice.In the bedroom be the highly sexual bad boy women find so exciting. Inside the bedroom take charge, be dominant and be naughty. In other words… be bad (but in a good way)Seems almost too simple doesn’t it? The problem is, most guys don’t have a clue on how to be the bad boy. (Actually, that’s not quite correct, I’ll tell you why in a minute)But Curing Nice Guy isn’t just about men, because fact is…What Women wantMen’s Health Magazine recently surveyed 1,600 women about their sexual desires….60% reported they wish they were having MORE sex!Women rated “pinning me against the wall for a long make-out session” as the #1 sexy seduction move!The following are the top four things they wanted their man to do…Ask her to pose naked!Talk dirty to her in bed!Kiss her passionately in front of her friends!Talk about sexual fantasies with her!Women are frustrated! Most women can’t find what they want. They either end up with a nice guy and boring lame sex, or they end up having great sex with a bad boy who ends up treating her like a used condom.When you hear a woman say a Good Man is HARD to find, this is what they mean. She wants a man who treats her with respect AND can ring her bell in the bedroom.Men are frustrated! Your whole life you’ve been doing what you were taught and have been nice… all the time, everywhere and to everybody.But, you don’t get the results with women you want, and bluntly the lets-just-be-friends thing sucks.Men aren’t satisfied, women aren’t satisfied. Modern society has let us down by creating so many nice guys. When the reality is…Women Want More Sex!And what they really desire is a man who makes his woman feel appreciated, is sexually exciting and can give her wild screaming orgasms. Women fantasize about a man like this constantly. It’s why they read 400 page romance novels.Women write me all the time and tell me how hard it is to find a Masterful Lover, so the way I see it, Cure Nice Guy cuts two ways. Both men and women will have better sex and better relationships.You Aren’t Broken Most so called self help is designed to convince the person they are fundamentally ‘broken’ and need to be ‘fixed’. Most nice guys ain’t broken. You just have your Nice Guy Switch stuck in the ON position. I know what it’s like, I once had the same problem.Do you get uncomfortable at the thought of bending a woman over a couch, entering her from behind, smacking her ass and talking dirty to her? This is your Nice Guy programming, and it keeps you from doing what women desperately want from their man.Inside you is a sexual creature who would love to have crazy monkey sex. Your nice guy belief system tells you it’s wrong, or it would offend a ‘nice girl’. Fact is, in the context of heightened sexual arousal nice girls love to get ‘ravished’ and ‘taken’ by a dominant man.And I know it’s a problem that can be solved by taking small steps. You don’t have to change, you just need to learn how to tap into things you already have. All men have an inner bad boy. You just need to learn to let your bad boy out to play when the time is right.We are all bornsexual creatures, but…there is no such thingas a born Masterful Lover My point… you can learn how. And I’ve got a way to drastically reduce the time it takes to do this.Here’s how it works:1.Get past fears you will “offend” women by being sexual and talking dirty We men are logical beings. We need to see proof. As John Keynes once said “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”I’ll show you FACTS. Real world examples of normal girls-next-door who crave really hot sex, and stories from men who were once Nice Guys just like you and me.2.Undo all the crappy social programming Time to break the rope. The thing holding you back the most is what you believe to be true about being nice, women, and sex.In the same way a fish isn’t aware of the water it lives in, you aren’t aware (yet) of the toxic thoughts in your head. Discover what is holding you back by doing the exercises I developed for myself and I use with my one-on-one coaching clients.3.What To Do & SayI’ve created simple step-by-step guides to help you discoverhow to transition from the good guy gentlemen to the sexy masculine bad boy and do it so it seems like “it just happened!”how & when to start talking ‘naughty’ and do it so smoothly she won’t even noticewhat to do if it’s your first date or if you’ve been together for over 20 yearsYou also discover…How to UNCORK your natural sexual desires and sexual behaviorsWhy your brain is forcing you to NOT talk dirty to women and what you can do stop it.How to stop making self-sabotaging nice-guy mistakesRevolutionary practices for the chronically nice guyHow to be a good guy and still be sexually excitingNice guy traps to avoidSpecific Examples of how to talk ‘dirty’ (without using filthy words)How you can be a bedroom badboy, and still treat women with respectThe common challenges modern men have with being a badboy in the bedroom (and how to solve them)How to smoothly escalate sexually into the bedroom (even if you have no previous experience)A sneaky way to get her to say naughty things to YOU! (You’ll be amazed at what she will say once you get her started)How you can introduce new things (like dirty talk) even if you’ve been married over 20 years.Subconscious ways you hold yourself back (and the tools to eliminate them)How to respond if she says “What has gotten into you?” or “Why are you acting different?” (nice guys always screw this up)Effortless ways to transition from good guy to bad boy and back. (so natural she won’t notice)How to overcome feelings of shame or guilt about your sexual desiresHow to lead in the bedroom so it feels natural (not forced)Simple sexy things to say in the bedroom, even if your mind goes blank.How to be masculine in the bedroom even if you are normally a shy guy outside.Lethally effective ways to increase her arousal only bad boys knowHow to avoid feeling embarrassed when using dirty talkHow to put ‘fire’ back into your marriageImagine going from feeling guilty, afraid or ashamed about your sexual desires with women to feeling good about being masculine and taking control in the bedroom.Imagine being with a woman who can’t wait to see you again because she wants more wild, kinky rip-up-the-sheets sex with YOU.That’s what Cure Nice Guy is about.Do you believe your desires are wrong or bad?Come on, face it, you have “desires” regarding your woman. You know it. I know it. (Hey, we’re men, we have “desires”.)But do you believe your desires are wrong or bad? Be honest. Because if you do, then you might have “nige-guy-itis”.A glaring sign of nice-guy-itis is the belief that a desire is “wrong” or “bad”. And it doesn’t matter what the desire is, it’s the belief that the desire is wrong.And just because you think it’s wrong doesn’t mean it goes away. Nobody has eliminated a desire, no matter what they think of it. The desire will still try to be met.But the real test if you have nice-guy-itis is the following…Do you try to get your desire met without admitting it?Do you try to disguise your desire? Try to hide it? Keep it a “secret”?Do you expect your woman to meet your desire, but you never actually state your desire?Do you make compromises and give up things so that your woman will eventually meet your desire?Do you ever make a “covert contract”? That means you give your woman flowers expecting her to give you ______. (fill in the blank – which has nothing to do with flowers)If you have done any of the above, then you definitely have nice-guy-itis.And that would mean you have felt frustration. And you probably felt anger. Well now you can take constructive steps forward to cure your nice-guy-itis. It’s the first thing that has to happen before progress can be made.My top Masterful Lover coach has a 100% success rate of curing nice-guy-itis among our coaching clients. And my top Masterful Lover coach happens to be a woman. Her name is Lena Voyles.The real reason you fear women…If you’re a “nice-guy” then you fear women, and here’s why…Nice-guys have the belief that desire is wrong. If you believe desire is wrong, you can’t express that desire. When you want something, and you can’t express that desire, then you become dependent on the woman to somehow meet that desire for you.So you have put all the power in the woman to meet your need, and she doesn’t even know it. So all of that power is completely outside yourself. You become helpless to her to meet your need. And she doesn’t even know your need because you can’t express your need.As a result, you feel completely powerless, and you feel that women are really powerful.And women aren’t helping you with that power (because they don’t even know they have it) so you have the very uncomfortable feeling of needing something from somebody who’s not giving it to you.When you feel powerless, and you believe women have all the power, you become fearful of the perceived power of women.That’s why you fear women.Nice-guys think women have all the power because nice-guys give all the power to women because nice-guys aren’t able to express their desires because nice-guys believe desire is wrong.Now here’s where nice-guys really crash and burn… When nice-guys get fed up and can’t take it anymore they over-compensate by being “not-nice” (bad). They had her on a pedestal so they knock her off that pedestal by being rude and obnoxious, and even controlling or bullying.But that’s still pushing against the perceived power that women have, and that simply further perpetuates the mindset that women have all the power.The entire 2-hour interview is included in Cure Nice GuyYou’ll hear Lena reveal how to identify your nice-guy-itis and how to fix it forever! Lena has a 100% success rate of curing our coaching clients of nice-guy-itis.Who this module is forThis module is for you if:You often seem to end up a woman’s new best friend when you would rather be her loverYou have a difficult time showing raw sexual interest in a womanDeep down, you feel showing sexual or even romantic interest in a woman is “using” herYou have trouble believing women want sex… and maybe want it MORE than youYou respect women and are ready to take FULL responsibility for your life.Here’s what you get in Module 1130 Page Cure Nice Guy Manual – Detailing the psychology of why nice guys think the way they do, the myths & misconceptions about ‘niceness’ and the hard truth about sexuality found in reality. You’ll find out what women want, why being nice isn’t so nice and why women cheat. Plus how to be comfortable with your sexuality and how to be personally & sensually powerful with women.Checkmark Includes Guest Chapters from Women – Based on feedback from men these unique contributions were arranged. Here’s your chance to find out the woman’s point of view on Nice Guys, Bad Boys and rip-up-the-sheets sex.Includes 11 Real World Case Studies – Examples of real life bad boys, what they do right and what they do terribly wrong, plus success stories from former nice guys on how they made the change and how amazing their relationships with women are now.Includes 6 Self Correcting Exercises – The same exercises I used on myself and use with my one-on-one coaching clients. These are specifically designed to help you get over your nice-guy-itis.2-Hour Interview with Lena Voyles – You’ll hear Lena reveal how to identify your nice-guy-itis and how to fix it forever! Lena has a 100% success rate of curing our coaching clients of nice-guy-itis.2-Hour Cure Nice Guy Teleseminar – You’ll hear me cover simple yet effective examples of what to say, what to do and complete step-by-step guide on how to go from good guy at dinner to bad boy in the bedroom. Plus examples of wrong things to say at the wrong times, Nice Guy traps to avoid and how to introduce new things into any relationship. The final hour you’ll hear me work with guys on their Nice-Guy challenges.Plus If You Order Now, You’ll Get These BonusesBonus #1 – Carlos Xuma Interview“How To be an alpha man in your Every Day life” Carlos Xuma is an expert in Masculinity and what he calls the Alpha Lifestyle.He’s appeared on ABC & CBS television, Maxim Radio, Sex with Emily, World Talk Radio and Playboy MagazineCarlos & I are good friends and we share a very similar philosophy about women and sexuality.Based on feedback I received, men want to know more about how to communicate “badboy” outside the bedroom. So I asked Carlos to share his ideas on how to be an Alpha Man in your every day life.Carlos XumaBonus #2 – Meriana Dinkova Interview“Why Women Want their man to See Her Sexuality” Meriana Dinkova is a Psychotherapist and a Relationship Coach based in SF. She coaches men and women on developing and strengthening their erotic presence and on cultivating their own unique sexual expression. Those skills are as important in dating, as they are in keeping long term relationships hot and exciting.In the last 7 years she has helped numerous men to create the relationships they want and to keep the fires going after many years of being together. She caoches clients in person and over the phone.Once you have the the correct beliefs, the next piece of the equation is to have the knowledge, skills and techniques of a Masterful Lover.Meriana DinkovaModule #2How To Give WomenWild Screaming OrgasmsThis program is at it’s core an A-Z encyclopedia of how to give women mind-blowing orgasms. Going from the basics of the most common orgasm, clitoral orgasms to very advanced orgasms such as orgasm on command and extended orgasms of up to an hour (yes this is possible).First you need to realize what most men don’t know…Women Are EXTREMELY Sexual CreaturesFAR More Sexual Than A Man Could Ever ImagineUnfortunately most men will never get to see this side of a woman… because they just don’t know how to bring it out.But on the other hand… if you know how to bring out this “wild side” in a woman… you better hold on tight, because you’re going to be in for one WILD ride.Imagine your woman wanting SEX ALL THE TIMEHere’s a truism about female sexuality… When sex is really good for a woman, she can’t get it enough! I know, that sounds contradictory, but think of the other side of the coin…When sex is really bad for a woman, she NEVER wants it. You see, unlike men, women are NOT driven by a need to HAVE sex; instead they are driven by a NEED for really GOOD sex. Do you understand the difference? Women are not at all interested in sex unless they know it’s going to be REALLY GOOD.So it’s a simple formula really…The Secret To Getting What You WANTIs Simply To Oblige Her NEEDSYou’ll discover exactly what those four needs are, and exactly how to easily satisfy them. It’s very rare for a woman to find a man who knows how to do this, so you’ll immediately stand out from all the other guys she’s known.Next I’ll show you how to give her INCREDIBLE PLEASURE. First you start with crucial knowledge of how things work…Do you truly understand female anatomy?But, before you run the marathon… you need to learn how to walk. This means learning female anatomy. The stuff they leave out in school.Do you know why women have a clitoris? I mean really, it’s great for pleasure, but what purpose does it serve for preservation of the species? The reason why women have a clitoris is the same reason why men have nipples.Do you know why women ejaculate? (Yes, they really do, or they CAN when you TEACH them! I’ll show you how.) It’s for the same reason mentioned above.You’ll discover the answers to all of these things and it will open up a whole new perspective and understanding of female sexuality for you. With these hard-to-find secrets about female sexuality you can massively increase her excitement and her responsiveness to you. Very few men know this stuff.Wild Screaming Orgasms Wild Screaming Orgasms Wild Screaming OrgasmsThe Truth About SIZE!The real answer to this age old question is… size matters if you THINK it does. This is another fucked-up belief guys have that holds them back.But… I also know men are creatures of logic, so I will prove to you why size just doesn’t freaking matter to women. Here’s a hint… in this program you learn how to give a woman an orgasm on command (I didn’t say you were in the bedroom… think about it)Now, on to more important stuff.Different Types Of OrgasmsMost men are happy if they can get any kind of orgasm to happen while having sex. But this isn’t they way of a Masterful Lover. You will discover all the different types of orgasms you can lead your woman to experience and enjoy.From the basic sure-fire orgasm you’ll have a step-by-step guide on where to go next and everything you need to know to make it happen. This includes making her feel safe (if she doesn’t feel safe, she won’t relax and let the experience happen).With each success she will trust you more and be more excited for what will happen next, and you will gain confidence in yourself. Before long you and your lover will be amazed at what is truly possible when it comes to her orgasms.You’ll discover foolproof techniques like the Welcomed Method and the Deep Spot. Then you’ll learn advanced techniques like the Extended Orgasm and Orgasms on Command. Finally, you’ll see how to combine any and all of these for an INFINITE varieties and flavors of orgasms.Another critical piece, other books and web sites are missing is Dirty Talk.How To Talk (Dirty) To Your Woman In The BedroomI will tell you right now that your most important tool in the bedroom is not your ‘tool’, it is your VOICE.You see, for women sexuality is entirely mental!It’s great to learn all the sexual techniques, but if you don’t know the proper way to talk to your woman in the bedroom (or if you’re silent in the bedroom) then it can only go so far.In order to sky rocket your success in the bedroom, you MUST talk to your woman properly.It’s like this. Again we go back to the bad boy. (Remember, truth is found in reality!) One reason why women love bad boys is because…They Talk Very Dirty In The BedroomAnd believe it or not, this is VERY powerful for a woman. Listen to it in the words of this woman…I know what you may be thinking… You are hesitant about talking dirty. You think she may take it wrong, or she will be offended. Listen, you’re not alone. And you need Module #1, Cure Nice Guy, Where I show you how to get past these false beliefs.Because the cold hard reality is this… If you don’t do it, she’ll wish she were with a man who COULD. (You’ll discover why in Module #3)Now you may be wondering…“But Do You Have To Have Experience To Be Good?”After my divorce, I started meeting women who were also recently divorced. I was very inquisitive because I wanted to figure it all out. I talked to literally hundreds of divorced women.I can tell you that I met MANY women who divorced their “experienced” husband because he was a lame lover who didn’t have a clue how to ring-her-bell.I have thank you letters from many men who were virgins before they got my material, but they gave their “experienced” new woman her very first vaginal orgasm! These guys tell me that she told him that he was the best lover she has ever had!How You Get Sexual ConfidenceAgain, it has all to do with knowledge and beliefs. Module 2 gives you the knowledge, and in Module 1 you discover the correct beliefs.Plus you’ll get my “trouble shooting” teleseminar where you’ll hear me help men exactly like you, with what is holding you back and exactly how to instantly become sexually confident.Have You Been Frustrated That YourWoman Is Not Having Orgasms In Sex?If you’ve been frustrated, imagine what she’s going through? Do YOU ever not have an orgasm during sex??? If you do, and she doesn’t… bad thing!To her it appears that sex is all about you. What’s in it for her? Why would she want to do it?One of the most toxic things you can do in the bedroom to ruin your sex life is to NOT give your woman vaginal orgasms in intercourse.The result of all of this is that she loses all interest in sex. And then… NO MORE SEX! And then worse, she gets is elsewhere.Instead, what she will do is fantasize about being with another man!And do you know what’s REALLY unfortunate… about all this?While a woman will complain for HOURS to her girlfriends about how clumsy and clueless a man is in the bedroom… she will NEVER EVER tell YOU.The good news is this… if you know how to give her an orgasm every time, and you know how to make sex exciting and adventurous…Incredible Sex Is Totally Addicting To Women!She will do ANYTHING to keep getting it. It’s like crack cocaine. As a friend of mine named Heather once said “A woman can forgive a lot in a relationship if the sex is really good!”Would You Like To Have This Intoxicating Power?You will discover how to give her the orgasms she craves!I’m a “good guy”. I respect women. I am never mean to women. And you have to understand right now that you must respect women also.I will reveal to you all the things that the bad boys do to make the sex incredibly exciting for a woman, and I’ll show you the critical MISTAKES that bad boys are making.I will show you how you can take her FAR beyond anywhere she has ever imagined, even if she’s been with a bad boy. In fact, you can thank the bad boy for giving her the thirst!I will reveal to you how to take a woman’s pleasure beyond anything she’s ever imagined possible… and open up her up to things she is too inhibited to do… but once she experiences it,LOVES IT!“Most important I have a lot ofEarth And Body Shaking Orgasms”I kept mentioning to my boyfriend that I wanted your book. So for my birthday he ordered it for me. Now my boyfriend and I are reading your book.With my husband I could only cum when I was on top, for 7 years. That was my sex Life.After getting your Book, my boyfriend can simply tell me to CUM and I do. I cum on top or bottom, from behind, and even anal.Hell Oral is like the earth Moves. I love to go down on him and I can cum when I do that.BUT most important I have a lot of Earth And Body Shaking Orgasms.I have been told my whole sexual Life I didn’t cum right cause I didn’t gush on the sheets and such. Well I do now!Thank you, I Love your materials. And this is from a woman, so I hope that ALL MEN GET THIS PROGRAM.Thanks a lot,~ Lisa Dillen – CaliforniaAnd that is only the tip of the iceberg. Here are just a few of the amazing things you will discover:How to get a woman to see you as her “sexual trainer” and have her BEGGING you to teach her new and naughty things (this one idea, all by itself, will convince her that you are THE BOMB)Give her orgasms in sex EVERY TIME! (Just think how much she’s going to want sex then!)The crucial ability a man needs to REALLY please a woman that makes your physical size and stamina a non-issue (If you don’t already possess this skill don’t worry… you’ll learn it here)If she has never had an orgasm, I will show you how to give her her very first orgasm! (she will remember you forever!)An easy way to figure out what makes a woman “tick” sexually (You’ll INSTANTLY decipher her “pleasure formula” and know EXACTLY how to please your particular woman… every time)Discover how to give ANY woman MULTIPLE orgasms! One right after another after another.How opening up a woman’s emotional channels makes her more responsive to your touch (It’s almost “too easy” to give a woman an orgasm when you do this)If she has never had a vaginal orgasm in intercourse, I will show you how to give her her very first vaginal orgasm in intercourse! (She will worship you!)How to activate a woman’s inner sexual being and bring out the raging “sexual beast” hidden inside even the most “innocent” of womenALWAYS have simultaneous orgasms! (It’s the Holy Grail)A simple, step-by-step way to make a woman feel beautiful, sexy and feminine (Hint: When SHE feels good she’ll want to make YOU feel good)I’ll show you how to take a woman whose orgasms only last a few seconds and give her extended orgasms every time! (She’ll be totally amazed!)How to make a woman completely surrender to you and ASK YOU to do all of the “naughty” things you’ve ever dreamed ofDo you want to do the really TABOO act? Get her wildly turned on about ANAL SEX!Give her orgasms in ways she didn’t know were possible! These are all powerful convincers to her.Make her SQUIRT! (Yes, female ejaculation is REAL! I’ll show you WHY)Your “Orgasm Detector” – A way to instantly know FOR SURE that a woman is having an orgasm. (Not even she can fake this!)“It’s turned her into a sex craved manic…which I love!!!”We were at a hum drum place in our marriage with busy schedule and kids, but after my wife found your website and started getting your material… words cannot even describe how things have changed.David man… both our worlds have been rocked. Sex is like nothing I ever imagined it could be and she says the same.There’s nothing like watching a woman experience her first vaginal orgasm. She squirted and it was amazing! It’s turned her into a sex craved manic… which I love!!!~ Robert Simmons – North Carolina“Man, I’m 49 years old!How do you think it feels to get calls from 20-somethings who want good sex and can’t get it from their boyfriends/husbands?”I’ve been studying all of your material and it has been eye opening, to say the least.I was married for 7 years to a wonderful woman, but we literally had no sex life. When she died of cancer two years ago I made the decision to study everything I could find about women and sex in order to ensure that my future relationships would be sexually fulfilling for both parties.Needless to say, I encountered a plethora of wimpy new age stuff that was saying I had to become a goddess worshipping pussy. Fuck that; I’m a tall, hard-working general contractor who doesn’t take shit from anyone, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to get on my knees and beg for a piece of ass.Then I found your stuff…God what a difference! This is the stuff women really want men to know.Time after time I’ve used the methods you teach, and they never fail to work.Man, I’m 49 years old! How do you think it feels to get calls from 20-somethings who want good se