David Ralph – Interview Masterclass


Download available within 1-2 hours. Developing conversations that wow both the audience and the interviewee, and bring about multiple listens. Laughter, tears, deep insights and huge motivation at every turn.

David Ralph – Interview Masterclass


Have you ever wondered why some podcasts rise to the top of the charts almost effortlessly, whilst other languish in nowhere land?
Or some interviewers seem to naturally engage with a guest to make a show that is fun and hugely listenable to?
The kind of conversations that go viral, getting thousands and thousands of downloads daily with very little effort ?
Well no longer wonder about the secret ingredients that will make your podcast unique and loved by the world.
There is a secret to creating a top show that is now at your fingertips.
And guess what your fingertips have found it already you are at Interviewing Masterclass


Since creating the wildly successful podcast Join Up Dots, David Ralph has set the bar in podcast interviewing techniques.
In releasing more than 500 shows in just 18 months, he has learned the skills that are admired by established podcasts, and household names.
Developing conversations that wow both the audience and the interviewee, and bring about multiple listens.
Laughter, tears, deep insights and huge motivation at every turn.
Which makes people tune in every single time, as they never know what they are going to get.
And here is a BIG SECRET that people don’t want you to know.


Once you get people listening to your show more than once….they start doing something amazing!
Yes, they start telling their friends, family and everyone who will listen about your amazing content.
They love it because it’s unique.
They love it because it makes them feel good.
They become your loyal supporters.
No longer will you need to promote your show.
No longer will you need to spend hours on creating engaging images.
You will be free to do what you love and the world loves.
Create the most amazing interview podcast that the world has ever seen.

iTunes #1 Ranked Podcaster

Hi, my name is David Ralph and I am host of the #1 ranked podcast ‘Join Up Dots’.
David Ralph has created something truly unique and inspiring with the Steve Jobs inspired podcast.
A show where listeners dont just listen to one show every once in awhile, but will make sure that they dont miss an episode.
True listener loyalty that grows an audience like wildfire.
After 514 episodes of free flowing conversation, he has discovered the secret ingredient that allows you to throw away the fixed questions, and the tired old podcasting routines that we see time and time again.
From sportsman, to authors, teenagers to businessman, he talks to them like an old friend, which allows for the kind of high level value to be shared direct to the listeners ears.
So if you want to record a show, that is pure enjoyment, and feels like the perfect conversation then this is the guy to learn from.
Get immediately download David Ralph – Interview Masterclass


Now for the first time, he is going to share the inner secrets that will take your interviewing style and transform you into the world’s greatest podcaster: an interview master.
By learning these skills and lessons you will become you will land firmly within the top 1% of all podcasters.
The big guys.
The shows with massive audiences.
He will teach you to forget writing questions, and start asking the BIG questions.
He will teach you how to build rapport with your guest like no other interviewer.
He will teach you secret listening techniques that allow your recordings to flow effortlessly.
He will teach you the power of using “themes” within your conversation, and why learning just this one lesson can change your life forever.
So start changing your life today, and make your podcast outstanding in every way.
And that begins by becoming an INTERVIEW MASTER



Module 1:

Interview Masterclass Introduction

A warm welcome to the course from David Ralph, the host of Join Up Dots. In this video he will introduce you to the learnings that you will gain throughout the content, and a brief explanation of how you can gain the most from the videos.

Module 2:

What Makes A Great Podcast Interview and Interviewee

What makes an engaging interview that will be listened to by thousands of people, mutiple times? In this video you will see the steps to take that will seperate you from the overcrowded mass of podcasters, and develop content that sets you apart…a true interviewing master.

Module 3:

What Most Podcasters Do Wrong And Why It Will Kill An Audience?

Most podcasters make the same mistakes time and time again, and kill any chance they have to build success before they even start. So what do you need to do to ensure that this doesn’t occur to you? Well you will find out in this video, where we show you how to set your own path, creating content that is inspiring and unique, and loved by the world.

Module 4:

Understanding Your Audience

A podcast isn’t about you, but is 100% about your audience. How do you know what content your listeners want to hear before you get a chance to receive feedback from the worlds ears? That is where constructing your perfect vision of your ideal listener comes in. In this video we show you how to create your shows avatar, and start building instant success.

Module 5:

Understanding The Power Of Themes

Most podcasters write their questions before pressing record. But how is this the right way of creating an engaging interview? It’s not

….so in this video we show you how to rip up all your questions and instead focus in on the themes you want to present to your listener. This is truly powerful stuff!

Module 6:

The perfect Interview Flow Versus The Bad Flow

Every great story has a beginning, middle and end. And there is no difference with a podcast either. In this video we will show you how to construct each section of your show to naturally move towards a big ending that is satisfying to you, your guest and of course the listener.

Module 7:

First Impressions Last

Podcasters are lazy and will churn out the same content, and the same poorly constructed guest introductions time and time again. Be different and wow your guest right from the start, with an epic intro. In this video we will show you how to collect the kind of background facts that will allow you to go anywhere in your interview, and the guest will be happy to go with you too. You have prepared to succeed as an interviewing master.

Module 8:

Leave Them Wanting More

Most shows just drift away into nothing. The content loses it power and guess what, it loses its listeners too. In this video will show you how to build to something amazing, that allows you to go out with a bang.

Module 9:

Preparation Do’s And Dont’s

Creating a top podcast starts a long time before you sit down your guest to record the interview. We will show you every step from first contact, to booking the guest, to after show routines, that will provide you with a never ending conveyor belt of guests wanting to be interviewed by the master…You!!

Module 10:

Listening Techniques

Interviewing isn’t just about listening better, but it certainly helps. But how do you change the habits of a lifetime and have laser focused hearing? There are a few great ways to hear things within the conversation that allows you to pluck the gold from the air. Your guest won’t know how you are doing it, but will spend their time saying “Great question!!”

Module 11:

Building Rapport

How do you make your guest feel like an old friend, willing to share the personal stuff they never ever talk about? Well, it’s all about building rapport with them. And like all things this is so easy to do, but also so easy to mess up. Don’t worry though after watching this video you will be a master at making them feel like they want to talk and talk and talk.

Module 12:

Interview Masterclass Conclusion

Bringing the course to an end, David Ralph share some final tips with you to join up the dots to make you a master in interviewing. Nobody will be able to touch you in the skill of interviewing. You have every secret there is. It’s just down to you to go out an do it.
Get immediately download David Ralph – Interview Masterclass



Over the years many people have been recognised as masters in interviewing. And these are the guys that we can learn from. In this bonus module David Ralph selects a few of what he considers the greats, for us to research, enjoy and learn from.


What happens when everything you learn goes out of the window and it hits the fan? Well no matter how good you become this will happen, and all the masters have interviews that fail for whatever reason. In this bonus video we share our own personal nightmares, and how we dealt with them.


All great athletes know that success is as much about pacing themselves as it is their personal talent. Interviews are exactly the same. And you need to build nicely over the show, before sprinting your way to the big ending. Bonus module 3 demonstrates how to set your interview up to allow the pacing to be perfect.