David Neagle – The Miracle of Money


In less than 90 days of working with David I’ve already made 35% MORE compared to this same time last year! That’s a huge increase and the best partPurchase David Neagle – The Miracle of Money courses at here with PRICE $497 $73David Neagle – The Miracle of Moneythe miracle of moneyStop trading your life for dollars & Rewrite your money story for financial freedomENROLL TODAYDavid and his work took me from$200,000 to over $1,000,000 inour first 10 months working together.This is an emotional letter to share, because the numbers are so easy to calculate, but the feeling is difficult to put into words. With David’s coaching and strategy, I have made multiple millions in the last 9 months alone. But—while the money has been wonderful — what has been life changing is the freedom. The freedom to know how to make the money and the freedom from fears of being uncomfortable or living in the unknown. Daily, I am grateful for David. I am aware that my meeting with him was divine intervention and that my decision to have him coach me was The Best Decision I have ever made!”What exactly is the Miracle of Money?Get David Neagle – The Miracle of Money downloadThe Miracle of Money is a 8-Module Self Study Program (including 2 Bonus modules) designed to give you a greater understanding of the true history of money, how it’s been manipulated through time and passed on to you so that you can rewrite that story to one that supports your objectives, goals and dreams. You’ll then be given ACTIONABLE STEPS so you can take your new money story and apply it to very specific areas of your business, whether it’s sales, marketing, start-up of a new business… or business and personal relationships.So what is a money story?These are the beliefs many of us have about money. And none of them are true.Not. One. Word.Must trade my time for money – there is no other way.Without money, there is nothing I can do to make an impact.I need more money to get to where I want to be.They’ll never pay me what I’m charging.All my clients will leave if I increase my prices.When I make the money, everything will be okay.Money is “The Root of All Evil”!Here’s the truth:If you aren’t earning the money you want, the story you have about money doesn’t support your dreams and goals.Think about that for a minute.Your belief about money is actually counterproductive to the life you want.All the struggle, the worry, and the frustrations we have around money are a result of our belief system surrounding money. Unless you change your view of money-unless you rewrite your money story-you will continue to stay stuck.Are you ready to change your view of money and change your income?A 35% increase in revenue in less than 90 days!“In less than 90 days of working with David I’ve already made 35% MORE compared to this same time last year! That’s a huge increase and the best part is, it all feels so easy. David is THE master at transforming small thinking into big leaps forward in life and business. Thanks to his teachings I’ve made quantum shifts in my money, my mindset and my belief in how easy life and business can be. Just one of the ideas he gave me is going to be produce multiple 7 figures in my business. Every time I’m with David – live or virtually – I feel a huge door of possibility open up and a clear path of success laid out in front of me. And I love David’s direct, “get to the bottom line” style that knocks the excuses right out of you and puts you on a path of personal power to achieve what you’ve only previously dreamed of.”kendall summerhawkMillion Dollar Marketing Coach01 | Learn at your own pace:The entire Miracle of Money Curriculum is delivered upon completion of your registration, so you get to decide when and how fast you learn.02 | Learn according to your own learning style:This program is delivered via audio download, PDF written transcript with valuable key concepts and action-oriented exercises.03 | Refer back any time:All materials are yours to keep. Download the materials to your computer or mobile device and continue to use the course as a trusted resource whenever you need it.module 1What is Money? What is a Miracle?In order to create a money miracle in your life you need clarity on a few KEY elements.In this module you’ll:NDiscover the true meaning of money and wealth and find out where it really comes from.NMaster the steps to creating your money miracle.NUnlock 5 opportunities to bring $10,000+ into your life NOW.module 2Change Starts With YouWe all make mistakes. But when it comes to generating wealth these mistakes can cripple us. In this module you’ll:NUnderstand what beliefs are keeping you from generating wealth and where these beliefs were learned.NGet strategies to identify the money making opportunities that are around you right NOW.NLeverage your power of choice to turn any financial struggle into financial freedom.module 3Claim Your Magnificent ObsessionEvery bit of your ability to bring money into your life – to pay for the little things, the big things, and all things in between — begin with a simple desire. In this module you’ll:NUnderstand how to optimize your success by harnessing your magnificent obsession.NDiscover the key to getting what you want, when you want it.NTransform your problems into your greatest assets.module 4Get Into The Spirit of OpulenceCreating wealth isn’t a one-time event for any business owner, it’s a lifetime journey. In this module you’ll:NLearn the 4 “Must Follow” Principles of success.NDiscover 2 sneaky money-making saboteurs to beware of.NUse simple fool-proof methods to stop repelling money and start attracting it.module 5Spend Time in Miracle-Generating ActivitiesIn order to create a money miracle in your life you must take accurate action. In this module you’ll:NDiscover key miracle generating activities.NUncover the resistance that is currently blocking your money miracle.NLeverage the power of universal truth to retrain your mind to block out negative influences and surround yourself with abundance.module 6Give It AwayIn order to create a money miracle in your life you must take accurate action. In this module you’ll:Figuring out how to give while also opening yourself to receive is essential in creating your money miracle. In this module you’ll:NUnderstand the right way to give.NDiscover the difference between getting and receiving and how confusing the 2 are detrimental to your financial success.NLeverage the game changing power of faith.bonus module 1Master Your Need NowOpportunities are all around you but how do you see them? How do you know if it’s the right one or just a distraction? In this module you’ll:NUnlock the 4 Questions to bring clarity and truth to ANY opportunity so you can decide if it’s the right one.NUnderstand the timing of opportunity and when to act on it.NLearn what you need to do to break past belief systems that are keeping you from manifesting your money miracle so you can capitalize on the opportunities in front of you right now!bonus module 2Be A Leader In Your Own LifeYour power to choose is the key ingredient to leading and living an amazing life. In this module you’ll:NLearn how to leverage your burning desire to expand your awareness and act decisively so that your subconscious programming isn’t in the driver’s seat.NLearn how to leverage your burning desire to expand your awareness and act decisively so that your subconscious programming isn’t in the driver’s seat.NMaster your greatest power and step into the abundance that is your birthright.the inspiration for the miracle of moneyI am very passionate about this topic. Why?it changed my life.As a high-school dropout, working on the docks in my early twenties I experienced my first money miracle. In a matter of 30 days I went from earning 20k per year to just over 60k. It was a miracle!! This blessing allowed me to get my family into a safer neighborhood and better home, achieve the dream of owning my own boat and see that HOW I was thinking was affecting everything. This was only the beginning for me. I HAD to know what I did so that I could do it again….and again…and again. I discovered the money story that was controlling my perception of opportunities that had surrounded me for 2 years when I tripled my income the first time. When I started my own company I came up against many of the programmed beliefs that were keeping me from earning what I wanted and it was limiting the impact I could make. My mentor helped me see these beliefs for the lies that they were, my annual income became my monthly income and I’ve never looked back.I want that same freedom for you.For more than 20 years, I have personally and consistently mentored leaders to step into their vision and create a life of personal freedom.I’m so proud to have mentored many of the most well-known coaches, marketers, speakers, and movement-leaders making mass impact today.Do you know what each one of these unique individuals have in common? That’s right-they fully understand the Miracle of Money.Part of my mission is to bring this knowledge and understanding to more and more people so that they too can create money miracles in their own life just like I did over 20 years ago.That’s right, you too can create a money miracle.LEARN MORE ABOUT DAVIDstudent testimonialsMastered Quantum Leaps“You’d be crazy not to learn from David Neagle. His teachings have been extremely influential in helping me think differently to master making quantum leaps in my business. Now that I’ve mastered faith, anything is possible! And you can do the same. Let David shift your awareness and show you the way.”ali brownMillionare online entrepreneurangelique rewersThe Corporate Agent$148,000 in 6 Weeks!“The most radical transformation that I experienced in my business was the mental shift of overcoming the fear and uncertainty of how to have sales conversations with potential clients. If someone would have told me six months ago I would be able to get on the phone with a potential client whom I had never met before and within 20 or 30 minutes close them into a $10,000-plus program, I would have said they were crazy. But that’s exactly what has happened by using David’s Compassionate Conversion Flow Chart. I’ve gone from having consistent 5-figure months to having consistent 5-figure days. In six weeks, I brought in over $148,000. For me, the best part about this isn’t the dollar figure. It’s the freedom from fear of the sales conversation and the confidence of knowing that no matter what the market trends are or what happens in the economy, I’ll be able to bring in revenue to my business.”$14,000/year to $400,000/year!“David taught me three core things: How to make decisions; How to sell; How to charge what I’m worth. These three things have been the foundation for amazing business growth. I’m so grateful I connect to him and chose to pay him when I did. I was making $1200 per month in my business when I met David. I went quickly to $8K per month—within a few months in a group program! What I learned and transformed with David (I’ve since done several programs with him) has led me to a $400,000 business that has unlimited potential for growth and, most importantly, I love my life, helping clients to make money from their personal truth!”darla ledouxProfit Acceleration CoachAnd let me just say something…take a look at the people who are successful… the people you compare yourself to or the people you admire.Those people didn’t start out that way. The one common denominator between all successful people is that they learned how to think.They aren’t successful because of a marketing strategy, luck, or an insider tip or secret. They are successful because they worked on who they needed to be, what beliefs they had to walk away from, and they made clear confident decisions.I 100% guarantee that this program will cause you to think about your life (and your own behaviors) unlike you ever have before.I 100% guarantee it will lead you to gain awareness, to grow as a human being, and to break old agreements (rules) you had made with yourself long ago, but which no longer serve you. I 100% guarantee that you will become remarkably more aware of where you’re choosing lack over abundance in your life, and make enormous progress at shifting your old limiting money stories, into new beliefs around money that will allow you to receive & use money more freely.All that being said: I also 100% expect that at some point during this process of personal growth, you may disagree with me & my teachings. If this occurs: My request to you is that you reach out to me and my Team for help via email at [email protected], so that we may address your questions personally. And if you still disagree, and it’s within 60 days of purchase, my team will promptly refund your purchase in full, and you can still keep every piece of this program.Get David Neagle – The Miracle of Money downloadPurchase David Neagle – The Miracle of Money courses at here with PRICE $497 $73