David Krevitt – Build Your Agency Data Pipeline


(This course is available for immediate delivery) A detailed walkthrough of how we built our own internal data pipeline at CIFL, pulling data from 8 APIs (Google Analytics, FB Ads, and more) to answer the question: which is the highest performing marketing channel for the CIFL blog?

David Krevitt – Build Your Agency Data Pipeline



Wrestle your agency’s data analysis workflow completely to the ground, by building a BigQuery data pipeline to house + analyze all of your critical data. Down with chaos!
At CIFL, we operate the Agency Data Pipeline service for a number of digital agencies – ranging from SEO to eCommerce, and in size from 5 clients to 50.
This course completely opens the kimono on how we operate that service, and allows you to build + operate your own Agency Data Pipeline.
The course includes:

A detailed walkthrough of how we built our own internal data pipeline at CIFL, pulling data from 8 APIs (Google Analytics, FB Ads, and more) to answer the question: which is the highest performing marketing channel for the CIFL blog?
Roadmapping exercises and instructions for building your own data pipeline, specific to the challenges of your work.
A one-hour coaching session with David, commissioner of Coding is for Losers, to make sure your data pipeline tracking plan gets put into action.

Many thanks to Supermetrics and Stitch for providing demo accounts for use in building the course.
With love,


Commissioner, Coding is for Losers
What’s included?

38 videos 5 files
Get immediately download David Krevitt – Build Your Agency Data Pipeline


Intro to the Course Pipeline Project


Copy the Tracking Plan Template

Check out the Demo Pipeline Tracking Plan

Check out the Demo Pipeline SQL Models on Github

Check out the Demo Pipeline Data Studio dashboard

Start your Pipeline with a Question

Intro to question asking
2 mins

Demo questions for the CIFL pipeline
7 mins

Translating your Question into a Tracking Plan

Meet the Tracking Plan
5 mins

Mapping out your Data Sources
6 mins

Planning your Data Models
7 mins

Scoping out each Site or Client
5 mins

Firing up your Data Feeds

Intro to data feeds
2 mins

BigQuery initial setup
4 mins

Setting up your BigQuery tables
7 mins

Pushing data from Sheets to BigQuery
6 mins

Supermetrics quickstart for beginners
3 mins

Pulling data from unsupported APIs into the Tracking Plan
9 mins

Using Stitch for Automated Data Feeding

Stitch initial setup
3 mins

Pulling GA data using Stitch
7 mins

Pulling Adwords data using Stitch
4 mins

Pulling FB Ads data using Stitch
4 mins

Writing SQL queries to answer your questions

Intro to DBT for SQL data modeling
4 mins

Creating your DBT project
8 mins

Connect your BigQuery database to DBT
8 mins

Writing your ‘processing’ level SQL queries
9 mins

Writing your ‘join’ level SQL models
6 mins

Sidenote: on debugging DBT models
7 mins

Pro tip: standardizing URL structure
3 mins

Pro tip: using DBT macros
6 mins

Writing your ‘admin’ level SQL models
3 mins

Writing your ‘math’ and ‘visualization’ level SQL models
8 mins

Visualizing your analysis in Data Studio

Intro to visualization with Data Studio
3 mins

QCing your raw data in Data Studio
6 mins

Reaching the summit: answering your question
11 mins

Answering ancillary questions
4 mins

Pulling data from BigQuery into Sheets
4 mins

Putting your Pipeline into production

Intro to productionalizing your pipeline
2 mins

Pushing your SQL models to Github
3 mins

Using Sinter to run your SQL models on a schedule
5 mins

Scheduling your data pipeline
5 mins

Testing changes to your data pipeline
3 mins

QCing data using Supermetrics as a check
5 mins


Wapow! You made it.
2 mins

Mastering Google Sheets, Data Studio and BigQuery

Helping you wrangle your data + automate your work, without (hardly ever) leaving the Google stack.
Here’s What You’ll Get in David Krevitt – Build Your Agency Data Pipeline