David Getoff – Optimal Health in the 21st Century
Attaining Optimal Health
In The 21st Century
David Getoff’s 10-week in-person course with over 30 hours of life-changing information on nutrition, supplements, preventing illnesses, and much, much more
Feb – April 2019
Learn how to feel, live, and be truly well
Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century
David Getoff’s comprehensive 10-week (30+ hour) in-person course in nutrition and holistic health.
“Preventive medicine does not mean diagnosing illnesses sooner or earlier, it means preventing them from occurring in the first place.“ – David Getoff
Each class is approx. 3 hours long and is held in-person at Price-Pottenger’s offices in San Diego. Classes also include helpful handouts and ample time for Q&As.
The most comprehensive course ever developed to help you attain and retain the best health you could wish for.