
David Garland – Create Awesome Interviews

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David Garland – Create Awesome Interviews
What is the EASIEST, FASTEST and most awesome way to build relationships with the influencers in your niche (without creepily stalking them outside their windows) AND ALSO build a passionate fan base who loves you and buys everything from you?
Cue the game show music.
Any guesses?
The answer: Creating your very own interview-based web show where you bring on the most amazing people in your niche ever, pick their brains and create insanely valuable content.
In fact, by creating an interview show you will…

Build relationships with all the amazing influencers and cool people in your niche.
Stick out from the pack like woah (like woah I say!)
Be seen as a celebrity and trusted resource in your niche (I mean who doesn’t love someone who has a show?)
Bring in all kinds of new subscribers to your list (boom!)
Create super valuable content that is spread throughout the web like wildfire.

Holy bananas!
Pump the brakes. You might be thinking, “David…isn’t doing an interview show really, really, really, really hard?”
What kind of equipment do I need and how do I easily shoot and edit my interviews without being a tech genius?

How the heck do I get people to say YES! to an interview even when I’m just getting started?
How do I prep for an interview so I know what the heck I’m doing and ask the right questions?
How do I conduct a non-boring interview that has zero awkwardness and 100% awesomeness?
How do I promote my interviews to bring in all kinds of mad traffic (and build my list!)?
How do I turn my interviews into mad cash? I mean some real bling bling?

Don’t worry my friends. Uncle David is here to help you.
But, wait! Who is this David Siteman Garland guy and why does he know so much about creating, promoting and profiting from online interviews?
My CRAZY Story
Story fun time! Just a few short years ago, nobody knew who I was (well, my mom and dogs did but that was pretty much it). I wasn’t on the map. I’m David Siteman Garland by the way. People weren’t rushing to my doorstep to buy things from me.
The media didn’t give a crap about what I had to say. I didn’t have any business connections. No big name bloggers knew who I was. My business reputation (online and off) was pretty much zip. I had a Twitter account with 4 followers (um maybe 3). And, I had a really big marketing budget of pretty much $0. Yes, zero dollars. Sigh.
Does this sound familiar? Perhaps your current situation?
And like you, I didn’t want it to be that way.
So, I decided to embark on a crazy journey and decided to create my own web based interview show based around interviewing successful entrepreneurs with zero (I mean ZIP) experience and a shoestring budget primarily from the remains of gifts from my Bar Mitzvah when I was 13.
Fast forward to now. Here are a *few* of the results that have come from my show The Rise To The Top (in just a couple of years):

A passionate community of over 250,000 awesome people tuning in every month.
A profit (not gross sales…profit) well into the six figures with multiple direct and indirect revenue streams.
Over $500,000 in sponsorships with companies such as HubSpot and Citrix Online.
The chance to interview (and perhaps more importantly form a relationship with) over 250 of the world’s top creative and unique entrepreneurs, authors and big thinkers ranging from “The Millionaire Matchmaker” Patti Stanger to the author of The 4-Hour Workweek and The 4-Hour Body Tim Ferriss.
A major book deal where I was approached by Wiley Publishing. Meaning, I didn’t do anything, they came to me and Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business came out to a big response in 2010.
Big companies (as well as individuals) that I would have no business with if I hadn’t created my show have called me to help them with special projects and consulting such as Google (yes, THAT Google) for top dollar.
Incredible speaking, emceeing and live event opportunities at conferences, events and organizations (both online and off) where I’ve received high “celebrity-like” fees.
Regular columns and appearances on a variety of traditional media and new media sources (over 100 in less than two years) including ABC, CNN, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and many more.
I get to work when I want for how long I want where I want which is pretty darn cool. This has allowed me ridiculous freedom to really enjoy the heck out of life be it a mid-day pick up hockey game with friends, a spontaneous trip to Costa Rica or kidnapping (not literally) my wife for a romantic day of fun including massages, wine and cheese. And, with my new found freedom I completed transformed my body from soft-ish to super fit.

…and the show costs me so little to produce your head will spin! (spin I say, spin!)
Is this shameless, self-promotional bragging of awesomeness? Well, yes of course it is! Just kidding. The idea here is to show you this is possible and not fluffy theory (if you want some fluff, go pet a bunny). Everything that has happened in the past couple of years has been a direct result of creating an interview-based web show.
You don’t need experience. You don’t need zillions of dollars or a huge team. You don’t need to be a “tech master of the universe” You don’t need a bunch of pre-existing connections and credibility.
It’s possible and you can do it too…
Now, for the first time ever by massive popular request (I mean literally thousands of requests) I’m revealing EXACT “The Rise To The Top” system for creating, promoting and profiting from online interviews. This is exactly what I wish I would have had when I started The Rise To The Top as it would have saved me thousands of hours of aggravation and thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs.
Create Awesome Interviews might not be perfect for you if:You are looking for a “get rich quick scheme”You hate people.You aren’t willing to put the work in and expect to push some kind of magic button where fans and money come rolling in.You have a negative attitude and aren’t an action-taker.The proof is in the show.

You are looking for a “get rich quick scheme”
You hate people.
You aren’t willing to put the work in and expect to push some kind of magic button where fans and money come rolling in.
You have a negative attitude and aren’t an action-taker

The proof is in the show.
Here are examples of just a *few* (of many) Create Awesome Interviews graduates who are now hosting their own shows:
Now, how about a little love from some Create Awesome Interviews graduates?
My site is now just over 2 months old and rockin’! Guests are already starting to come to me and so are referrals. I had a Los Angeles PR firm contact me to interview their client as well. Cool beans!!
Since launch: Twitter followers have tripled, Facebook fan page likes are up 10X and my newsletter peeps are growing daily. And I just received a request from a NASCAR journalist to interview me! Go figure. Love it, and love C.A.I… !! No fluff here!!
— Mark Evans
The course is applicable, inspirational, and worth every penny! David has a great, non-BS approach to his training which makes the implementation of his methods easy. If I needed brain surgery I would hire a great neurosurgeon – when I needed an interview coach…I basically hired David by joining Create Awesome Interviews.
— Shelia Butler
Here is just *some* of what you are going to learn how to do step-by-step in Create Awesome Interviews:To create your own irresistible interview-based web show that sticks out from the pack and matches your personality and passion.

To get busy people you want to interview to say “YES!” to your interview request (without stalking them) even if you are just getting started. Includes my exact templates you can use.
To conduct the three types of non-boring interviews that are a triple win (win you for, your guest and your community) without ever running out of things to talk about or any awkward situations.
To simply shoot, edit (in less than 10 minutes!) and publish your interviews with technology that is smarter, faster, cheaper and easy-to-use so you don’t need to stress…and you will learn exactly how to use it step-by-step over my shoulder. No need to be a tech master.
An easy step-by-step system to spread the word about your show like a wildfire and turn “traffic” into raving community of passionate fans…who keep coming back and care enough to spread the word for you and buy from you.
To use your show as a “handshake” to meet pretty much anyone.To jump on the three best ways of monetizing (including sponsorships) and leveraging your interviews. Includes step-by-step methods of maximizing each monetization method.
To avoid rookie mistakes and aggravation that will save you tons of hours and thousands of dollars.

To use the tips and tricks used by the world’s top interviewers to accelerate your skills like wildfire.

The results? Create Awesome Interviews + Your Consistent Effort Over Time = BIG, BIG RESULTS
Module #1: FOUNDATION: Get off on the right foot: Creating an irresistible interview brand that reflects your personality + topic.

Module #2: LANDING AMAZING GUESTS PART #1: Who are you going to interview? Learn the 3 types of guests to go after and where you can find ’em.

Module #3: LANDING AMAZING GUESTS PART #2: How to stalk people online to nab an interview without being sketchy/getting arrested/aggravating them.

Module #4: THE INTERVIEW: From prep time to game time: How to create an awesome non-boring interview.

Module #5: PROMOTING YOUR INTERVIEWS: My exact road map of how The Rise To The Top went from 0-100,000 viewers in less than two years. Includes a step-by-step checklist as well as using interviews as a relationship builder to meet anyone you want.

Module #6: CREATING AN ENGAGED PASSIONATE COMMUNITY OF FANS: One thing to have “traffic” another to have a passionate community that knows, likes and trusts you as well as shares your interviews and buys from you. Includes all my “tricks” and step-by-step methods to create engaged fans.

Module #7: MONETIZING PART #1: The blueprint for using your interviews as a marketing and branding weapon for your own products and services.

Module #8: MONETIZING PART #2: Promoting other people’s products via affiliates on your show. Includes results of 3+ years of experiments of exactly how to monetize via affiliates and rake in passive income.

Module #9: MONETIZING PART #3: The complete guide to sponsorships and partnerships. Everything from how to reach out to the three things you can offer sponsors that will make them say YES.

I’m going to save you thousands of hours of frustration that I went through to create an EASY workflow. You will sit next to me (pretty much literally) while I show you my exact work flow that you can copy via video screencasts. Including:
How to shoot video interviews via Skype (on a Mac and PC) as well as GoToMeeting (another great way to do video interviews).

I’ll show you how to simply edit your interviews in less than 10 minutes and get ’em uploaded

I will show you how to shoot AND edit “The Rise To The Top-like” introductions for your interviews to get people excited and eager to watch/listen

I will show you how to shoot AND edit “The Rise To The Top-like” plugs for your interviews to promote your own products and services or sponsors/partners/affiliates
I’ve tracked down my closest friends in the interview industry to reveal their secrets just for you in Create Awesome Interviews. This is content that CANNOT be found anywhere else (including my site The Rise To The Top!) Included:
I interrogate Rob Murgatroyd (creator of Jet Set Life) on rapport. Why? Because Rob has a ridiculous ability to connect with his guests where it seems like they have known each other for decades even if they are meeting for the first time.

I drill Andrew Warner (creator of on his interview empire from A-Z including how he got guests at first when he had zero reputation, how he built the passionate Mixergy audience and how he makes money (as well as how he recommends YOU make money)

Srini Rao creator of BlogCast FM sits in the hot seat to tell us step-by-step about his interview brand where he interviews bloggers. Everything from landing guests to his “quick” method for doing research before your interviews is covered.

A-list blogger and best-selling author Jonathan Fields joins me for a dual-edged interview. First Jonathan shares his methods he has used to conduct hundreds of high-impact interviews. Second, as an A-lister Jonathan is constantly bombarded with interview requests. He shares what makes him (and other A-listers) say YES!

I also have an exclusive for you with Scott Raab who is the celebrity interviewer for Esquire Magazine. While not an online interviewer, Scott’s timeless advice (including turning great interviews into text) is timeless.

Finally, the interrogation is turned on me by Rob Muragatroyd who has tons of insightful topics he drills me on including pre-interview rituals, leveraging interviews, key topics and FAQ.

This downloadable PDF is your secret weapon that will take hundreds of hours if not years off your learning curve. Includes:

The proven cold sponsor email template that works. The exact template that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in sponsorships that you can use.

Proven email scripts to land major guests. Includes beginning and advanced versions to get you on the path to hearing YES when requesting interviews.

Worried about running out of questions or curious what kinds of research might be helpful to have on your screen when doing online interviews? I’ve got you covered with sample on screen research & “Cheat Sheet”

Links and recommendations on equipment and tools as well as SPECIAL DEALS and DISCOUNTS I’ve set up just for Create Awesome Interviews peeps!

Recommended peeps: Good people are hard to find. Need a little help with your website or graphic design and not sure where to turn? I have some trusted, recommended peeps. Consider this a personal introduction to them.

Looking to go after sponsors? Included is your very own copy of The Rise To The Top Sponsorship Guide which you can use as a template/inspiration to create your own sponsorship guide that will help convince sponsors that their money is wisely spent with you.
Includes metrics, packaging and much more.
As a VERY special additional bonus, you will get a bonus session with top Internet Marketing Coach Ryan Lee (who charges $1,000 an hour for his time and is well worth it) to teach you how to package and SELL your interviews online via a product/membership site.