
David Fleming, John Campione & Dillon Walker -AMN Practitioner – Level 1 Certification

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David Fleming, John Campione & Dillon Walker -AMN Practitioner – Level 1 Certification
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AMN’s revolutionary approach impacting health practices globallympione & Dillon Walker

Achieve Unmatched Client Results with AMN’s Advanced Techniques ​

Elevate your practice beyond conventional limits. AMN courses empower you to deliver significant outcomes, especially in complex cases like chronic pain and insomnia. Become the practitioner others refer to, renowned for your exceptional client transformations.

Inspire and Grow with AMN’s In-Depth Holistic Education

Fuel your passion for holistic health with AMN’s comprehensive curriculum. Delve deep into the mysteries of the human body and mind, expand your professional capabilities and allow the insights and client results to inspire your practice.

Master AMN’s Innovative Screening Process

Redefine corrective and healing precision with AMN’s unique screening techniques. Learn to read the body’s story, identifying interconnected dysfunctions without guesswork. This systematic approach not only enhances your effectiveness but also positions you as a trusted expert in holistic health solutions.

Empower Personal and Client Healing with AMN

Experience one of the few therapeutic processes that nurture both practitioner and client. With AMN’s holistic approach, not only can you heal your clients’ dysfunctions, but you can also reclaim your own health and vitality. It’s a unique opportunity to enhance personal wellbeing while taking your professional practice to unparalleled levels of success.

Expand Your Reach with AMN’s Remote Healing Techniques

With AMN’s innovative training, you can offer impactful healing both in-person and remotely. Broaden your horizons and client base, utilizing digital connectivity to make a global impact from anywhere in the world. All you need is a laptop and internet connection*.
*Level 3 Practitioners, mentoring required
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How AMN Works?

Understanding The Client’s Story

Dive deep into each client’s unique health narrative, identifying the root causes and correlations of their symptoms.

Systematic Scanning & Activation Techniques

Utilize AMN’s systematic approach to scan the brain and body, applying non-invasive techniques to reset and resolve dysfunctions.

Personalized Holistic Healing

Craft individualized healing strategies by addressing diverse dysfunctions, from muscular imbalances to emotional and immune system challenges.
AMN Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification

Start your journey from a familiar reference point and learn exactly how Movement affects the Brain and how the Brain affects Movement.
Gaining an understanding of the Physiology of the Brain and Nervous System will help you see movement, muscle recruitment and muscular imbalances in a way that makes more sense, and will give you the confidence to eliminate these types of issues.
Module 1:

Manual Muscle Testing

Manual muscle testing is a hands-on assessment tool that can help identify muscular imbalances in your clients. By testing the individual muscles and muscle groups, you can get a much more detailed picture of what your client needs and will provide you with…

Enhanced assessment skills: Manual muscle testing allows you to identify muscular imbalances that may not be immediately obvious through observation or movement assessments.
Tailored treatment approach: By identifying specific areas of imbalance, you can create treatment and exercise plans that are targeted to your clients’ individual needs and goals.
Improved client outcomes: By addressing these muscular imbalances, you can help your clients achieve better outcomes and improve their overall function.
Increased credibility: Learning manual muscle testing techniques can help differentiate you from other health and fitness professionals and demonstrate your expertise in the field.

Module 2:

Ventral Horn Technique

The Ventral Horn Technique is a special method used in the AMN System. It was created by David Fleming, one of the founders of AMN. This technique is both sophisticated and easy to use, and it can help you find and solve problems related to your neuromuscular apparatus. By using the deep tendon reflex, you will be able to access the neuromuscular system with precision and gain valuable information about where issues might be located. Furthermore, we will also teach you how to effectively stimulate the areas of dysfunction, allowing you to get them working properly again in a short amount of time.
By learning the Ventral Horn Technique, you can achieve several benefits, such as:

Improved ability to detect and resolve neuromuscular problems.
Increased accuracy in pinpointing the location of issues.
Reduced recovery time due to quicker and more efficient treatment.
Enhanced overall performance and mobility

Module 3:

Peripheral Nerve Mobilizations

As a corrective exercise specialist, it is important to incorporate Peripheral Nerve Mobilizations into your practice. The peripheral nerves are a continuous network of nervous tissue that carry both motor and sensory signals throughout the body. Like our joints, these nerves require mobility to function properly. When they become stuck or adhered, it can limit movement control, range of motion, alter sensory feedback, and produce pain.
By learning how to position and move the body to impact the peripheral nerves specifically, you can enhance muscle innervation, improve function, and reduce or eliminate associated pain in certain presentations. Incorporating Peripheral Nerve Mobilizations into your practice can provide numerous benefits such as increased range of motion, improved muscle activation and control, improved sensory feedback, and reduced pain. By focusing on the health and mobility of the peripheral nerves, you can optimize your clients’ overall movement quality and reduce their risk of injury.
Module 4:

Corrective Movement

Focusing on specific corrective movement protocols can greatly benefit your clients. By understanding the necessary parameters for effective movement application, you’ll be able to provide tailored solutions to correct dysfunctions in their body’s circuitry. This is important because simply prescribing a certain exercise for a specific problem isn’t always effective.
Using specific corrective movement protocols involves prescribing movements and drills that stimulate the brain to coordinate and control movement in a new and improved way. This approach can help to reset problems in the circuitry and improve movement patterns. As a result, your clients will experience increased mobility, improved stability, and reduced pain.
Moreover, once you’ve stimulated your client’s body to resolve a problem, you can then look at novel methods of long-term strength training based on specific movement skills. This approach can help to improve their overall physical fitness and prevent future injuries.
By using specific corrective movement protocols, you’ll be able to provide your clients with a more customized and effective approach to their fitness goals. They’ll see noticeable improvements in their physical abilities, which can help build trust in your expertise and lead to greater retention rates for your business.
Module 5:

Self Assessment

The brain and body hold the answers to resolving pain, promoting health, and improving function, but it can be challenging to interpret their responses. Self-assessment biofeedback provides a way to assess the body’s innate response to specific interventions, allowing us to better understand what works best for each individual. This approach offers numerous benefits, including:

Personalization: By monitoring the body’s response to different interventions, self-assessment biofeedback can help tailor interventions to the individual’s specific needs, increasing the likelihood of success.
Objectivity: Self-assessment biofeedback provides objective data that can help to guide treatment decisions, reducing the risk of subjective bias.
Motivation: By providing real-time feedback on the body’s response, self-assessment biofeedback can be motivating, encouraging individuals to stay engaged and committed to their treatment.
Efficiency: Self-assessment biofeedback can help streamline treatment by identifying interventions that are particularly effective or ineffective, allowing for adjustments to be made quickly.

In this module, you will learn how to use self-assessment biofeedback to monitor the body’s response to exercises and movements, enabling you to optimize your approach and achieve better outcomes.
Module 6:

Restorative Movement

Restorative movement sequences are a series of movement flows that can significantly improve body awareness, reduce pain, improve range of motion, activate muscles, and enhance flexibility. These sequences can be used as a corrective strategy, movement-centric training session, warm-up or recovery technique, or as part of traditional strength and conditioning or athletic training programs.
One of the primary benefits of incorporating restorative movement sequences is the improvement in body awareness, which can lead to better alignment and posture, reducing the risk of injury. These sequences also help to reduce pain and increase range of motion by targeting tight and weak muscles. Furthermore, the activation of muscles during these movements helps to improve muscular endurance and strength, which can enhance performance outcomes.
Restorative movement sequences can be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of clients, making them a highly customizable and effective tool for trainers. They can be used to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury in athletes or as a rehabilitation strategy for individuals with musculoskeletal injuries or chronic pain.
Overall, restorative movement sequences provide a powerful means of enhancing physical fitness and well-being. Incorporating these sequences into training regimens can lead to significant improvements in body awareness, pain reduction, range of motion, and muscular activation, making them a valuable tool for trainers and fitness professionals.
Module 7:

Core Activation

This module within our Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification is designed to address a common issue in pain presentations, which is the inhibition of the core musculature. This inhibition can manifest as pelvic, hip, and low back pain, as well as overall movement performance problems.
To tackle this issue, we teach you a comprehensive assessment process and a series of reflexive hacks that involve the skin, eyes, joints, and fascia. These hacks are designed to help you regain core activation in record time, which can lead to a reduction in pain and an improvement in movement performance.
After completing the assessment and reflexive hacks, you’ll reassess the muscle facilitation, and if it shows improvement, you can apply the gymnastics influenced core-training exercises and movement skills taught in the course. By doing so, you’ll experience new levels of strength and resolution of associated dysfunctions, which will help you to better serve your clients and improve their overall quality of life.
Level 1 Applied Movement Neurology Practitioner

Start your journey from a familiar reference point and learn exactly how Movement affects the Brain and how the Brain affects Movement.
Gaining an understanding of the Physiology of the Brain and Nervous System will help you see movement, muscle recruitment, muscular imbalances, postural distortions and issues with coordination and flexibility in a way that makes more sense, and will give you the confidence to eliminate these types of issues.
Section 1:

Posture & Vestibular Somatic Integration

This course starts out by giving you a comprehensive understanding of the different cortices of the brain, along with the anatomical knowledge of the nervous system and functional zones of the Cerebellum that you’ll need to master the AMN Material. From this basis we look at Posture from the Neurological and Reflexive perspective, providing instantly applicable, practical skills.
Posture is a dynamic process largely controlled below conscious awareness. Maintaining good posture is easy while we’re stationary and thinking about it…But what happens when you start to try and move, or your attention is focused on something else? Improving someone’s ability to hold themselves upright needs to be approached by addressing the reflexes that keep our extensors ‘switched on’.
We’ll teach you how to assess the spine, in a quick and easy way and then how to fire the specific reflexes needed to establish good posture.
Section 2:


In the second section of this course we look at why some people seem to be unable to effectively coordinate themselves during complex movement.
Contrary to popular belief, being uncoordinated isn’t a fixed trait. By stimulating certain visual-stream pathways with light stimulus, and then providing a person with movements designed to challenge their coordination, we’re able to help people unlock their potential to move in a more coordinated manner.
This has huge implications in reducing the risk of injury and in somebody’s enjoyment of the experience of training and movement.
Section 3:

Cerebellum: Rate, Rhythm, Force & Accuracy

Having already familiarised yourself with muscle testing, light touch and the use of bioelectricity, we introduce the use of functional neurological stimulation, in the form of movement and specific drills.
Through precise movement based assessment you’ll learn how to determine which areas of the Cerebellum have faulty output and we’ll equip you with the tools you need to provide the appropriate input.
Mastery of this section will allow you to improve things like muscle recruitment, muscular imbalance, the accuracy of movement, balance in general and much more.
You’ll also learn how to use the eyes, inner ear and integrated reflexes to rapidly influence the motor system.
Level 2 Applied Movement Neurology Practitioner

This Level of Certification goes deeper into the inner workings of the body and looks at some of the more complex structures that can cause movement related problems and be involved in chronic pain.
This course is where we really work on mastering the hands-on techniques of the AMN system. We term this process, Calibration. At this stage we’re still looking primarily at the volitional motor system, but we also start to draw in investigation of deeper structures such as the internal organs and hormones.
Mastery of this level will allow you to start being incredibly effective at resolving pain in people who have had historical issues for years.
Section 1:

Anatomy & Theory

Take your knowledge beyond the confines of mechanical based anatomy and learn how truly interconnected the brain, body and exteroceptive systems are. You shall also gain unique insight into the bioelectrical and piezoelectric nature of the body, the fundamental communication network of water, collagen and electrical charge.
Section 2:

Master Folder

Each level of the AMN education provides the practitioner with processes to assess the brain and body from specific reference points. The master folder offers a step by step method to assess the physiology form the reference points of the Motor (M1) and Somatosensory (S1) cortices. Multiple systems, from the viscera to the fascia are considered as possible dysfunctional zones which may reduce the brains ability to effectively predict and control the body moving.
Section 3:


The Temperomandibular Joint holds local and global bio-mechanical and systemic influence over the function of the body. It is imperative to include a thorough screening process for this area and be able to correlate local dysfunction to distant parts the body. Normalising the nervous systems interaction with the TMJ can resolve cervical, shoulder lumbo-pelvic issues and more.
Section 4:


Movement related dysfunctions can be driven from many levels. The viscero-somatic screen allows the practitioner to uncover precise dysfunctional relationships between the viscera and muscular system.
Section 5:


Reflexive connections between the neuroendocrine and muscular system exist and therefore must be considered when working with muscle imbalance, pain and dysfunction. The endocrine-somatic screen provides access to these associations via reflexive pathways.
Section 6:


The cranial sutures are far from unrelated, motionless bones to the rest of the body. Erroneous tension within the cranio-facial structures can influence or be influenced by musculoskeletal dysfunctions from anywhere in the body due to fascial continuity.
Section 7:

Ventral Horn

The neuromuscular system monitors and responds to changes in length and tension within the muscular system. The ventral horn technique defines precisely which muscle compartment, neuromuscular receptor and spinal cord level is at the root of a pain or muscle imbalance complaint.
Section 8:


Proprioception is the amalgamation of the brains awareness of the static and dynamic position of the body in space. If faulty signalling is occurring, either at the conscious or unconscious level inefficient movement and increased injury risk ensues. The proprioceptive screen allows you to pinpoint the relationship between the brain and the neuromuscular system to resolve such issues.
Section 9:

Midbrain Analgesia

Several networks within and surrounding the brainstem are recruited by the brain to dull down the sensation of pain. One such pathway resides within the midbrain and can be preferentially stimulated vis a simple process to reduce, or in some cases completely eradicate pain sensation. The midbrain analgesia drill is one such tool that you will never want to be without.
Section 10:

Advanced Creative Application

The AMN system is taught via a series of standardised screening and calibration protocols. This allows all students to learn the detail of the material providing a framework from which to investigate the body However, not all possible dysfunctions can be uncovered via a standardised screen. Sometimes we have to think ‘outside of the box’ and allow the combination of critical thinking and the feedback of the clients body guide us to the answers we’re looking for This is the premise of the ‘advanced creative application’ of the AMN system.
Level 3 Applied Movement Neurology Practitioner

The Level 3 Certification goes ‘deep down the rabbit hole’.
It’s in this Level that you will really master the most complex cases that present to you in the clinic. In this Level, we deal with the Sensory Autonomics.
Sensory Autonomics account for 80% of all the information that travels from our nerve endings to our brain, and is dealing with all of the information that is being received from the systems essential to our survival.
Section 1:

The Limbic Screen

We all know that the emotions can affect the way our body feels. Think about the last time you were stressed or anxious. These emotions, and in fact all emotions, have physical projections or representations.
But it’s not just the emotions we’re experiencing right now that can have an effect on our health. Historical emotional conflicts can have a huge impact on how we move, how we feel, and can, in some cases, be a catalyst for unpleasant chronic conditions and disease states.
Emotional memories can directly influence our health. Assessing from this reference point can allow you to uncover the deepest correlations of your client’s problems or dysfunctions.
Section 2:

Respiratory Screen

This screening process allows you to improve reflexive control of respiration from the level of the brainstem making dramatic, and in some cases instantaneous, changes to the way we breathe.
Section 3:

Immune Screen

Learn how to assess for current or historic bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic correlations to the immune system. This assessment process can be the missing link in a lot of people’s skill set that will open the door to helping your clients and patients.
Section 4:

Gastrointestinal Screen

Learn the importance of the microbiome, the role of the large intestine, small intestine and stomach. Assess the functional balance of gut bacteria, search for gut dysfunction, neurotransmitters and their relation to our health.
Section 5:

Circadian Vestibular Screen

All living organisms display innate biological rhythms based on the rhythmic 24hr cycles of the planet and nature. These rhythms regulate behaviour and physiology. Delve into this fascinating aspect of biology and uncover how, the vestibular system correlates balance control, autonomic regulation, body temperature and anxiety under a single integrated control system.
Section 6:

Circadian Liver Screen

The liver regulates carbohydrate, lipid, amino acid and bile acid metabolism, detoxification and plasma protein synthesis pathways. Learn how to identify when dysfunction of the rhythmic action of the liver lies behind movement and health dysfunctions.
Section 7:

Osmolarity Screen

Fluid homeostasis refers to water balance in the body. We all think we understand the importance of hydration. With the Osmolarity screen we can uncover, specifically, when hydration is required, when it is not, how it relates to blood pressure and the influence of sunlight on the mechanisms involved.
Proper hydration not only impacts the intrinsic neck, low back and pelvic musculature, but effects communication between every cell in the body.
Section 8:


Sometimes a muscle problem, or pain complaint just doesn’t seem to resolve with movement or manual therapy. Sometimes we need to look to the connective tissues themselves. The structure screen allows you to identify precisely when a joint, ligament or the fascia (as well as other tissues) is the driver of a problem, and gives you the tools to create a resolution.
Proper hydration not only impacts the intrinsic neck, low back and pelvic musculature, but effects communication between every cell in the body.
Excellence in Training with AMN Academy

As a Centre of Excellence recognized by The Complementary Medical Association (The CMA), AMN Academy exemplifies the highest standards of training. The Academy offers elite courses for a wide range of professionals, from Personal Trainers to Doctors of Physical Therapy. Our diverse curriculum caters to disciplines including Yoga, Osteopathy, and Professional Athletics, underscoring our commitment to advancing health and wellness practices globally.
Meet The Teaching Faculty

AMN Academy makes learning about the human body straightforward and practical. Our goal is to teach in a way that makes it easy for practitioners to understand and use this knowledge to help people heal and improve their health.
David Fleming

David Fleming’s career in health and wellness began over 20 years ago as a Personal Trainer. His enduring fascination with the body’s intricate workings led him to explore Functional Biomechanics, Functional Neurology, and Biophysics. Presently, he continues to expand his understanding of dysfunction through the study of psyche-emotional trauma, intention, and theories of the unified field.

Overcoming personal challenges, including traumatic experiences and health issues, David’s journey embodies resilience and a profound understanding of holistic health. This experience shapes his approach to education at AMN Academy, where he blends diverse disciplines like Neuroscience and Bio-Physics into transformative teachings. As Co-Founder and Director of Education, David is at the forefront of guiding professionals towards groundbreaking health practices.

Dr John Campione

Dr. John Campione is the owner and Head clinician at Cerebellum Movement Therapy in Warrenville, Illinois. He is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Physician having received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the National University of Health Sciences in 2010 and a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from the West Virginia University School of Medicine in 2005.

Dr. Campione specializes in functional neurology and rehabilitation and holds multiple postgraduate certifications in additional manual techniques, assessment processes, and exercise therapy. He is an experienced educator at the collegiate and graduate levels and he currently teaches post-graduate courses on manual techniques and movement assessment for Rocktape and is a mentor and faculty member at The Academy of Applied Movement Neurology.

Dr Dillon Walker

Following completion of his PhD, Dillon began a postdoctoral fellowship in the Animal Science Department at the University of Florida, where his research focus was in skeletal muscle satellite cell biology and their involvement in muscle growth.

After completing two years at UF, Dillon held a postdoctoral fellow position for three years at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, researching the impact of nutrition and exercise on human muscle growth. From 2012 to 2017, Dillon served as a Research Assistant Professor in the Center for Translational Research in Aging & Longevity at Texas A&M University, where his focus was amino acid metabolism in older adults with chronic disease.