David Deida – Live in San Francisco 2016


With ​Surrender, ​Trust, ​and ​Sexual ​Spirituality, ​you ​are ​invited ​to ​a ​rare ​public ​teaching ​appearance ​with ​David ​Format File: [Webrip – 3 MP3s] File Size: 139.71 MBPurchase David Deida – Live in San Francisco 2016 courses at here with PRICE $27 $8David Deida – Live in San Francisco 2016Talks and Dialogues with David DeidaBestselling ​author ​David ​Deida ​continues ​to ​light ​the ​way ​to ​a ​fuller ​expression ​of ​our ​unique ​purpose ​in ​love ​and ​in ​life. ​David ​teaches ​that ​in ​order ​to ​offer ​our ​deepest ​gifts—whether ​it’s ​in ​bed, ​with ​our ​art, ​or ​through ​our ​work—we ​must ​surrender ​as ​openly ​as ​this ​total ​moment ​and ​trust ​in ​the ​unknowable ​being ​that ​lives ​with ​our ​whole ​body. ​With ​Surrender, ​Trust, ​and ​Sexual ​Spirituality, ​you ​are ​invited ​to ​a ​rare ​public ​teaching ​appearance ​with ​David ​Deida, ​held ​in ​San ​Francisco, ​California, ​on ​April ​8-9, ​2016. ​Beginning ​on ​Friday ​night ​and ​through ​all ​of ​Saturday, ​you’ll ​join ​David ​Deida ​for ​a ​series ​of ​spontaneous ​teachings, ​new ​insights, ​provocative ​practices, ​and ​question-and-answer ​sessions ​intended ​to ​help ​you ​relax ​the ​heart’s ​contractions, ​illuminate ​that ​which ​we ​tend ​to ​keep ​hidden, ​and ​create ​an ​authentic ​“yoga ​of ​intimacy” ​throughout ​your ​days ​and ​nights. ​ ​We’ll ​begin ​the ​event ​Friday ​night ​with ​an ​opening ​talk ​from ​David ​Deida. ​Immediately ​following ​the ​evening ​talk, ​we’ll ​be ​joined ​by ​a ​special ​guest ​DJ ​to ​kick ​off ​the ​weekend ​with ​drinks ​and ​dancing. ​Come ​dressed ​to ​dance. ​Get David Deida – Live in San Francisco 2016 downloadSaturday ​morning ​opens ​with ​two ​hours ​of ​light ​movement ​practices ​and ​exercises ​led ​by ​David’s ​trained ​assistants. ​Dress ​in ​comfortable, ​casual ​clothing ​suitable ​for ​light ​movement. ​Following ​the ​lunch ​break ​from ​12:00-2:00 ​PM, ​David ​will ​return ​for ​a ​full ​afternoon ​of ​teachings ​and ​Q&A ​sessions. ​ ​During ​the ​event, ​we may explore:– Awakening ​sexual ​circuitry ​and ​its ​spiritual ​side-effects– Relaxing ​in ​whole-body ​trust ​in ​intimacy– Enjoying ​the ​dissolution ​of ​purpose, ​self-sense, ​and ​shape ​in ​erotic ​rapture– Loving ​fear ​and ​anger ​as ​textures ​of ​openness– Breathing ​love’s ​bliss ​in ​both ​solitude ​and ​two-bodied ​sexual ​oneness– Practicing ​ultimate ​lovemaking ​as ​unending ​vulnerability– Attuning ​to ​sensitive ​ravishment– Taking ​it ​all ​as ​one: ​nondual ​sex-play ​and ​heart-surrender– Offering ​the ​sexual ​body ​as ​a ​flower ​of ​devotional ​invitation“The ​open ​expression ​of ​who ​you ​really ​are ​is ​the ​only ​thing ​that ​will ​free ​you ​from ​the ​stress ​of ​feeling ​incomplete,” ​explains ​David ​Deida. ​“Whenever ​you ​are ​ready, ​you ​can ​start ​being ​who ​you ​are ​in ​truth. ​To ​surrender ​so ​completely ​to ​be ​who ​you ​are ​can ​be ​terrifying—your ​self-image ​instantly ​vanishes. ​Yet ​it ​is ​the ​only ​way ​to ​live ​that ​is ​real.”With ​Surrender, ​Trust, ​and ​Sexual ​Spirituality, ​now ​you ​can ​experience ​a ​singular ​and ​deep ​dive ​into ​the ​ongoing ​work ​of ​this ​revolutionary ​teacher. ​Get David Deida – Live in San Francisco 2016 downloadPurchase David Deida – Live in San Francisco 2016 courses at here with PRICE $27 $8