Dave Dee – One-to-Many Copywriting Accelerator System


Dave Dee – One-to-Many Copywriting Accelerator System
Are you frustrated by the challenge of writing sales copy that actually closes the deal?

“Discover My Proven Step-by-Step System To Creating KILLER Sales Copy Quickly and Easily… For Any Product or Service in Any Target Market… Guaranteed!”

Special Offer Expires In

Banish Forever the Dreaded “Fear of the Blank Page” and Instead Reap the Rewards of Powerful One-to-Many Sales Pieces That Close High-Value Deals Like Magic

Jake Folliis
Lake View Mortgage, Villa Rica, GA
I have recently placed the ad you helped me re-“create” and response has been great! The last four months have been very slow, but this month it looks like I will break $20K (that’s in my pocket).”
Dear Friend,
If you want to be able to create “literally from thin air” powerful sales letters that deliver serious bottom-line results for your business –
Without having to waste hours/days/weeks/months sweating bullets to get something down on paper –
Then this could very well be the most valuable letter you’ll ever read.
How can I make such a bold statement?
In just a moment, all will be revealed… including an amazing ONE TIME ONLY deal you’ll think I’m literally out of my mind to make… but first…
Let Me Tell You My Story

(Could It Be Your Story Too?)
When I discovered how to write EFFECTIVE sales copy it changed everything for me.
Before, I struggled to get even a few sales for the small business I was running on the side… 3-4 a month, hardly enough to even keep the lights on, let alone raise a family.
But I had a “real job,” so the need to close more sales was not THAT pressing.
However, reality upset that apple cart when out of the blue my boss fired me. Now something HAD to change – my small side business needed a serious and massive boost.
So I poured everything I had – money, time, focus – into becoming great at selling myself in print and every other way imaginable as FAST AS POSSIBLE.
I buried myself in the masters: Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, John Caples, and many more.
Hungry and highly motivated, I absorbed what they offered and came up with my own personal “Tricks of the Trade.”
Because I didn’t have time for endless trial and error.
Remember, I had a family. Responsibilities. And yes, dreams of my own to fulfil.
So I had to get really good at this. Really fast.
Which I did.
My sales went from 3-4/month to over 40/month.
Building on this success, I quickly expanded my business, going into other products and services. As I become more widely known, requests started pouring in for my help on other people’s projects.
Good new, right?
Not so fast, kemosabe,
You see, I like to work. I’m happy to help others and make a pretty penny along the way.
But I value having a life too.
So matters could’ve gotten out of hand – but I had a secret…
More Accurately, a “Secret System”

You see, juggling these multiple client projects and my own personal business ventures would have been impossible – except for the fact that I had invented a simple, yet incredibly effective SYSTEM for producing quality sales copy in record-breaking time.
Over. And Over. And Over Again.
The reason this worked was that I managed to strip away all the theory, all the foundational principles of copy into a very concise, step-by-step process…
It was simple. Lean. Yet extremely powerful.
This system let me to handle a workload that would have suffocated me without it. And it consistently produced one-to-many sales materials that delivered real, life-changing results for my VERY happy clients and for me.
Of course, this got noticed. Word got around.
In late 2011, I was offered the role of Chief Marketing Officer at the very same company Dan Kennedy founded, GKIC.
While there, even though I produced a lot of copy still, I taught this system to my team there – where we literally built a COPY-PRODUCTION MACHINE that generated hundreds of thousands in sales, product after product, launch after launch.
(So you see, the system works. Not just for me, for ANYONE.)
It was a great ride at GKIC; I’ve since left to go out on my own – it was clearly a no-brainer as demand for my skills continued to grow.
But There’s Only So Much One Man Can Do…

After years of charging hundreds of thousands of dollars for marketing & copywriting services for clients big and small across the US, I discovered that there simply was NO WAY I could keep up with the demand.
Today I only serve a very limited number of partners on an exclusive, concierge kind of service. The rare clients I do work with personally now pay a very high premium for that privilege.
But phone and email requests continued to flood in – far more than I could ever help on a 1-to-1 basis.
Because there’s real desperation out there for quality sales copy.
I’m talking true-to-form, rubber meets road, DIRECT RESPONSE sales copy – that lays out the clear, irresistible case as to why YOU offer precisely what the men and women in your target market want and need.
It drives you crazy to know you have the BEST solution for your customers, clients, or patients, but you just can’t find a way to convey that conviction and knowledge in words that close the deal.
Then it came to me.
Why not share my system directly in a one-to-many format?
So in a recent, closed-door session only available to a very few lucky individuals, I revealed my highly refined system strategy for creating KILLER copy as fast as humanly possible.
And for the first time, I’m making the videos of that training available to you as an instant-access online toolkit I’m calling:
“The One-to-Many Copywriting Accelerator System”

Your Simple Formula for QUICKLY Writing Profit-Producing Copy

Without Struggle, Sweat, or Tears – Guaranteed
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover inside this simple, yet powerful toolkit:
My 5-step system for creating KILLER copy for any target market… it’s simple, easy-to-follow, and FAST!

The simple little phrase that bridges the gap between “features” and “benefits” seamlessly and in a way that makes your offer impossible to resist.

The single most important part of your sales message… your success depends on getting this and getting it right.

The FIRST thing you want to create before writing any sales piece – sales letter, webinar, presentation – and without it, you’re stuck and going nowhere fast.

An in-depth review and analysis of actual LIVE ads that have generated millions of dollars – what made them great and why they worked… and how to “swipe” their timeless principles for use in your own sales pieces.

The powerful “extended bullet point” strategy… how to leverage pain and pleasure to motivate your prospects to HAVE to buy now.

Why it’s easier to sell Solutions instead of Prevention – but if you do sell Prevention, exactly what you must do in your copy to get them to act.

How giving your offer “just the right name” can mean the difference between struggle and massive success.

What you CAN do if you can’t guarantee a result in your business… there ARE guarantees you can make, no matter what rules your business has to follow.

Just because it’s FREE doesn’t mean you don’t have to sell – H-A-R-D – why you must sell a free offer, report, consultation EVEN more strongly… and the common missing element you must add to any free offer.

The 5 different types of guarantees you can include with your offer… along with examples of how to use each and why they matter.

The “Apples to Oranges” comparison you want to make when discussing pricing (it’s simple, yet oh-so effective).

My favorite “Can’t Miss” Pricing Formula… I use this with pretty much EVERY sales presentation I make, it’s been tested and proven over many years.

A little trick I use when discussing value that makes a huge impact emotionally on the audience… which makes the final offer price a literal “no-brainer.”

How to present payment plans in a way that maximizes acceptance – almost everybody screws this up and if you do it wrong, it WILL COST YOU.

The copywriting secret to obliterating your competitor’s main advantage… this little trick will eliminate ANY advantage they have over you.

The danger of putting your final price in your headline or too early in your presentation – how it could work, but what you must do first to ensure success.

And that’s only the beginning… Plus, in addition to the online video training you get in “The One-to-Many Copywriting Accelerator System,” you’re also going to receive:

“Lightning Fast Copy”

Bonus Pack

Presentation Slides from the Training. You get the entire set of slides used during the training. Print them out and refer to the while you watch the videos, or just keep them handy when you want a quick refresh on the core concept.

Bullet Points Swipe File – a simple sheet, yet packed with exactly what you need to create your own powerful bullet list product/service descriptions. You’ll never be at a loss the next time you need to fill a page with compelling copy that tells YOUR story in a clear, powerful way.

How to Write Killer Headlines – you won’t have to dig through hundreds of ads like I did to cherry pick the cream of the crop when it comes to headlines. I did it for you and delivered them to you in a simple to understand way. In addition, I lay out the foundational principles you MUST follow to create your own powerful headlines that catch the eye and grab attention. And finally, the most valuable bonus of all… the ONE tool that you’ll return to over and again and that will save you literally HUNDREDS of HOURS:

Fast Sales Letter Template that Kicks Butt – here’s your “keys to the kingdom,” a versatile, simple-to-use template that literally walks you through the process of writing crazy effective sales copy for any target market. It’s totally fill-in-the-blank, just sprinkle in your own business specific information and you have a sales letter that’s ready to roll out the door and roll in the profits. I’ve used this exact same format for years and it’s generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for me and for my clients.

So as you can see, it’s a complete package focused 100% on giving you exactly what you need to produce quality sales copy that brings home the bacon. It works for me and it works for everyone else I’ve revealed it to as well.
(PSSSST: What you’re reading right now is based on strategies and systems you’ll discover IN THIS KIT…

I “eat my own dogfood” as they say, meaning I don’t teach one thing and do another – you get the Real Deal stuff I’ve personally uses in my own business to generate millions of dollars.)
But Don’t Just Take My Word For It…

Now I know you might be skeptical – well, you don’t have to just take my word for it. I have literally hundreds of results-based testimonials that make it clear my strategies deliver the goods.

Your stuff has basically tripled my business and my income. Anyone not using your materials should have their head examined.
Tim Piccirillo, PA

Your program has boosted our sales practically fivefold!
Ric Ewing, CA

My business has increased by almost 400% by following your information.
Jim Fassbinder, CA

I more than tripled my business last year thanks to you!
Eduardo Ramos, FL

As a student and member of yours for the past few years, I want you to know how much your work means to me. You have been a driving force behind my success. I can honestly say, had it not been for your courses, programs and information, I would not be as successful as I am today.
Brad Ross, NJ

Your materials are absolutely fantastic and have paid for themselves many times over.
Matt Roberts, Australia
“Sounds Great Dave, How Much?”

First off, you need to know that the seminar where I taught this system will NEVER get repeated. So you won’t be able to jump on a plane, fly to Atlanta, and take it in for yourself. Not happening.
Now you “could” jump on a plane and invest $12,000 for a personal day with me, where I reveal this all to you mano-a-mano. I’d be happy to do so, however, I’m wagering you’re open to an option that involves a somewhat less significant investment.
The value of the LIVE training was $597. When you toss in the bonuses – particularly the “Fast Sales Letter Template That Kicks Butt” – you’re talking another $497 easy. (If you think this seems crazy, go price out having an A-level copywriter create a similar template and toolkit for you – even the cheapest out there would run you at least a couple grand.)
But I’m not going to charge anything close to that.
I have a real heart for entrepreneurs and small business owners. I want YOU to succeed. So I want this to get in the hands of as many people as possible.
I originally planned to sell this for $297, but frankly, I have other products and systems in the pipeline right now that I’d rather focus my efforts on. So, I’ve decided to knock $100 off that to produce a final price of $197… it’s now the MSRP for this system.
BECAUSE, however, you got to this message by making a request for special information to build your business and reach your dreams, that says to me you’re one of the rare 2% who actually “get it” about why small business matters so much to our country and the world. So to reward you, I’m going to give you that ONE TIME ONLY DEAL I mentioned earlier…

“The One-to-Many Copywriting Accelerator System”


That’s a full 87% off its original price – a savings of $260!
But you must act now – this deal will NEVER be repeated. Period.
Once this page goes away, this offer is gone for good.
When you ORDER NOW you’ll get immediate access to the entire toolkit and system. No waiting, no delay, you can start creating killer copy that sells TODAY!
Why am I doing this?
Partly because I like doing marketing tests and I’m frankly curious whether someone like you will take me up on what’s probably my craziest deal ever.
The other reason – I just love seeing business owners succeed and this training is EXACTLY what you need to separate yourself from the pack in today’s dog-eat-dog world of intense competition.
Of Course, You’re Totally Protected by My


You have THIRTY DAYS to examine everything, use what you want, and then if you don’t make at least $10,000 in PROFITS you would not have made otherwise, you can ask for and get a 100% refund of your purchase price.
You read that correctly. There is no teeny tiny print or weasel clauses. If you don’t profit from my System by at least ten grand, you can get your money back. It’s that simple and straightforward.
Warning: This System Might NOT Be For You

Now even though this is an AMAZING deal you’ll never see anywhere else, this system might NOT be for you for the following reasons:

Reason 1: You Like to Overcomplicate Things. Let’s get real, this is a real challenge for many business owners. They can’t accept that the SIMPLE answer is the BEST answer. They can’t take a proven model AS IS and leave it go at that. They feel the need to mangle, fold, spindle, and mutilate it in some vain attempt to “Make It Mine.” (Trust me, I have to fight this impulse myself.) So if that’s you, this ain’t for you. It’s dead-solid simple. You don’t need to add frosting or anything else. Follow the system. Use the templates. Write your salesletters. And watch the money come in. Don’t futz with it, it will work for you.
Reason 2: You Really Don’t Like to Sell. I still run into this sentiment with far too many business owners. For some reason, they think sales should just happen naturally. Just give a price, state a few features, and voila out comes the credit card. Sorry Charlie, that ain’t how it works in the real world. You HAVE to sell and the best way to do so is with words that speak directly to your customers’ hopes, dreams, fears, and pain. THAT is what copywriting is all about. And that’s why it’s such a valuable skill to acquire and use. Finally, the last reason why you MIGHT not want this:
Reason 3: You’re Looking to Become a 7-8-Figure Copywriter. Well, that’s an admirable ambition. If so, this isn’t the course to get you there. This is NOT a professional copywriter’s program for people who’ve dedicated their life to that profession. There are plenty of those kinds of advanced trainings already out there – and which require well-deserved, significant investments.

This program is aimed squarely at the small business owner / entrepreneur who sees Copywriting as yet another tool to accomplish the greater goal: To get YOUR products and services into the hands of as many customers as possible.

This program doesn’t bore you with theory, psychological research findings, endless drills, or any of that.
Instead, its focus is simple: to walk you through the process of cranking out a sales letter that will enable you to CRUSH your competition.
This program will enable you to stand out from any and all competitors – and do it quickly, so you can get new products and services to market faster than anyone else could imagine possible.
So if any of those reasons don’t apply to you – AND you’re ready to get the very best deal imaginable on this program – then do not delay, click the button below and order now.

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]