Data-driven UX Masterclass – Karl Gilis


DESCRIPTIONUnderstanding optimized designUse of dataGet a proven and hands-on UX framework to make more money through your website and landing pages.This training will show you how toUse user research tools and techniques to discover usability and user experience issues on any website.Implement a proven, repeatable process that will result in more revenue per visitor.Extract the highest value insights from Google Analytics, heatmaps, user records, and form analytics.Apply Karl 15 years of user experience and usability processes, tools and tips to your website today.What will you take after that?The right mindset is really (I mean really-really) customer-centric. From now on, you’ll be able to sell the person you want to buy. Instead of selling the way you want to sell, as you do now.A proven process and method that allows you to identify weak points on any website or landing page.Gain insight into how to gain useful insights from the most important (and affordable) user research tools and methods. No age spent staring at boring graphics and numbers.An incredible set of tips, tricks and guidelines to turn your visitors into customers. Yes, believe me: it’s incredible. See what I did?Knowledge&confidence to improve your website and landing pages,even when you don’t have enough visitors to do a/b testing.Throughout the course, you will…See exactly how Carl improves website availability and revenue&landing pages in 8 video sessions.During the first 4 sessions, he will show you how to use user research tools and techniques to discover usability and user experience issues. So you know how to make the most of them.The last 4 sessions Karl shared the best UX tips and tricks he has learned over the past 15 years. So, you can solve the problem on your website and turn these visitors into customers.This course is for you if…You think your website or landing page can be improved. A lot but you don’t know where to start.You have ambitions to grow your online business or your customers, and you understand that Rome is not built in a day. So you are looking for a strategy and repeatable process to improve any website or landing page step by step.You are a business owner, webmaster,designer,marketer,……Who believes that online marketing should not be based on intuition and opinion. But you do not know how to collect these facts.You realize that tools are important, but by no means a solution. You want to learn how to make the most of them. What’s more: How to connect the points.You understand that availability and conversion optimization are the key to survival online. But you are overwhelmed with all the information that you can find online. So you are looking for a hands-on training that revolves around the idea of pudding proving to be in eating something.This course may not be for you if…You don’t have any ambitions for your website. You don’t care if you’re bankrupt this year.Do you believe there is a magic list with 10 tips that will make your website the best in the world. This list does not exist and I will give you a framework and hands-on process to make your site better.You believe you can make tons of money online without any effort. Again: it is not there. You have to work hard and improve your website every day. But thanks to the tips and tricks you get in the process, you’ll know exactly how to do it and how to get the result.You want more visitors on your website. This course is not to attract more visitors. It’s about getting more revenue and sales from your visitors.You do not believe in data, but intuition and opinion. I wish you all the best.About your coach, Carl Gillis.According to PPC Hero Carl is one of the most influential conversion rate optimizers in the world. He is also g of AGConsult, a Belgian-based availability and conversion optimization company. Since 2001, he has been optimizing the site. Always based on user research and facts.Karl is a top rated international speaker (he was named the second best speaker at Digital Elite Camp). He teaches at several universities in Belgium. And trained personnel from Thomas Cook, TUI, Suzuki, Toyota and other companies.In his spare time, Carl is treating those who believe that online marketing is based on intuition and opinion.He is also known as the”UX comedian,” but he promises to be very serious in this course. No.All your coursesUser experience and availabilityLesson 1Leave your ego at the door and find out what your visitors wantIf I’ve learned anything in the last 15 years, it’s that most sites fail because of themselves. Companies large and small put themselves first, rather than putting their users first. Often do not even realize it. Do you talk about what you think customers want? Or do you know what they want?Lesson 2Google AnalyticsThe amount of data in Google Analytics can feel a little overwhelming. It’s easy to get lost. Unless you’re ready to ask questions unless you know what to look for, your data won’t tell you anything interesting.Lesson 3Mouse heatmaps and user recordsHeatmaps are more than just beautiful pictures, you can integrate into your presentation to impress your stakeholders. They can tell you a lot about your site and your visitors. That’s … ..If you know what you’re looking for,Lesson 4Form analysis and preparation for actionOn most websites, a form is the last step in converting a visitor. Unfortunately, they are also often the last obstacle. The form analysis tool gives you insight into how users interact with your form.Lesson 5UX tips for detail pages and landing pagesI’ll show you the ins and outs of each element of a typical page (e.g. title, Photo, Design, text, call to action, USP, etc.).) Not based on intuition or opinion, but based on real-life examples and what we found in previous meetings.Lesson 6UX tips for formsForm is the key to every online business. I will share all the tips and tricks I know to make sure your visitors will feel the urge to fill out your form. Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But I can guarantee that if you follow my tips, your tables will be converted as if they had never been converted before.Lesson 7Category pages and your home pageIf you sell more than one product or service, you may have a category page. We will address the most common but often overlooked issues in these pages.Lesson 8Building relationships&summing upWhen was the last time you went to a website that you had never visited and immediately bought something? Yeah.However, most websites are built around this concept. Someone lands on your website and buys.In this meeting, I will show you some brilliant techniques that allow you to build relationships with your visitors. So, you can gently move them from visitor to customer.Lesson 9Bonus categoryCarl offers a bonus class to end the course. He will cover forms,category pages and home pages.Frequently asked questionsWhich books or resources should I be familiar with?Carl offers similar training at digital agencies,and they always admit that they have learned a lot.+5 years of conversion or availability expert experience with hands-on experience based on user research. Not someone has mainly read many articles on the subject.What will make a student over-complete the course?If you have a website and you want to improve it, you are eligible.If you can only change the content of the site, please do not follow this training. You will learn a lot,but you will be frustrated because you can not change one thing.If you have many years of experience as a UX Designer, you may learn more than you think.How long should I work at UX?Carl advised reading not to make me think of the right mindset.Which programs or tools should I be familiar with?It is helpful to try using tools like Hotjar or other click-on heatmap, scroll heatmap and user session tools. During the training, Karl will teach you how to read the data obtained from these tools. He will not teach you how to set them up. So start implementing one of these tools (which is really easy) and start recording the data.The same is true of form analysis. You can use Hotjar or Formissimo. Just start collecting data.These classes are not about the technical use of these tools, but how to interpret the data they provide you. Therefore, if you start collecting data before this course and are familiar with the interface of these tools before, you will make the most of the training.Business online coursesBusiness information:Commerce is the activity of making a living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).[Quote verification required] simply put, it is”any activity or business goes into profit.”This does not mean that it is a company,a company,a partnership, or there is any such formal organization, but it can range from street vendors to General Motors.”Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible for the debts incurred by the business.If the business gets debt, the creditor can go after the owner of the personal property.Corporate structure does not allow corporate tax rates. The owner of the individual is taxed on all income from the enterprise.Get Data-driven UX Masterclass – Karl Gilis, Only Price $37Tag: Data-driven UX Masterclass – Karl Gilis Review. Data-driven UX Masterclass – Karl Gilis download. Data-driven UX Masterclass – Karl Gilis discount.