Darius Jackson – The Simplified Options Course


Quant Galore – The Volatility Trading Bible
This course runs the gamut from building a quant trading toolkit, deploying ML based 0-DTE strategies, and real-world trading of volatility surfaces. If you’re looking to compete and profit with the big boys, look no further.
What You’ll Learn In The Volatility Trading Bible
Book I: In The Beginning, There Was Volatility

More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Implied Volatility: Part I
More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Implied Volatility: Part II
So, You Think You Know Volatility?

Book II: Building The Ark

Python Setup
Database Setup
Database Setup II
Server Setup
Self Email Setup
Self Email Script
Is Your Quant Tech In Order?

Book III: All Prophets Are False, Except AI

Predicting S&P 500 Intraday Volatility with Machine Learning (0-DTE Strategy)
Building Our Training Data
Backtesting + Modeling
Taking It Live: Real-World Deployment
Vol Trading Files

Book IV: Parting The Volatility Surface

The Volatility Surface: How Do You Trade This Thing?
Running a Proprietary Vol Surface: Part I
Running a Proprietary Vol Surface: Part II
Running a Proprietary Vol Surface: Part III
Volatility Surface Files

Book V: Thou Shall Always Sell Vol

Selling 0-DTE SPX Volatility
The Beast of the VIX1D: Finding The Optimal Strikes
Regime Classification: Getting The Direction Right
Taking It Live
Volatility Selling Files

Book VI: The Departure

A Final Overview: The Big Picture