
Daniel Moran – Acceptance & Commitment Therapy: 2-Day Intensive ACT Training

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Daniel Moran – Acceptance & Commitment Therapy: 2-Day Intensive ACT Training

Daniel Moran
12 Hours 15 Minutes
Audio and Video
Jul 17, 2019


Looking to improve your therapy approach?
How often do you review your appointment calendar and start wondering how you’re going to, finally, help a regular client who seems to progress for a while – and then regress?
Each time he/she arrives, you use the same tools and techniques you’ve used for so long – and mostly successfully – but this one client is testing your skills. Now you can begin to integrate Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into your practice – and see improved outcomes.
Researched and developed by world-renowned researcher, speaker and author Steven Hayes, PhD, ACT is fast becoming the treatment approach that gets to the heart of therapeutic relationship.
Watch ACT expert, trainer and co-author with Steven Hayes of ACT in Practice, Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D., BCBA-D, for this course recording where you will develop highly practical, evidence-based skills, case conceptualization techniques and powerful strategies that will improve outcomes for the following:

Anxiety Issues
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Mood Disorders
Substance Abuse
Anger Management
Eating Disorders
Personality Disorders

Watch this intensive, engaging and transformative recording and start a new path for healing you can use with your most difficult clients.
Free mindfulness exercises are included! You will also receive copies of ACT-based psychological assessment tools and case conceptualization forms.


Manual – Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (4.59 MB)
30 Pages
Available after Purchase

The ACT Model

The nature of human suffering
”Healthy normality” is a myth
Language: The double-edged sword
Undermine unhelpful thoughts
Aiming for psychological flexibility and why
The ACT hexagon model

Limitations of the Research and Potential Risks

Children and adolescents
Acute, florid hallucinations
Catatonic depression
Individuals with an adverse reaction to mindfulness exercises


Strengthening a willingness to have emotions
The opposite of acceptance is experiential avoidance
Experiential avoidance throughout the lifespan
Why acceptance is important
Case example: Teenage shyness & hoarding


Look at thoughts rather than from thoughts
Deal with automatic thoughts
The power of words
The problem with cognitive fusion
Address CBT-based disputation techniques with defusion
”Taking your mind for a walk” exercise
Case example: Eating disorders & social phobia


Understand the “Self” in ACT
Self-as-content, self-as-perspective, self-as-context
Observer self-exercise
Deal with identity issues
Case examples related to PTSD & childhood sexual trauma


Contacting the present moment
Why being in the here-and-now is critical for mental health
Relationship between mindlessness and psychopathology
Meditation, mindfulness and mindful action
Exercises for mindful action
Case example: Anger, personality disorders, alcoholism

Values Work

The positive side of language
Identifying core values
Differentiate values and goals
Writing values-based treatment goals
The ethics of values clarification
Establishing the life line
Case example: Heroin addiction, bipolar disorder

Committed Action

Define “commitment” objectively
Integrate evidence-based therapy with ACT
Develop ACT-based behavior therapy treatment plans
Improve behavioral activation with ACT
Accelerate exposure therapy with ACT
Case example: Depression, agoraphobia

Pulling It All Together

Hexaflex model for psychological flexibility
Ask the “ACT Question” for self-help and case conceptualization
Inflexahex model: Diagnosis from an ACT approach
Case example: Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Incorporate ACT into Your Own Approach

Social skills training
Applied Behavior Analysis
Inpatient treatment programs systems
Exposure and ritual prevention
Behavioral activation
Parent management training
Executive coaching

The Mindful Action Plan

ACT simplified
Passengers on the bus: The classic ACT group exercise
How ACT can make you a better therapist


Daniel Moran, PhD, BCBA-D Related seminars and products: 7

Daniel J. Moran, PhD, BCBA-D, is the former president of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS), the international ACT organization with over 8,000 members worldwide. He co-authored the first case conceptualization manual for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy entitled ACT in Practice (New Harbinger) and served on the first ACT training committee. He also recently published Committed Action in Practice (New Harbinger) and will be bringing the topic of that book to this workshop.
As a recognized ACT Trainer in the ACBS community, Dr. Moran has an engaging training style that has led him to be an invited keynote speaker for many events in the last decade. He has also been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network, TLC and The Discovery Channel discussing the treatment of many clinical disorders. He has published several articles and book chapters, including publications with CBT pioneer Albert Ellis and ACT pioneer Steven Hayes.
Dr. Moran supervises therapists around the world to help them treat patients in their clinics. His passion is for applying the ACT principles in important areas outside of the clinic, such as the boardroom or construction sites. He established Pickslyde Consulting in order to bring mindfulness and value-directed commitment skills to the workplace to improve safety, innovation and leadership. Dr. Moran has utilized ACT in work implementations and clinical training sites on six continents and in all 50 of the United States.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Daniel Moran founded Pickslyde Consulting. He is an author for New Harbinger and receives royalties. Dr. Moran receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Daniel Moran is a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciences.
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