Daniel Foor – Ancestral Medicine 4-Session Immersion


Daniel Foor – Ancestral Medicine 4-Session ImmersionRemedy personal pain and explore psychological healing with your ancestors.Delve into dreams, synchronicities, and a taboo topic… and open the door to cultural healing.Imagine connecting with the well ancestors in your bloodlines and gaining deeper support in your life than ever before.Imagine tapping into profound ancestral guidance to remedy a personal pain, trauma, or vulnerability…Or calling on the wise and loving energies in your lineages to help us repair our deeply troubled world.If you missed Daniel Foor’s step-by-step 12-week course on Ancestral Medicine, this 4-session course gives you an amazing way to explore complementary elements of his mind-expanding, life-enhancing teachings (for a fraction of the cost of his 12-week course).In a safe container in which you can explore, connect, and heal…You’ll gain exposure to pragmatic skills and direct practices for ancestor work — and walk away with a psychologically and culturally informed framework for ancestor reverence that can sustain you for years to come.If you’ve experienced spontaneous ancestral contact through dreams…If you’ve realized that in your own psychological healing, many patterns have ancestral sources…If you want to increase your sense of belonging…If you long to help address the destruction that’s happening in our world…Or if you’re facing your own death or that of another……You’ll want to step onto this beautiful, embracing, heart-aware path.You can join Daniel for 4 powerful sessions to:Call on ancestral support for your personal growth edgesLearn tangible skills for navigating dreams of contact with the deadDeepen your ancestral backing as you reclaim your cultural identityAsk the ancestors to help you prepare for your own death and what’s beyondYou’ll also explore how to draw on wisdom, perspective, and guidance to hold a space for the death of others.Some of these topics are addressed in Daniel’s Ancestral Medicine book, and others are ones he’ll be teaching for the first time publicly.This is a chance to be among the first to receive pioneering teachings — while weaving in a framework for ancestor reverence into your everyday life.You’ll discover how the ancestors relate to both inner work and cultural healing…And you’ll also uncover how to help transform some of the fear surrounding death in modern Western cultures — with open conversations about what happens after the death of the body, how to normalize that, and how to face it with ancestral support.In this 4-session course, Daniel will guide you through practices to help you release unresolved personal trauma, embody cultural mindfulness and connection with the ancestors, and embrace your destiny more fully.May we each find our way into direct felt communion with all that’s good and holy about our specific people, bodies, and cultures. From this place of felt backing and togetherness with the larger unseen ancestral body that wears our unique face and body, may we even more effectively love this precious, messy world in so much need of love right now.— Daniel FoorDaniel’s approach engages you in relating with your ancestors as sources of healing, guidance, and appropriate cultural pride. It also aids you in helping to dismantle systems of oppression based on race, gender, colonialism, etc.You’ll be held in a safe and protected space throughout the course, both by Daniel and by 25 of the practitioners he’s trained in this work who will be supporting each live session.With Daniel’s expert guidance and the loving support of the course community, you’ll discover how to enter these territories gently and slowly, with kindness and compassion.Deep Connection Through Live Streaming VideoSo you can connect in real-time with Daniel and his teachings, all of his sessions will be live streamed on video. This video connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Daniel’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio, either through the Internet or your phone.What You’ll Explore in These 4 SessionsCourse sessions are on Mondays at 5:00pm Pacific.Daniel will guide you to:Expand your understanding of psychological wellness to include the ancestorsDeepen your knowledge of cultural wellness, belonging, and identityFeel respected and met on your terms about how to turn toward the topic of deathEnhance your view of ancestral wounding as cultural wounding (e.g., sexism, racism, colonialism, exploitative capitalism)Discover how to incorporate ancestor reverence into your everyday lifeYou’ll emerge from this experience with deep access to a lifelong relationship with your ancestors.Each session will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential drop-ins, and small group sessions to help you process, relate, and progress.Module 1: Psychological Healing With the Support of the Ancestors (February 11)Ancestral reconnection directly supports mental and emotional health in a variety of more or less obvious ways. Bringing more awareness to some of these factors can help this process along both in ourselves and when supporting others.Together we’ll explore factors such as healthy attachment, self-esteem, clear boundaries, clarity of purpose, and ability to accurately perceive and care for others. We’ll approach the lesson with respect for the pervasive occurrence of physical and sexual abuse, social injustices, and complex forms of relational trauma.In this module, you’ll:Discover ways to call on ancestral support for your personal growth edgesExplore the relationship of ancestral healing to personal, familial, and cultural self-worthConsider your own attachment style and learn to anticipate how this will show up when relating with your ancestorsDiscuss similarities and differences between psychotherapy and ancestral healing as approaches to wholenessPractice asking your ancestors to bring healing remedy to areas of personal pain and vulnerabilityModule 2: Reclaiming Ancestral Identity, Culture & Ritual Practices (February 18)Relating with the older ancestors raises questions about cultural identity and the possibility of engaging in older ways of knowing. Sometimes these traditions are partially intact or practiced by living representatives, and sometimes the lineages have been completely broken, remembered only by the ancestors themselves.Under the guidance of the ancestors, we’ll inquire about ways to engage older traditions with integrity, pragmatism, and ritual effectiveness. We’ll approach this inquiry in ways that are mindful about cultural loss and not overly Eurocentric.In this module, you’ll:Be given strategies for researching what is still knowable about your ancestral traditionsExplore the importance of food, land, and the natural world in cultural recoveryExamine the differences between arrogance, racial essentialism, colonialism, racism, and just regular healthy cultural prideDiscuss the complexities and inevitable heartache when traditions are interrupted, distorted, or lostPractice bringing specific blessings forward along the lineage into present time and awarenessModule 3: Dreams, Synchronicities & Spontaneous Ancestral Contact (February 25)The dead speak in many ways, both during waking time and in dreaming time, and many of these pathways of communication occur spontaneously, outside of the designated space of ancestor-focused ritual. Many of our own ancestors welcomed these regular contacts, yet many today were not raised with even basic skills to navigate spontaneous ancestral outreach.With the backing of the ancestors, we’ll inquire about ways to welcome direct contact while in different states and for different reasons. Our time will include consideration of unhelpful and frightening contact from the troubled dead.In this module, you’ll:Examine beliefs from your family and cultures of origin on ancestral contact as well as ways in which the ancestors have already been in touchDiscover ways to work safely and skillfully with both troubling and welcome dreams of the deadDiscuss the role of synchronicity and how to receive these types of ancestral contacts in an easeful wayPractice asking the ancestors for assistance in expanding the ways that you currently relate with them in your everyday lifeModule 4: Preparing With the Ancestors for Your Own Death (March 11)Many of us were raised in cultures that avoid the topic of death and minimize talk of the next reality. In contrast, the ancestors are expert guides in this terrain, experienced at dying and traversing the worlds beyond. Together we’ll speak of the inevitable transformation and invite the ancestors to help educate and prepare us on what we can expect when our time arrives.In this module, you’ll:Discuss assumptions about the next reality and your own journey upon death of the bodyReflect on your personal experiences with death and dying as well as the role of the ancestors in those momentsExplore practical preparations, funeral customs, and practices for honoring the body after deathAsk the ancestors to help you nicely inquire about how to be more prepared for your own death and what’s beyondDon’t miss this exciting chance to dive deep with your ancestors!We’re thrilled that Daniel has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training.And the course is coming up quick so there’s not a ton of time to enroll. This is your opportunity to learn from the ancestral medicine teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform our world.If you’re serious about claiming a supportive framework to relate with the Earth, the ancestors, yourself, and others, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.About Daniel FoorDr. Daniel Foor, PhD, is a teacher and practitioner of practical animism who specializes in ancestral and family healing, and in helping folks learn to relate well with the rest of the natural world. His focus on ancestors flows from his training as a doctor of psychology and licensed marriage and family therapist, from the guidance of his teachers in earth-honoring traditions, and from two decades of implementing the teachings of ancestor reverence in his own life.Since 2005 he’s guided hundreds of ancestor trainings, rituals, and talks throughout the United States and helped many others reconnect with their family ancestors through personal sessions. He’s the author of Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing.His doctoral research in psychology focused on the use of shamanic healing practices by clinical mental health professionals. Training as a therapist, living in other societies, and immersion in different lineages of ritual work all inform his kind and non-dogmatic approach to ancestor and earth reverence. Although he draws inspiration from lineages of established practice, his public offerings and ritual methods aim to be culturally inclusive, and he holds work for cultural and earth healing to be inseparable from spiritual teaching and practice.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.