
Dandrew Media – Stabilized Transaction Mastery

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Dandrew Media – Stabilized Transaction Mastery

How To Become A Certified Commercial Real Estate Stabilized Transaction Specialist

At Last! You’ll Have a Step By Step Formula and System To…

Find, Acquire, Control, and Finance Stabilized Commercial Assets

Stabilized properties are the SAFEST and most sought after, in demand commercial assets in ANY market. No matter how big or how small.

They include: 


And in today’s cynical market, it’s not enough to simply be an “investor.”
Investors are a dime a dozen.  So what’s the solution?

You need to SPECIALIZE.

As a Stabilized Transaction Specialist, you set yourself apart from every single investor in your market.  You send a crystal clear message to your prospects that you have a thorough understanding of their needs and concrete solutions to their problems.
As a certified specialist, you grab the lion’s share of deals, you attract the BEST clients, and you command much higher fees for your services and expertise. And when you specialize, you automatically position yourself as THE expert and authority in your market.  And that leads effortlessly to attracting investors, capital, and deals.
The cold, brutal truth of the matter is…

Institutions, Lenders, Sponsors, and Operators NEED Someone Like You to Trust And depend on

And to be that investor, that deal maker, that intermediary, that stabilized asset expert, you simply need the right training to make it happen.
And that’s exactly what you get in this Stabilized Transactions Master Class and ACPARE Certification Program.
ACPARE – Association of Capital Placement Agents for Real Estate – is the country’s gold standard for commercial real estate investing training and education.
You’ll be uniquely qualified to help your clients identify great stabilized commercial opportunities (and avoid horrible deals), place capital, structure deals, and increase the value of their assets.

More specifically, in this Mastery Class, you’ll learn: 

Why stabilized properties are the safest, most in demand assets and investments in all of commercial real estate
The 4 Asset types and how to capitalize on each one of them
4 Main Criteria of Stabilized Assets…and why they’re so attractive to the big institutional investors (when you find a property with all of these, you’re golden)
Which multifamily residential buildings attract the ‘easy money’ and consistent returns
The SINGLE BEST stabilized property to invest in (it’s not what you’d expect!)
The 3 Classes of office buildings…and what institutional investors WANT most
How to tap 3 lucrative INCOME STREAMS on a single deal…and pocket a fortune
The #1 Secret to removing risk from the equation and getting the deal signed, sealed, and delivered
How to use the 8-Point Checklist to get your investors knocking down your door to do the deal
Which capital providers to bring to the table for each type of deal (you’re going to love this)
How to EASILY structure permanent financing for your deals…and minimize risk
Raise capital for ANY stabilized asset…no matter where you live
Where to find permanent financing…and how to get them begging to fund your deal
How to analyze a property in 90 seconds…deal or no deal?
The 3 Elements you must know for a stabilized NOI…and feel totally confident the deal makes sense
2 Lease Types and how to use each to your advantage
How to instantly know if your sponsor is overpaying for a property or getting in at a strong basis using this simple formula
Exactly what to say when approaching equity and institutional investors to get them to stroke you a check
How to use this simple “safety metric” as a benchmark for a safe loan (crucial for any lender)
Underwriting guidelines your investors will LOVE to make them feel warm, fuzzy, and secure
Pros and cons of the 4 asset classes…what properties to acquire and what to avoid like the plague
The most ATTRACTIVE commercial asset class to investors…and the safest

As an ACPARE Certified Stabilized Transaction Specialist, you’ll be first, foremost, and front-and-center in the minds of your local and regional investors, lenders, and property owners when it comes to hiring you to structure deals, place capital, and create true value.

To become a Stabilized Transactions Specialist, just choose your program and then follow 3 Simple Steps…

How Does It Work?

Step 1. Take the Course

The Stabilized Transactions Mastery course is 8 hours of video training lessons plus 6 handout downloads. You also get flowcharts and cheat sheets for quick, easy reference, plus 7 module-specific quizzes and a final exam.



Step 2. Pass the Test

At the end of each module, you’ll take a brief quiz to ensure you have an understanding of the content and basic concepts covered in the lesson. Once you’ve completed all the quizzes, you’ll then take an online final exam.Upon successful completion, you’ll earn you
Stabilized Transaction Mastery Certification!The exams are designed for your success. They’re not “tricky” (no SAT goofiness)…  yet they do test your knowledge and comprehension of the material. A passing grade is 80. You can take the exam 3 times. If you don’t pass after 3 attempts, simply go  back through the module prior to taking the  test again.

The exams are not timed. They consist of 60 multiple choice and true/false questions. Allow 45-60 minutes to complete the exam. If you can complete the exam is a single  sitting. Answers are saved if you need to  finish at a later date.

Step 3: Display Your Badge

Upon successful completion of the course and exams, you’ll receive a personalized certificate and badge.
Display your badge on your website, in your email signature, community portals, on your blog, and especially in your Linkedin profile and Twitter status.
AND…your digital certificate is full color, so print it up, frame it, and display  it proudly in your home and office.

Here’s What You Get

When you enroll today, you’ll get:

The Stabilized Transaction Mastery Course
12 Core Lessons
36 Modules
15 Handouts
12 Review Quizzes

PLUS, upon successful completion of the course and all the quizzes and final exam you’ll receive:

A Wall Street grade ACPARE badge designating you as a Certified Stabilized Transaction Specialist that you can display on your website, email signature, and Linkedin profile
A digital printable ACPARE certificate for framing
Status and recognition as a Certified Stabilized Transaction Specialist

Course Details:

Tuition: $995
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Setting: Online / Virtual
Course Length: 8 hours
Expected Completion Time: 3-7 Days


Who Should Get Certified?

Certification is for anyone looking to command premium fees for capital placement, deal making, and their services when it comes to transacting and consulting on stabilized property investments. Your positioning in the marketplace matters. Like it or not, your prospects and clients WANT to do business with credible business owners they can trust.

Who Is Certification For?

Startup investors
Deal Makers
Commercial Consultants
Private Lenders
Owners & Operators
Property Managers
Anyone who knows Credibility matters


Why Should You Get Certified?

You get the same strategies, insider intel, tools, techniques, and resources we use in our business. All of it proven and time-tested.
So if you want to…

Get expert training and guidance
 Build a business you can be proud of AND get noticed
Feel confident knowing that you’re qualified and prepared to quickly take on clients and projects
Rise above the fold and distance yourself from the competition
Attract ONLY high quality clients
Know how to expertly parlay your intellectual capital
Structure deals like a Wall Street pro
Charge highly lucrative fees for your advice and consultation…

When everyone on your team is in synch, can understand what you—their leader—is doing and thinking, productivity and incentive skyrockets.
With everyone in your office on the same page, using the same language, and possesses the same skills, your company becomes a formidable force in the marketplace.
Keep this in mind…there’s no rule that says you have to get certified or take the test.
You still have all the great content, training, and modules to enhance your team’s education. And the more specialized they are, the more you can charge for your services.
Whatever you choose, if you expect the best for your company and the most from your team, then this course and certification is for you.

…is Different

Are there other courses out there on Stabilized Property investing? Probably. But you won’t find anything that comes close to what you’ll get with this training.
The difference is, all of us here at The Commercial Investor, including our students and partners, are actual investors, in the trenches every day.
We raise capital, place capital, analyze and structure deals, buy and sell property, negotiate with institutions, home offices, and lenders, and pitch the ‘big boys.’
So…does this sound exciting to you? Is this something you want to be part of? If your answer is ‘yes,’ then you’re in the right place.

Course Details and Description


Course Breakdown:

Lesson 1: Start Here

Section 1.1    Orientation
Section 1.2    Here’s What to Expect
Section 1.3    Asset Types
Section 1.4   The Total Real Estate Capital Strategy
 Section 1.5   Stabilized Properties: The What and Why
Section 1.6    Rules of Investing
Section 1.7    Sample Transaction: Stabilized Property Example #1
Section 1.8    Sample Transaction: Stabilized Property Example #2

Lesson 2: Real Estate “Whole Loan” Financing Continuum: The Lenders

Section 2.1    Real Estate Risk

Lesson 3: The Different Types of Real Estate Properties: The Assets

Section 3.1   Stabilized Properties
Section 3.2    Unstabilized or Value Added Properties
Section 3.3    Opportunistic Properties

Lesson 4: What is Permanent Financing?

Section 4.1  Definition
Section 4.2   Typical Permanent Financing Structure
Section 4.3    Repaying the Permanent Loan

Lesson 5: Types of Permanent Financing

Section 5.1  Life Company or Portfolio Loans
Section 5.2  Bank Loans
Section 5.3    Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) or Conduit Loans
Section 5.4    Agency Lenders: Freddie Mac (FHLMC), Fannie Mae (FNMA), & FHA/HUD

Lesson 6: Analyzing Stabilized Properties

Section 6.1    From the Owner’s Perspective

Lesson 7: Property Profitability

Section 7.1    Cash-On-Cash Return
Section 7.2    Leveraged Cash-On-Cash Return
Section 7.3    Positive Leverage

Lesson 8: How Much Leverage Will this Building Support?

Section 8.1    Cap Rates: The Key to Income Property Value
Section 8.2    Loan to Value: The Lender’s Key Metric
Section 8.3    Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR): Another Key Lender Metric
Section 8.4    Amortization or Loan Constant
Section 8.5    Solving for the Loan Constant

Lesson 9: Permanent Loan Underwriting: Deep Dive on How the Numbers Work

Section 9.1    Underwriting the Stabilized Loan
Section 9.2    Tenant Assumptions

Lesson 10: Solving for the “Underwritten NOI”

Section 10.1    Deductions

Lesson 11: Asset Class Review: All Commercial Properties Were Not Created Equal

Section 11.1    Office Properties
Section 11.2    Retail Properties
Section 11.3    Industrial
Section 11.4    Multifamily

Lesson 12: Conclusion & Looking Ahead

Section 12.1    Conclusion

More specifically, in this Mastery Class, you’ll learn: 

Why stabilized properties are the safest, most in demand assets and investments in all of commercial real estate
The 4 Asset types and how to capitalize on each one of them
4 Main Criteria of Stabilized Assets…and why they’re so attractive to the big institutional investors (when you find a property with all of these, you’re golden)
Which multifamily residential buildings attract the ‘easy money’ and consistent returns
The SINGLE BEST stabilized property to invest in (it’s not what you’d expect!)
The 3 Classes of office buildings…and what institutional investors WANT most
How to tap 3 lucrative INCOME STREAMS on a single deal…and pocket a fortune
The #1 Secret to removing risk from the equation and getting the deal signed, sealed, and delivered
How to use the 8-Point Checklist to get your investors knocking down your door to do the deal
Which capital providers to bring to the table for each type of deal (you’re going to love this)
How to EASILY structure permanent financing for your deals…and minimize risk
Raise capital for ANY stabilized asset…no matter where you live
Where to find permanent financing…and how to get them begging to fund your deal
How to analyze a property in 90 seconds…deal or no deal?
The 3 Elements you must know for a stabilized NOI…and feel totally confident the deal makes sense
2 Lease Types and how to use each to your advantage
How to instantly know if your sponsor is overpaying for a property or getting in at a strong basis using this simple formula
Exactly what to say when approaching equity and institutional investors to get them to stroke you a check
How to use this simple “safety metric” as a benchmark for a safe loan (crucial for any lender)
Underwriting guidelines your investors will LOVE to make them feel warm, fuzzy, and secure
Pros and cons of the 4 asset classes…what properties to acquire and what to avoid like the plague
The most ATTRACTIVE commercial asset class to investors…and the safest