
Dan Sheridan & Mark Fenton – Directional Calendars in 2023

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹17,250.00.


Class Details
What you can expect to learn from our Online Classes: Dan & Marks Directional Butterflies class!

Class Description: Dan Sheridan has been teaching Risk Management techniques for many years, that he learned in the Pits at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Join our 4-week Live Teaching Class focused on Directional Calendars in 2023.
We are excited to launch our new Live Online Course: Directional Calendars. Why this class at this time? With the SPX trending up and VIX at 5 Year Lows, Credit Spread Traders  are a bit frustrated. Yes, you can still benefit in a Credit Spread if the market goes your way, but with VIX so low, the room you get if your wrong is very little. Retail Traders seem handcuffed when VIX is very low, they are not familiar with the opportunities Low VIX offers. This Class will offer a 4 week opportunity to get your hands dirty, practicing the Craft of Directional Calendars with us. The higher potential yield opportunities and less potential time in the trade are 2 of the many benefits of Directional Calendars in a low VIX environment. We will show you the trade specifics, when to enter, which strikes, which duration, and most important, what to do when we are wrong. Risk management and Adjustments are  our forte, and that will be our focus. Join us Monday July 31 for the start of our 4  week course, every Monday and Wednesday at 11am Central for 4 Weeks. All Classes are recorded and archived for you, in case you will miss a live class or just want to view again later. Any live Trades placed in the Class will be emailed out to you and posted to your class archive page when Dan does the Live Trades. Usually Dan will do a live Directional Calendar each session, so everyone will get plenty of practice.
Class Format: This is a Live 4 -Week Cours Meeting every Mon & Wed. starting July 31st! Once a student purchases a course, an email is then sent, containing login credentials to access the archived class page. Purchasing access to a class gives at least 6 months of access to all recordings, as well as trade updates, PDF’s and PowerPoints.