Dan Sheridan – Manage By The Greeks 2016


Directional Option Strategies for Swing and Day Trading
Buying options to profit on Directional moves er incredible benefits over trading stocks if properly used. This course will teach you why and how.
There is a plethora of misleading market education and self-serving promotions being taught about trading options; especially, directionally.
MT Directional Options Strategies will explain how, when, and why to trade options directionally using MTS and Options Strategies.
The strategies that you will learn can be used on all liquid, optionable instruments for Swing Trading and/or Day Trading in all market environments.
In This Course You Will Learn:

How to buy options to profit on directional chart setups for day and swing trading
Option strategies for bullish and bearish directional trades to profit from your directional bias, including how to objectively manage positions
How to buy out-of-the-money options/spreads for bigger expected gains with less cost and risk
How to buy options to speculate on news, earning, high volatility, and expensive stocks
Learn the importance, and necessary components, of an Options Trading Plan, plus steps for ongoing success
How buying options using our Method provide superior benefits, including leverage, limited risk, and positive reward-risk with debit spreads
How buying bull and bear debit spreads turns time decay into a benefit with higher probability of profit
To profit from the many fallacies prevalent about trading options to keep you profitable – and objective
Our exact strategies for trading options in small accounts, plus learn an income strategy by selling short-term expiring options to profit from rapid time decay

Master Trader Directional Option Strategies using the MTS will significantly increase your success trading directional options with better reward-risk!

Module 1 – Foundation of Options Trading
Module 2 – Master Trader Top Technical Patterns for Options Trading
Module 3 – Option Strategies for Bullish Directional Trades
Module 4 – Option Strategies for Bearish Directional Trades
Module 5 – Trading Setups and Strategies for Earnings and Huge Profits
Module 6 – Trading Options With a Small Account & Short Credit Spreads for Income
Module 7 – Day Trading Options
Module 8 – Strategy Review, Trading Plan, and Miscellaneous Topics