Dan Kennedy & Russell Brunson – Magnetic Marketing 2022



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Dan Kennedy & Russell Brunson – Magnetic Marketing 2022
” Most Incredible Gift Ever…
Designed To Help You Make 
Maximum Money In Minimum Time!
What The Other Legends Of Marketing Are Saying…
Dan Kennedy teaching has been the guiding mantra of every business I have ever started.

– Ryan Deiss
8 out of 10 things that I know about marketing I learned from Dan Kennedy… Dan’s work is timeless… Forever.

– Perry Belcher
No one has had a bigger impact in the field of direct response, advertising and marketing than Dan Kennedy.

– Frank Kern
Dan Kennedy has contributed to the marketing world more than anyone else… all entrepreneurs should invest in Dan Kennedy materials.

– Lee Milteer
NO B.S. Magnetic Marketing Newsletter
You’ll Get:

Secrets from Dan Kennedy himself…
Renegade Millionaire Secrets…
Copywriting Secrets…
Magnetic ‘Internet’ Marketing…
The Lost Laws Of Success…
​And much, MUCH more!

Free Gift 

“Brass Balls Factor”
This course is the sort of “harsh reality” success information that nobody ever talks about publicly… what it REALLY takes to go from scratch to wealth, fast, against all resistance and all obstacles.
Warning: a percentage of you will be offended by this course. The rest of you will dramatically increase your success in life because of it!
In this seminar you’ll learn:

What you SHOULD be charging and get it, every time… (and how to avoid the #1 trap most people make when pricing their services)
​Do you always follow “what’s working” for your market? Maybe you shouldn’t and Dan reveals why… (and what to do instead)
​Why measuring “success & failure” will destroy your business… and why this third option is the real key to exponential growth without the frustration!

Free Gift #2

“Renegade Millionaire Time Management System”
Time is our ONLY non-renewable asset, and in your business, you are likely surrounded by time vampires. You need to learn how to protect your time so you can get more done in less time.
This is NOT your normal time management course, this was built for RENEGADE millionaires like you – not normal humans!
In this seminar, you’ll learn:

Why most time management tactics are outdated and ineffective in today’s day & age (…and how to become an ultra-productive renegade overnight!)
“If you don’t set your agenda… others will,” Dan says – and then reveals the trick on how to become ruthless with your time…
​The simple, offline “Disney Secret” used by animators to help manage time and projects that Dan himself uses – and so should you!

Free Gift #3

“Midas Touch Marketing & Selling”
Three BONUS Courses To Help Secure Your Financial Freedom:
– Midas Touch Marketing

– Midas Touch Direct Marketing

– Midas Touch Selling
If you want to possess the ability to create income at will, through direct marketing and NOT through manual labor… to transcend any one business or product category and create profitable promotions for virtually any product, service or business – or charity, non-profit, political cause… you need the Midas Touch.
In this rare seminar, you’ll learn:

The #1 best form of advertising that doesn’t cost you a dime (And this is how you get more of it…)
The best kind of “story” that sells EVERY TIME, without fail… and it can work regardless of business or niche.
​Are you using “direct mail” to sell your products or services? It may seem counterintuitive, but Dan reveals why direct mail might be the best marketing strategy for your ad budget… even in today’s time, and even if you normally sell online
​The key “persuasive elements” EVERY great sales message needs to convert like bananas!

Behind The Scenes Marketing Secrets Newsletter
You’ll Get:

New Secrets From Russell Brunson!
Sales Funnel Secrets…
Traffic Secrets…
​Virtual Real Estate Secrets…
​The Secrets Of Success…

Free Gift #1 

“Funnelology Masterclass”
The Funnelology Masterclass will teach you the new art and science of funnel building. After looking at over 2,039,482 funnels and 70,728 split tests, we’ve learned exactly which funnels generate 95% of the revenue on the ClickFunnels platform.
This class will teach you HOW each of these funnels work, and how to plug in YOUR OFFER into their proven frameworks!
Free Gift #2 

“DotCom Secrets LIVE”
Before the DotCom Secrets book was published, Russell taught the principles LIVE to his $50k per year “Inner Circle” members.
There are many things taught at this event that never made it into the final book!
You’ll learn how to create your own value ladder, setup funnels that acquire new customers and get them to keep buying from you over time!
These secrets have only been seen by his ‘Inner Circle’… until now!

This super simple ‘Secret Formula’ lures your dream customers right to your doorstep like a bee to pollen

Free Gift #3

“Expert Secrets LIVE”
Become the authority and expert you were meant to be. Get front-row access to Russell’s entire LIVE event teaching the principles of his bestselling book, “Expert Secrets.”
Reading the book is one thing… but SEEING it and EXPERIENCING with Russell teaching it takes your understanding to a whole new level.
This exclusive training was reserved for those who paid $50,000 to be in his top tier coaching… until now!

Want to be the ‘go to’ expert in your market? Then discover the raw power of the “opportunity switch”…and never look back
​No product? No service? No list? No problem! Here’s how to find a great niche to serve and get people to follow you anywhere

Free Gift #4

“Traffic Secrets LIVE”
Earlier this year, Russell did a private 2-day event called “Traffic Secrets LIVE” with his $50K per year students revealing dozens of never before seen Traffic Secrets.
This course has been in the vault and never available to the public for any price…
If you need MORE traffic, then this event will unlock everything you need to know to be successful!
In this LIVE Event, you’ll learn:

To master list building, you must master The 3 Temperatures of Traffic and The 3 Types of Traffic. Ready to explode your list?
​How to build a raving tribe, have a massive impact on your audience, and get your message out to the world. (It’s easier than you think!)
​Keep your fans and customers coming back for more over and over again when you implement this proven email strategy.
​Use this proven strategy to take your followers on a seamless step by step ‘buyers journey’…and create a loyal horde of happy customers

What The Other Legends Of Marketing Say About Dan…
Brian Tracy

Dan Kennedy is a Genius

“My friend Dan Kennedy is unique, genius in many ways. I have always admired his ability to see the vital truths in any business and to state these realities with straight language and clear definitions. His approach is direct. His ideas are controversial. His ability to get results for his clients is unchallenged.”
Joe Polish

“My relationship with Dan Kennedy & Magnetic Marketing has been directly responsible for over $500,000.00 in the past two years.”
Ali Brown

Easily Brought In Over $1,000,000 Using His Marketing Strategies

“When I discovered Dan Kennedy’s materials years ago, I immediately became a ‘convert.’ And I’m so glad I did… since then, Dan’s time-tested, proven, no-holds-barred advice has helped me more than QUADRUPLE my business. In fact, I easily brought in over $1,000,000.00.”
Here Are The BONUS:
The “Greatest Hits” Of NO BS And Marketing Secrets
Is this your first time reading Dan Kennedy or Marketing Secrets? Then you’ll love this.
I specifically hand-picked two of my favorite issues from NO B.S. that really helped move the needle in my businesses… and two of the most popular issues from our Marketing Secrets newsletter.
74 Funnel Swipe File!
Exactly 653 PAGES of the most profitable, high-converting funnels working for finance… coaching… health… ecomm… info… and so many others!
Get stuck? Not sure what funnel to model?
74 Funnel Swipe File can help guide, inspire, and point you in the right direction for your own funnel.
Magnetic Marketing
You’ll get a physical copy of Dan Kennedy’s classic, Magnetic Marketing: How To Attract A Flood Of New Customers That PAY, STAY, And REFER!
This is a must-own, must-read-every-year kind of book where Dan takes all of his principles he’s been teaching since the 1970s and shows you how to set-up a steady flow of HIGHLY-QUALIFIED leads for any business or practice.
This will become your next “go to” book that’s on your desk, within arm’s reach… and helps you generate more profit every time you crack it open!
So, What’s The Catch…?

Like I said in the beginning, I’m giving you this insane gift as a bribe, to test drive the NO B.S. and the B.T.S. newsletters.
Why would I do this?
Well, there are actually a few reasons…
1. It’s our way of saying thank you for being a dedicated customer of either Dan Kennedy or Russell Brunson. No matter who’s list you came from, we are grateful for you and wanted to do something TRULY special!
2. We wanted to celebrate the joining of our two companies, and our two newsletters by giving you BOTH of them! There’s no way we can do this forever, but right now you have a chance to lock in this HUGE discount FOREVER!
3. Unlike other “gurus,” I don’t make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses online selling software, supplements, physical products and more)… and because Dan is semi-retired, we can do something that NO ONE ELSE can do… we can share with you ALL of our best stuff, without holding back ANYTHING!
4. We get another one of our products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from us in the future. The more money I can make you now.
5. I’m kinda a show off… (This is Russell speaking) – I’m not going to lie. I’m sick of people throwing out conversion numbers and their stats without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS… so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUTH, show the actual stats and #’s behind what we do, and well… honestly, I just want you to think I’m cool.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I can’t wait to get our new member welcome package into your hands!
Talk soon,

Russell Brunson
If You’re Still Here…

Then You Must Be Thinking,

“Is This REALLY For Me And My Business?”
Listen, we would hate it if we became just another “marketing blah blah” that gets dusty on the shelf… or saved somewhere on your desktop. No way.
So, I want to make it crystal clear about who this is really for…
This is FOR YOU if you run a business of any kind, regardless of niche, and it can be offline or online, or both… and you want a THRIVING business that runs like clockwork even when you’re away, and lasts for generations to come.
This is for the entrepreneur who is DONE going from “tactic to tactic” and wants to cut through the BS and get to the core of what makes customer buy and buy often. That’s it, plain and simple.
This NOT FOR YOU if you think this will have you swimming in coins like Scrooge McDuck tomorrow without putting in some work to implement these profit-generating strategies.
This is also NOT for the habitual “sign-uppers”… the folks that sign up for every marketing newsletter under the sun, thinking that just by “having it” then they’ll be successful…
With that said… my question to you is this: can you really afford NOT to sign-up?
Because we all know, more money is lost through “inaction”…
Do this for you, your future, and your business’ future…