Dan Kennedy & Bill Glazer – Think To Grow Rich


Hear their reasons for not viewing new customer acquisition as an expense, but as an investment. Hear some of their top New Customer Acquisition strategies…

Dan Kennedy & Bill Glazer – Think To Grow Rich




Only 1 out of 100 applications are accepted
Three times per year, a small group from the top marketers around the world meet up for a conference. ‘closed-door,’ Exclusive meeting in Baltimore (Maryland) or Cleveland (Ohio).
Some fly from as far as Australia, Spain and the United Kingdom. They travel this distance to spend two days at the table with the top two. “Marketing Minds” in the wOrld…Dan Kennedy or Bill Glazer As part of a “Mastermind” group/Think Tank.
It costs anywhere between $15K-$31K a year to be part of these Mastermind meetings, but participants claim it’s worth every penny (that’s why there’s a HUGE waiting list of people wanting to get in).
Marketing Guru recently held these meetings Bill Glazer (President Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle™), fourteen of the ultra- successful Members of his Info-MASTERMIND Group stayed for an additional day, sat around tables and had a meal. It has led to their success beyond their wildest expectations by having a honest and open conversation about the behaviors they exhibit. These highly successful entrepreneurs also share their most important beliefs. Together, these individuals have an impact on more than a million people worldwide through their tools and systems.
This gathering is very similar to a Mastermind Meeting, where a group of highly-motivated, extremely wealthy entrepreneurs meet. As you’ll hear on these CDs, this is a group of ‘LIKE-MINDED’ People who enjoy having a friendly slap at one another while still respecting each other. They are truly grateful to have been able to join this special association.
You should also know that this is being recorded towards end of the year. This group average member has seen a doubling of their business.Further supporting the Mastermind Process’s exceptional value.
(WARNING) ‘Insider’ Information Revealed

on This Recording is Sooo Revealing…

Sooo much Content Rich…

So Practical…

It’s IMPOSSIBLE To Listen Just Once !!!!)
Just like in a real ‘closed door’ Information-MASTERMIND meeting, often Bill These recordings will be no different. You can also think of them as Info.-MASTERMIND meeting, when these individuals get together there’s so much ground breaking information that comes out when they speak that you can’t help but….Think TO Grow Rich.
NOW… Meet “THESE” 14 Extraordinarily Successful Entrepreneurs You’ll Be Eavesdropping On These CDs

Robert Berkley He is an executive coach to owners, presidents, and senior leaders of both public and privately-owned companies. His Vision Day program is his best-known program. It is a one-day, strategic planning day for your whole life. He is also the author of Vision Day. Glazer-Kennedy North and South Boston Certified Independent Business Advisors

Alexandria Brown The most well-known is the “Ezine Queen,” Over 20,000 members have been taught how to succeed online. She is also a Marketing Success Coach for entrepreneurs and creates products as well as an annual Internet Event.

Jim Canale has a Real Estate Investing Coaching & Training Program and publishes books and conducts radio programs on “How To Live The Real Estate Lifestyle.”

Jesse Cannone is an Information Marketer to the Health & Fitness Business with over 30,000+ customers and a half a million email subscribers.

Mike Crow He is the Coach for the Home Inspection Industry and provides business growth strategies to hundreds home inspectors across North America. He is also the Glazer-Kennedy Dallas Certified Independent Business Advisor-Fort Worth, TX

Ryan Deiss A Membership site publisher in a variety of markets including the health, financial, and business sectors. He has more than 10,000 members who pay between $20 and $100 per month.

Dave Dickson He owns 20 franchises for auto repair shops in Tampa Bay. He is an Information Marketer, providing Operation Strategies to more than 3,000 Shop Owners across the country. Glazer-Kennedy Certified Independent Business Advisor Tampa Bay, Florida

Matt Gillogly He is best known for being The RenegadeChristian Entrepreneur. He offers products and coaching to real estate investors across the country. He also teaches Real Estate Investors how be local coaches in their own markets.

Lloyd Irvin He owns one the most successful Martial Arts Schools in the U.S. He also runs seven Information Marketing Businesses, which include multilingual.-Million-dollar ones in the fitness and health industry. Vicki and he run a Real Estate Investment Training seminar that coaches over 700 investors in Maryland, D.C. He is also the Glazer-Kennedy Certified Independent Business Advisor in Southern Maryland, Washington D.C.

Tom Koster The fastest growing franchise in the Netherlands that caters to the Online Market is his. He also owns an Internet Service Business and other Marketing Businesses. He also publishes, and distributes the No BS Marketing Letter to the Netherlands.

Dr. Charles Martin He is a Dentist who practices Advanced Restorative Dentistry. He also runs an ‘elite’ Coaching program that helps other dentists succeed in their practices and businesses.

Charles Petty Investors across the country learn how to make money with Real Estate using “little known” Online strategies and tactics. He hosts a weekly radio program on Real Estate Investing.

Sherman Ragland (a.k.a. Shermanator He is a full-time Real Estate Investor. The largest Real Estate Investing Association with over 4,300 members is located in the Greater Washington D.C. He hosts a weekly radio show about Real Estate Investing.

Bob Regnerus He is known best as The Leads King. He is often the Secret Weapon behind many highly-successful Marketers. He employs all the most well-known (and not so well-known) online strategies to drive traffic and work with clients to increase conversion. Bob also offers Traffic Explosion and Increased Sales Audits.
A LITTLE BACKGROUND TO WHAT YOU’LL HEAR ON THESE LIFE CHANGING RECORDINGS: When Dan Kennedy Or Bill Glazer When you first start working with a client, you are often introduced to their concepts and strategies such as memberships, tiered pricing continuity, price elasticity, sequential market with multiple media, and so forth. etc. This proves to be extremely valuable for them and often leads to huge breakthroughs in their businesses.
However it’s possible that one of the most valuable discussions is not about mechanics, processes, but about mindset. Success always seems to be a result of that. All the ‘how-to’s’ in the world won’t turn into much if the person or organization attempting to use them has flawed business thinking.
SEVEN BIG things were discussed during the discussion about the THINKING AND BELIEF SYSTEMS successful entrepreneurs have in common.

Hear how they don’t view new customer acquisitions as an expense but instead view them as investing. Hear their best New Customer Acquisition strategies, which they use in both their own business and those they teach to students.
Listen to learn why Systems is their most important differentiation point. While ordinary people think in transactional terms about business, successful entrepreneurs think in terms customers for life and customers that can be developed over time.
This does work. Not mean you won’t discover that they aren’t paranoid – in fact they are. Entrepreneurs who are the best are always trying to be innovative. “inspecting what they expect.” But you’ll hear how these most successful Entrepreneurs do NOT Fear is the foundation of their business. And that basic belief system — acts out in many different ways in their behavior and their businesses.
Hear how they embrace Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ author of Psycho-He stated the Cybernetics philosophy in: “I think the most profound and important realization is that most people are inhibited and sabotaged by the fear of criticism and inability to handle criticism, while high achievers are immune to it.”
Hear how they think short term, mid term – 12 to 36 months, AND long term – 5 to 10 years… simultaneously. They often find the right business within their existing business to create a new business. You’ll get their first hand insights in how they do this. In fact, you’ll hear how they discovered a new business within an existing business in just a few minutes.
These extremely successful entrepreneurs know that price is very elastic and they test limits often. They don’t feel guilty about charging premium fees, prices, or charging more than the market will bear. Hear their test of price limits and their beliefs regarding price elasticity.
Hear their opinions, beliefs and opinions about the finite purchasing power or capacity of their customers. What are their criteria for who they will partner with to give others access to their customers’ data?
31 ‘Off-The-Cuff’ Gems

This Recording Made It Possible

(Just a Sampling of What You’ll Hear On These CDs)

Dr. Charlie Martin’s “Six Ws and One H” formula to create Systems that will run your business.
Rob Berkley’s thoughts on why “new customers = freedom” How you can use it to achieve your financial freedom
Why Jim Canale believes that new customer acquisition is a business owner’s second most important activity and what he believes is #1
Sherman Ragland’s powerful addition to the phrase that “people do business with people they like and trust.” Find out what he’s missing.
What Alexandria Brown says is the best thing you can do when you’re communicating with your customers.
Charles Petty’s caution why you can’t have just one way to market your business and what is really the right way to make all the different ways you market work best.
What the whole world thought was dead as an online strategy and forgot to tell Ryan Deiss….Thank Goodness!!
Bob Regnerus’ tip for creating a million dollar business with NO money.
Jesse Cannone’s advice on WHO you should help and perhaps even more important… WHO you should avoid.
This is how Rob Berkley ends this sentence. “The better the quality of people you associate with the better _______ you ___ by __.
What Dr. Charlie Martin meant when he said….when you send too many people direct mail…they splatter. This lesson will benefit all who listen to these CDs.
Lloyd Irvin’s observation about why ‘Success IS Messy’ why there’s no other way to operate your business.
Mike Crow’s success in bringing continuity to businesses that other people would not believe was possible.
Do you suffer from…MY BUSINESS IS DIFFERNET? After you hear what Tom Koster has to say, you’ll never think that way again.
Sherman Ragland’s accidental discovery on what he found was THE chief responsibility as a Coach that when implemented made him totally indispensable.
Matt Gillogy’s ‘hidden place’ to find almost all of the money you’ll ever need.
Bill Glazer’s simple and easy method to get out of the Commodity Business.
Dave Dickson’s key to making marketing much more effective. Is it something you do in your business? Are you aware of it? You better!!!
Alexandria Brown’s multi-tasking skills-millionaire dollar business while doubling it every year withOUT a Brick & Mortar office and with ONLY virtual employees.
Bob Regnerus’s comforting words for his clients. You should do the same.
Bill Glazer’s thoughts about how every employer needs to think about the business that his or her employees are really in.
Jim Canale’s worst business mistake led him to one the most lucrative opportunities he has ever seen.
Dave Dickson’s astute observation about how poor people think about successful people and why you have to AVOID this kind of thinking like the plague.
Lloyd Irvin explains that you will be affected if you surround yourself with nine other broke people.
Jesse Cannone’s BIGGEST BLUNDER that when fixed instantly tripled his profitability. Are you making the same mistake in your own business?
Tom Koster finally saw the lightbulb and was able to create the fastest-growing franchise. ‘ever’ The Netherlands
Procrastinating? Procrastinating? Listen to Charles Petty’s story about how he got past his slow start. This strategy is for everyone.
Why Alexandria Brown never looks at a failure as… Failure.
A reality check Bill Glazer: When IS enough….enough????
Lloyd shared one story with the group, which they all wrote down (after they had stopped laughing), that they claimed they needed to use in their businesses. This alone is well worth the admission fee.
The life changing lesson that Sherman Ragland learned when he played ball on his Father’s basketball court and why he never made that mistake again.

After seeing the 31 ‘Off-The-Cuff’ Bullets about the recording. How much should these CDs be?
The members of Bill Glazer’s Info-MASTEMIND Group members pay $17,964.00 per annum to be part of this elite group. There’s 14 of these Members on these CDs, so 14 X $17,964.00 = $251,496.00 doesn’t it?
To To be fair, each one receives 6-Days of Masterminding and Coaching during the Year Bill Glazer These recordings can be listened to for only one day. So $251,496.00 x 6 = $41,916.00 Information-MASTERMIND Members who participated in these CDs heard the $41,916.00 number they screamed out….WAY TOO CHEAP!!!! These CDs have a far greater value than $41,916.00.
But Bill Glazer reminded them that these CDs weren’t created to be priced so everybody wouldn’t be able to invest in these CDs regardless of the fact that the value they contain are truly worth over $41,000.00.
They were designed to be as accessible as possible to the open.-minded and forward thinking entrepreneurs as the ultimate…. Think TO Grow Rich shortcut. After much debate, the 14 Info-Mastermind members agreed (grudgingly) to an introductory price that would allow those who took quick action to get the deal they wanted. Each Info-Mastermind Member as Well Bill Glazer will each offer this to the first 297 buyers for only… (drum roll)… $297.
Obviously, you shouldn’t need to be reminded that if you were to only receive one BIG idea for your business when listening to these CDs, your investment will be returned ‘at least’ Ten times ($2,970.00 in additional profits). Based on the Info-MASTERMIND Members were making while they were participating in the recording of these CDs, you’ll get a long, long, long list of BIG ideas, making the decision to grab one of the 297 copies from each of the participants a ‘no brainer.’
In fact The decision is not just a ‘no brainer,’ but you can’t lose These CDs are so powerful that you get a complete 1-YEAR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. That’s right, keep them for a full 365 days. Listen to them over and over and apply just one of the strategies you hear and if you honestly don’t make 10 times your investment, ship them back and you quickly receive a full 100% refund.

How Successful Entrepreneurs


How YOU Should Think About The Business You’re In
Napoleon Hill’s book THINK AND GROW RICH Bears re-You should read the book on a regular basis as it provides many different perspectives. One thing presented in the book has to do with how you think about the business you’re in, even what business you think you’re in period.
Clients often come to us when they need help. Dan Kennedy Or Bill Glazer For consulting, they come to a business thinking they are there, but end up in another. To adapt this mindset that leads to rapid growth, you will need a place to start.
These CDs were made for many reasons. However, one of the most important is to give you insight to help you get to the right path of rapid growth. You’ll find on the recording no shortage of shortcuts in order to achieve F-A-S-T success.
IN FACT, THERE’S SO MUCH “REAL MEAT” TO EMBRACE…. You’ll probably want to listen to this recording several times as each time, you will hear new ideas that will become real breakthroughs in your business.
Dedicated To Multiply Your Income
Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle™
#1: It’s suggested you get out a pen and paper and take careful notes as you go along, listing ideas and action steps you can put in place in your own business.
#2: Remember, Bill Glazer Information about him and his 12 Members-MASTERMIND Group agreed that they would only sell 297 copies at $297 each and then raise the price to where it should be. This is not an area where waiting would be a good idea. Procrastination is a behavior that is characteristic of the poor.
#3: People often express surprise at how much the Members of are paid. Bill Glazer’s Info-What does MASTERMIND Group do? Bill gets done. Listen carefully to find one of their BIG SECRETS that allows them all to accomplish so much in record time.
#4: What good sales letter would be without a bonus? If you are one of the lucky 297 to get this recording for $297, you’ll also receive a copy of the transcriptions of the complete set of CDs.
 Here’s what you’ll get in Dan Kennedy & Bill Glazer – Think To Grow Rich