Dan John – Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer


I’ve always said the The greatest compliment a coach can receive is to be acknowledged for his efforts. Dan John really gets it…and Describes how to put it on paper. Read and enjoy. ~Michael Boyle

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Dan John – Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer

There are two options:
Learn basic body movements in middle school, junior high, or high school. and Step-By-Step-by-step instructions the Olympic lifts, powerlifting, mobility, flexibility, kettlebell training & tumbling
Apply Intervention
For most of us, it’s option two.
Five Principles
Here are some examples the Answers the These questions are the real keys–
1) Strength training for Lean body mass and Joint mobility is more important than any other activity.
Download immediately Dan John – Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer
2) Fundamental human movements are… fundamental.
3) Standards and Gaps must be continuously assessed.
4) The idea of ‘park bench’ and ‘bus bench’ All workouts should be done. the Training for a lifetime.
5) Constantly strive for Mastery and grace.
I’ve always said the The greatest compliment a coach can receive is to be acknowledged for his efforts. Dan John really gets it…and Describes how to put it on paper. Read and enjoy. ~Michael Boyle
I love it Dan John’s back-To-His combination of basic but progressive approaches, his coupling the Physical and Spiritual dimensions of training, his attention for detail and His ability to help us find our inner limits. Todd Durkin