Damon Verial – How to Predict and Prepare for a Stock Market Crash



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Damon Verial – How to Predict and Prepare for a Stock Market Crash
Damon Verial – How to Predict and Prepare for a Stock Market Crash
Prepare your portfolio for a stock market crash, market corrections, and bear markets and make money while doing so
Course Description
Is your portfolio prepared for a market crash?

Do you know how likely a market crash, market correction, or bear market is in the coming years?
Are you “stuck” in the bull market mindset?
Is your portfolio hedged?
Does your portfolio have defensive assets?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you need to take this course! It’s becoming easier and easier to manage your own portfolio without shelling out cash for financial advice every time you make a trade. But it’s also becoming harder to effectively manage your own portfolio due to the paradox of choice. In Damon Verial’s groundbreaking course, “How to Prepare for a Market Crash,” you’ll learn how to create a recession-proof portfolio, predict a recession, and even profit during a recession. It’s not enough to simply to diversify your portfolio — you must take on short positions and low-beta positions to be successful in hedging against a bear market. In this dynamic course, Damon will guide you through the critical elements of market correction preparation:

Realizing that the stock market will turn downward.
Predicting a crash using technical indicators.
Understanding what a bear market is.
Knowing how to properly lower your exposure to the stock market.
And much more…

As you learn, you’ll be able to apply the knowledge Damon teaches to your own portfolio — and later position yourself to actually profit from a market crash. If you’re already invested in the stock market or if you’re looking to start investing soon, this course is for you. You’ll feel more confident as the market reaches new highs, investors get anxious, technical indicators imply a coming crash, the economy turns sour, and the people around you start selling their stocks.
What are the requirements?

Brokerage account with money to invest.

What am I going to get from this course?

Over 24 lectures and 3 hours of content!
Choose defense stocks for your portfolio
Use credit spreads as low-risk income generation during a recession
Understand the difference between a market correction and market crash
Buy the best ETFs prior to a bear market
Overcome your fears of a market correction
Learn whether gold is a good investment
Use leading indicators to predict a market crash
Master the one trading strategy that allows you to safely ignore a recession
Dominate the one strategy that will make you rich during a bear market
Realize the most useful strategies to reduce the impact of a market correction
Understand why selling is the worst thing to do during a market crash
Learn how and why to short stock
Apply options strategies as hedges
Pick up the “value” of value stocks during a recession
Profit from increased volatility
Know the limits to timing the market

What is the target audience?

Long-term investors
Financial advisors
Hedge fund managers
Retirement planners
Anyone who wants to get rich while everyone else is losing money

Damon Verial – How to Predict and Prepare for a Stock Market Crash Contents: Videos