Damo Mitchell – Xian Tian – Chinese Medical Theory


Damo Mitchell – Xian Tian – Chinese Medical TheoryOnline Chinese Medical Theory Module12-Month long Online TrainingSuitable for Students of Chinese MedicineFoundation Module for Professional TrainingGet Damo Mitchell – Xian Tian – Chinese Medical Theory at the Course FarmOn this page, you can find out about our 12-month long Online module in Chinese Medical Theory. Sign up to this module to receive weekly lessons which are taught by Damo Mitchell. Each week, Damo takes members through a 60-90 minute long lesson covering a different aspect of Chinese medicine. Over the course of a year, students will learn University-level lessons on underlying theories of Chinese medicine as well as how the body works, what sickness is and how wellness is understood according to traditional Chinese principles.This program will serve as the foundation stage of learning for all members of our professionally recognised courses.Join Now. Scroll to the bottom of this page for membership options.Who is this program for?Though the program in Chinese Medical Theory was primarily designed as the first module in our three-year professional training in Chinese medicine, it is also suitable for other people as well. Since the first-year is focused upon understanding the foundation theory of Chinese medicine, people who don’t wish to be therapists but who want to have an understanding of Chinese medicine may also wish to take this program. This list of people could include:Perspective practitioners of Chinese MedicineQigong practitioners who want a better theoretical understanding to what they are doingQigong teachers who wish to understand the nature of health according to Chinese principlesPractitioners of another therapy such as western massage who wish to also learn Chinese medical theoryShiatsu practitioners who feel they want more detailed instruction on Chinese medical theoryCurrent practitioners who wish to revisit their foundationsTheory Module Syllabus:The first module – Chinese Medical Theory – covers the following aspects of Chinese medical theory in great detail. Damo talks through each subject in great detail over 52 easy-to-learn-from videos.Yin Yang TheoryJing, Qi, Blood & FluidsWu Xing TheoryZang Fu organsExtra-ordinary FuPathogenic TheoryPsychology + The Human MindSpiritual HealthSix Divisions TheoryEight Principles TheoryFood TheoryDream AnalysisMenstrual HealthPregnancy & the Lunar MonthsBody Fluids & Pathology+ MoreYour TeacherYour lessons are taught to you by Damo Mitchell, lifelong practitioner of the Eastern Arts and skilled practitioner and teacher of Chinese medicine.Damo has taught the Eastern Arts internationally for many years and has developed a reputation for being able to present complex eastern theories in a way that people can clearly understand them without needing to simplify or water down the teachings. Because he ‘lives’ the arts himself, Damo’s mind is fully immersed in what he is teaching.Damo breaks down each aspect of Chinese medicine and presents it in both its commonly taught manner, according to how it would be presented at Chinese medical colleges, as well as its esoteric and functional aspects. Clinical examples are given and through flipchart drawings and clearly explained points to ensure that students can take in each part of their chosen subject.Students undertaking the program will also be able to touch-base with the school and ask any questions on our dedicated facebook page. Tutors, Damo Mitchell and Rob Aspell will then answer questions and guide students in their learning.Get Damo Mitchell – Xian Tian – Chinese Medical Theory at the Course FarmThe ProgramWeekly Video lesson of between approx 60-90 minutes each weekStep-by-Step ongoing courses in Chinese Medical TheoryIn-depth Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine Insight into ancient theories of Health and WellnessTaught by Lifetime practitioner of the Asian ArtsExclusive Online Community AccessClassical Yang Sheng (life nourishing) PrinciplesClear guidence on both the How and the Why of Chinese medical theoryOnline Module 2For those continuing on into year 2 of Chinese medicine training with us, as well as the practical in-person events, there is also a second year of online lessons. These are online lessons that really go alongside practical training and so the lessons cover more practical, treatment-based aspects of medical practice. These subjects include:In-depth Channel TheoryDetailed Point Theory and usageSyndrome Differentiation in detailPulse DiagnosisTongue DiagnosisFurther Diagnostic ToolsDevelopment of DiseasePsychological DiseaseSpiritual DiseaseAdvanced Knowledge of Yin & YangEsoteric TreatmentsTreatment ProtocolsBody and Qi DevelopmentAdvanced PathogensAdvanced Zang Fu Theory+ More