Dain Walker – Personal Branding Kit


Dain Walker – Personal Branding KitWhether you’re just getting started, refining your personal brand, or up and running already, I’ve created a fast-paced course that will help you gain clarity, help you define your difference, and understand how to earn credibility and respect. This is something I’ve worked on for years, for myself and for clients, and it has helped countless personal brands scale their reach and dominate their market.WHAT IS PERSONAL BRANDING KIT ALL ABOUT?This is about you. Your face. Your life. Your reputation. And how the people in your world view you. Whether it’s physical interactions, digital content, or anything in between, the Personal Branding Kit is about unearthing everything you need to know in order to define, focus, and begin to grow your personal brand.Learn the strategy frameworks of successful branding.Define the followers you want to attract.Create a reason for your audience to care about you.WHAT TO EXPECT IN MY PROGRAMWe’re gonna get hands on with interactive exercises. Follow my lead. We’re gonna go deep into strategy, working together to forge your very own personalized brand plan. Know clearly what you stand for. Be capable, clear, and confident when portraying yourself publicly. Present powerfully and grow.Craft Your AudienceTactically unleash powerful and clever strategies to cultivate not only followers but an engaged and tailored fanbase you can monetise.Overcome Your FearLearn how to break through the mental challenges or obstacles between where you are right now and where you want to be.Define Your PathLearn the essentials to identify your brand to separate you from others and be highly sought. Have impact and influence.Build Your CredibilityLearn how to master credibility by becoming an iconic figure of authority in your industry, niche or field of expertise. WHY INVEST IN THIS COURSELessons from lived experienceDownloadable ResourcesStraightforward, actionable step-by-step worksheets and examples help guide you to overcome the questions that arise when attempting your personal branding alone.Real StoriesI’ve documented and deployed strategy with entrepreneurs, CEOs, influencers, elite athletes, global comedians, and famous musicians.Resounding SuccessLearn the same thought processes that allowed me to grow my personal brand into over 600k Instagram followers, a podcast, a book and a global keynote speaker with the fastest-growing branding agency in Australia. PERSONAL BRANDING KITTHE HIGHLIGHTSThe CurriculumYou’ll learn through interactive exercises how to start from scratch, define your niche and get the unique insights and confidence to scale your brand to heights you might not even be able to imagine right now. We’ll identify your area of expertise and build the credibility to make it public.Browse chapter plan1. Master fundamentalsMaster the fundamentals of branding, strategic thinking, relevance, positioning, communication that connects, crafting identity, and impactful influence.2. Your  dream audienceUse my proven strategies to identify, define and connect with your dream audience. Understand what they are seeking and how to present yourself. Build a solid foundation by targetting the people most likely to become brand fanatics.3. Use strategy to overcomeUnderstand how to think about your brand so you can evolve as you grow and pivot at any point. Learn how to pinpoint your catchphrases and vocabulary, craft your personality, understand your credibility and what makes you powerful.4. Deploying your brandSo you’ve put in all the hard work and you have your values, you’ve set your intentions, you’ve cast your future self and know you need to take action, but what action exactly? Content is the answer. Learn how to brainstorm, test and add interest to your content ideas. Experimentation is the key to success. COURSE CURRICULUMModule 2: Define your vibeExercise 2: Personality ReferencesModule OutcomeIt’s hard to know what you need to be and what you need to do as a personal brand if you don’t know what you want to have. This module is all about focusing on your goals and setting intentions. The outcome will be clarity, you will know who you need to be, and what steps to take, to get to where you want to go.Module 3: Craft your voiceExercise 3: Extracting your vocabularyModule OutcomeIn this module you’ll pull together descriptive words that paint a picture of what you want your brand’s impact to be. We’ll focus on clarity for communicating emotionally (how you want to make your audience feel), visually (how you want to appear) and conceptually (how you wish to be perceived as). This leaves you with the tools to talk confidently about your brand.Module 4: Define your dream audienceExercise 4: Circling your Dream audienceExercise 5: Pressure Test Your Dream AudienceExercise 6: Deciding Your Dream AudienceExercise 7: Dream Audience ProfilesModule OutcomeKnowing who you are speaking to is a powerful tool in creating a potent personal brand. Increase your impact. Discover how to define, approach, categorise, describe and speak to your audience.Module 5: Overcome Fear with CredibilityExercise 8: Mapping your credibility – part 1Exercise 9: Mapping your credibility – part 2Exercise 10: Mapping your credibility – part 3Module OutcomePutting your face, personality, thoughts and reputation on the line is a scary thought. Personal branding is not for the faint of heart, but having fears and battling imposter syndrome in this unexplored terrain is totally normal. Discover how to overcome this by mapping the things that make you authoritative.Module 6: Resonate with your audienceExercise 11: Mapping your relevance – part 1Exercise 12: Mapping your relevance – part 2Exercise 13: Mapping your relevance – part 3Module OutcomeBeing credible is only half the job, you also need to be relevant to your audience so your message lands. People don’t care what you’re an expert in if it isn’t significant to their needs. Discover how you’ve changed and overcome in the past, in order to harness your defining moments to connect with your audience.Module 7: Crafting your brand essentialsExercise 14: The Two Word BrandExercise 15: Create Your Brand DNAExercise 16: Create Your Brand DNA – part 2Module OutcomeStart taking everything you’ve discovered about your unique niche and form your brand essentials – your ‘moniker’ or title, and your Brand DNA which is your strategy foundation. You’ll see the puzzle pieces starting to come together to form the overall picture. You’ll get clarity on how to express yourself to others in a strategic way.Module 8: Deploy your brand on socialsExercise 17: Defining your nicheExercise 18: Content Creation – part 1Exercise 19: Content creation – part 2Module OutcomeOften the question we’re left after the epiphany caused by the Brand Essentials is how do I get from there to actually making content? This module will give you all the tools to know what makes things go viral, how to create interesting content, how to generate ideas in line with your brand and what your key content themes are. You’ll be pumped and excited to get going and test it all out.Module 9: Create your Personal Brand KitExercise 20: Your Personal Brand KitModule OutcomeThis last module is taking everything you’ve learnt, placing it into a more refined template so you can showcase your branding to others. Use it as a reference to nail product partnerships, promotion opportunities, castings, clients or brief creatives. It will bring you the confidence and clarity you needed to get the ball rolling and take action.Finale – Speed over accuracyModule OutcomeThe final take away – Use your Personal Brand Kit like a starting point and a living document and evolve it as you test your ideas. Don’t be limited or locked into what you’ve created to date. Be agile. Evolve as you learn.Evolve as you grow. You’re a person not a robot and your branding will reflect the organic nature of being a human – it’s what makes you fire!There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.