Cynthia Li Brave New Medicine
Li relates her story with the insight of a scientist, and the humility and candor of a patient, exploring the emotional and spiritual shifts beyond the physical body.

This course can be ordered and delivered within one hour! Li Her story is told with the clarity of a scientist and the honesty of a patient. She explores the emotional and spiritual shifts that occur beyond the physical body. File Size: 1.71MB, Format: 1 pdf

Cynthia Li – Brave New Medicine

This is Doctor. Cynthia Li She shares her story about her crippling autoimmune disease, the limitations of Western medicine and her struggles to get well.-won lessons on healing—mind, body, and spirit.
Li It was all there: She had a great career in medicine and a happy marriage. There were even plans for children. But it all came crashing down when, after developing an autoimmune thyroid condition, mysterious symptoms began consuming her body. Test after test came back “within normal limits,” baffling her doctors—and baffling herself. Housebound with two young children, Li began a solo odyssey from her living room couch to find a way to heal.
☞ Brave New Medicine The story focuses on the existential and physical crisis that forced a young doctor into questioning her medical training. She reveals the causes of her illness and discovers how to heal it. Li She tells her story with the clarity of a scientist and the candor of a patient.
☞ An auto immune disease is affecting millions worldwide. Patients with complex conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), are increasingly being recognized, but doctors, their families, and close friends continue to dismiss these patients. It is a harsh reality that doctors often do not know the truth.-turned-“difficult patient” Li Faced firsthand.
☞ Drawing on cutting-This memoir is a blend of ancient healing arts, edge science, and intuition. It offers validation and support for patients and doctors alike. Her story will help you find the wisdom, compassion, and inspiration to embark on your own healing journey.