BowTied Bull 1 Yearly Subscription (exp June 2023)
Description of BowTied Bull
Subscribe to basic level to ramp up on the necessary knowledge for the decentralized future (Crypto, Internet Businesses and Technology Stocks is the focus). Basic level is good for people who don’t understand anything about crypto or technology investing in general. We provide broad stroke overviews of topical items but do not provide detailed analysis since that is for the WAGMI Crew.
Majority of our readers are wealthy in the $600-700K net worth range with incomes in the $250K range. That said the main goal here before investing money is this: 1) high paying career in M&A/Tech/Sales, 2) during this time you build up a “WiFi” business and 3) once your WiFi business is making 2x your net income from your career, you likely need to quit. Addendum: in a work from home situation this strategy should be incredibly easy to implement.
Ranking of post difficulty as follows:

Level 6 – Vitamin Butane & SBF (Paid)
Level 5 – Sonic Autist (Paid)
Level 4 – Turbo Autist (Paid)
Level 3 – Virgin DeFi Analyst (Free/Paid)
Level 2 – Value Investor (Free)
Level 1 – NGMI (Free)

To be clear we try to find new investments 1x a month (slightly more slightly less depending on what is happening). If you are looking for scam coordinated pump and dumps go somewhere else you’re not wanted here and enjoy losing everything over time. Also. If you want step by step explainers of what is going on in internet businesses (or how to build them) we put that content here as well. (Yes we cover tech and biz at the same time!)
Be part of the first Decentralized Anonymous Army (DAA) against centralized ponzi scams (Banks, Exchanges, etc.). The We All Gonna Make It (WAGMI) crew is focused primarily on spreading the good word about crypto while (hopefully) becoming disgustingly rich. If we’re entirely wrong, you can watch us (yes the group of writers) lose the vast majority of our net worth which is published monthly.
Unlike other groups all of our positions will be announced here real time so you can time stamp it and see if we’re doing well or not. We have a good track record for those that have been following our Twitter for the past 9-10 years or so. That said, nothing here is legal/financial advice but rather opinions from an anonymous cartoon bull (and other cartoon animals).
Our background is Technology Investment Banking, Affiliate Marketing and E-commerce. Crypto fits right in due to great timing (a little luck in life helps) as we’ve used complex software/VPNs/Servers for a long period of time. Paid subscribers are also allowed to ask for data, participate in monthly Q&As and ask specific questions if they relate to a particular post.
Beyond the focus on crypto… we also talk about life, traditional investing and the year 2035 (Degen Island Updates only for Paid Subs). We’ve been writing for about a decade and all paid subs drive the direction of the posts.
What will you learn in BowTied Bull?

Inflation and CPI will Be Adjusted – Play FETCH
Level 1 – NGMI
Q&A – Portfolio Update, GBTC and Commiefornia
Level 4 – Turbo Autist
Media Manipulating Your Focus: “Current Thing”
Level 1 – NGMI
WiFi Money Niche Selection & Assets Sale, GBTC and Shortages (Again!)
Level 5 – Sonic Autist
AVAX & SOL – Chain by Chain Security (Part 3 of 3)
Level 6 – Vitamin Butane
Ethereum – Chain by Chain Security (Part 2 of 3)
Level 6 – Vitamin Butane
Bitcoin Chain by Chain Security (1 of 3)
Level 6 – Vitamin Butane

Find out more: Crypto Trading courses