Cryptography & Privacy Coins With Grant Hawkins (2022)


Cryptography & Privacy Coins

Bitcoin, Monero, ZCash and more

Understand exactly how the cryptography behind cryptocurrencies works. This course covers Bitcoin, Monero, ZCash, Dash and more.

About the Course

Privacy is one of the big advantages of crypto and Web3. Grant will show you how the cryptography used by Bitcoin and many other privacy coins actually works. At the end of this course, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of stealth addresses, confidential transactions, and the popular privacy coin protocols.

Your instructor

Grant Hawkins

Grant is a long-time privacy advocate working in Southeast Asia. He has worked on blockchain issues for 5 years, and privacy-rights issues for nearly a decade. His focus is evaluating the effectiveness of different Private cryptocurrencies. Follow Grant on twitter@granawkins

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