Cryptocurrency Secret Trading Strategy


Anna Macko – Crypto On Fire
Anna Macko, the self-proclaimed Crypto Queen, says the reason you’re not making money trading cryptocurrency is because you’re not treating it like a business. But she does; and has been, since 2013. Now she’s a multi-millionaire. Inside her latest crypto course, The 2% Theory, she claims she can show you how to double your income each month.
What You’ll Learn In Crypto On Fire?
1. Welcome to the course!

Welcome (intro)
Before you begin…
Walkthrough – Before you begin… Peaks?
Is this Gambling?
Some tips before starting
Update 2020 USA

2. Intro

Need this for USA & Quebec & Also Tips Even if you are NOT from there you can use this for protection
What links do I need?
Video on the very start Depo
Video on the very start Depo 2
How to use accounts

3. The Real Mccoy

Can I trade Alt Coins here? No
Walkthrough QA – Deposit & Trading Alt coins here
Safety First
The Mac daddy of all trading platforms

4. Remove overwhelm

This is what you need to remove overwhelm

5. Video for a LIVE Start in simulated environment

Video for a LIVE Start in simulated environment – When You are Ready

6. Trading With Exceptions

Trading With Exceptions -Bull? Bear? Flat?
Limit and Market Order

7. Calculate this

Calculate this

8. Practice this

Strategy on the 6hr chart, 1 Minute chart and MFI.
Play around with this first – where to start
Play around with this second – Making Moves
Stop losses and ways to exit a trade
Play around – Taking Profit
Practice using these stop losses like this
Practice Stop like this part 2
Important when you first start trading
Little Trick (archived)
Practice Cutting Like This
Taking money from crypto – It’s like taking candy from a baby
Live trade – And leverage vs risk

9. Trend is your Friend

Up Trend
Down Trend
Rule. There is no middle ground.

10. Which way is this thing going?

Predict the Future
Which way is this thing going
Shorting a BullRun

11. Advanced Trading

What is leverage
Liquidation Price and Leverage Risk
Notes Section
The Cliff
Size Matters

12. The Protection Strategy – When Crypto is On Fire

How to protect your money in a crash better
How to actually make money in a crash and look forward to it?
Protect your bitcoin when it crashes
The short strategy (Part 1)
The short Strategy (Part 2)
The short Strategy (part 3)

13. Tips for beginners!

Something useful when you first start out

14. Tricks

Tricks I learned along the way
Why didn’t my order hit? Cause you weren’t first
Practice & Reminders
$14,750 with protection

15. The “Japanese Hiking” Strategy

Practice Hiking Strategy – Not real life
Hiking in Japan
Japanese Hiking Strategy
Winning Japanese Hiking
Trading and Winning
Live Trade part 1
Live Trade part 2

16. 1000% Yes this is cool

1000% is so cool when you see this! Also The Japanese Hiking Strategy PERFECT ENTRY and PERFECT SELL!

17. The Mathematics to calculate the makings of $50,000

The Mathematics to calculate the makings of $50,000

18. How to calculate Fees


19. Risk Management

Risk Management
Risk Management 2

20. Focus like a mofo

A message from Anna
A message from Anna Video

21. How to Split for Safety

Split Up Your Stack – Lady in blue

22. BONUS!!!

The 2% Theory – Here!
How to turn $1,000 into $1,000,000 in a year using the 2% Theory

23. Next steps


24. Bonus – Drills

The Protection Drill Technique
The Profit Up Drill Technique
Withdrawing Profits Technique Video
Stay in Profit Drill Technique
Next Step

25. Small Wins Even making $12 is fun for beginners!

Beginners Low Leverage Starting Small
Tiny Win – Better than nin

26. Security

Security – Staying Safe

27. New QA

Live Trade: High Leverage 25X – This is how you guarantee profit
Ripple & Bitmex
USA – Quebec
What do I do here
How to Get Closer?
Short your way to Financial Freedom
QA – Should I be cutting trades if it falls?



29. Notes from the Group

Entries on Fomo
When nothing is clear
Minimizing loss is maximizing profit!
Signals Note
Entries Note
Entries on the 6
The 6h
When I short
Entries – Read the colours
Calc Q
My Love of Crashes
In Bullruns Entries
Details in 2% Theory
30 day Challenge
Signals exceptions
Predict the future
What a difference a full time month can do!
Sometimes we need to Drink a glass of cement
When Bob’s your uncle
In a bull run get ready
locking in profit
Bullrun? Ready? Change!
B4 Bed.
Weird Prices
Don’t guess – Use the tools
Flat like a pancake
July 20 – so many good entries to watch out for

30. Live Trade with Exception

Live Trade with Exception – What we do
What can happen if you enter long and it goes lower

31. Quick Videos Updates (starting Sept 24, 2021)

Quick Trade Update Sept 24, 2021