
Craig Liebenson – FPM Precision Programming – Online CE Pro

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Craig Liebenson – FPM Precision Programming – Online CE Pro


Get a front row seat with Dr. Craig Liebenson.

Not approved to meet CE requirements.
What Your Colleagues Say About This Course
Spent the weekend collaborating with amazing clinicians and coaches. Thank you for exceeding expectations this weekend.
This weekend emphasized that patient care is centered on the individual in front of you, promotes resiliency instead of fragility, is positive and encouraging, appropriately loads instead of under-doses movement, and dispels nocebos that create fear of movement.

Katie Dabrowski, DPT
You give the tools to make collaborating with a coach as a clinician or with a clinician as a coach a much easier process.
The process of the profile and the power of the audit process and history taking in the BPS lens provides everyone with a universal language with the 4 principles of reassurance, reactivation, adaptation, and variability as the North Star.”

Donald Mull, D.C. San Diego, CA
I feel like I learned a lot about figuring out the difference between rep maxes, reps in reserve, and RPE. Because I don’t have an actual training background, these things are really useful to me. In addition, watching you and Ryan in action taking clients through with external cuing and putting them in the environment really helps me to learn and retain how to do it with my own patients. That’s what really puts it together for me.
I can’t wait to come to another seminar.

Kelli Nelson, DC CCSP Kansas
This is my third FPM seminar, and I always learn SO many new concepts and skills each time that I can immediately put into practice.

Jenna Langhans – Trainer NYC
I’ve had 25 sessions in the past two days and the energy that I’ve brought to those sessions has been categorically different compared to sessions prior to this course and mentorship. ‘You already have the skillset. Now learn the mindset’”

Nick Perugini, PT, DPT Philadelphia
What a weekend!! Learning from these two rockstars and all of the other coaches and clinicians who want to break the status quo. If you want to go far, go together!”

John Ly, PT, DPT
I’ve taken many courses in the past, but this course really packaged together decades of experience and the integral approach to rehab and training! Highly recommend.”

Marlon Taduran Trainer
After 14 years in the industry and loving every second, I feel even more excited today than I did 14 years ago. Feeling great and inspired by your passion, expertise, and energy. Thank you again”

Matt Sauerhoff Trainer
Thanks again Ryan for you, your team, and Craig for putting on an awesome session this weekend!

I can’t wait to get back and deploy these applications and information with my clients.”

Joel Gyimesi, DC
Mindblowing weekend of learning from the best of the best.”

Nicole Killmer, Trainer
Preview The Course
Closeups, voiceovers, & multiple camera angles. Don’t miss a word – and watch as many times as you like
Course Objectives
Bridge the gap between theory and execution. Learn to blend strength and condition programs with rehabilitation principles. Replace a rigid protocol and dogmatic approach with a step-by-step framework that delivers a unique program for each client or patient.

How to create a positive experience with movement to empower your client or patient.
How to screen fundamental movement literacies with a body weight Movement Prep.
How to Identify over-protective client behaviors (excessive guarding, breath holding, rigid movements, etc.) & how to use graded exposures to dispel fear avoidance beliefs.
How to develop your Coach’s Eye (eg. Talk Test, biomechanics, eccentric control, loss of concentric power).
How to create a Functional Dashboard for navigating goal attainment – determine what matters, measure what matters, then change what matters.
How to deploy Rep Maxes (RMs), Reps in Reserve (RIR), and RPE in your programming.
The difference between internal versus external cuing.
How to vary the environment or task to drive gains more efficiently.
How to find the “Hardest thing you do well” nested to the person’s floor – the gap analysis.
How to make training fun.
How to hide “the skill in the drill” with Gamification

What you will take away:

Develop a Mastery mindset to translate & implement new knowledge.
Create a community of change-makers committed to promoting sustainable athleticism & healthy longevity
Learn how to tie different systems & methods together efficiently
Learn to connect the dots from the client’s story to an actionable program to maximize buy-in
Observe real-life problem-solving & reasoning
Why delaying strength training in rehab creates a slippery slope
How to turn every exercise into an assessment
How to find the sweet spot between “too little too late” & “too much too soon” to maximize results
Differentiate Landmarks vs. Timelines – There is a difference

Meet the Instructors
Craig Liebenson, DC

Lead Instructor
Dr. Liebenson is the Founder of First Principles of Movement and Director of L.A. Sports & Spine, a pain management, rehabilitation & performance enhancement center providing one on one musculoskeletal care. He is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Chiropractic, Division of Health Sciences at Murdoch University, Perth Australia and consultant for the the Anglo-European Chiropratic College M.Sc. programs in Chiropractic Rehabilitation.
Ryan Chow, DPT

Assisting Faculty
Ryan Chow received his bachelor’s degree in Movement Science at the University of Michigan and his Doctor of Physical Therapy at Mercy College. Ryan began his career as a personal trainer and enjoys bringing his strength and conditioning experience into his clinical approach. He sees Dr. Liebenson’s patients, serving as LA Sports and Spine’s NY location and Founder of Reload Physical Therapy where he practices physical rehabilitation and preparation.