Craig Hamilton – Meditation 2.0 – The Practice of Direct Awakening (Promo Webinar)


It’s no secret that meditation is good for you. Study after study tells us it is one of the best things we can do for our health and well-being and that it Format File: [WebRip – 1 MP3] File Size: 89.58 MB

Craig Hamilton – Meditation 2.0 – The Practice of Direct Awakening (Promo Webinar)

It’s no secret that meditation is good for you. Study after study tells us it is one of the best things we can do for our health and well-being and that it even plays a pivotal role in higher adult development.

But what if the health benefits of meditation were just the tip of the iceberg? What if there was a meditation practice that could propel you far beyond optimal health and well-being into an accelerated evolutionary process, unleashing a latent set of “supercapacities” that would elevate your performance, fulfillment and impact in every area of life?
Drug companies are racing to develop the new super drug that could unlock our untapped brain power and higher potential, but what if a simple practice we could perform in just 30 minutes a day was all we needed to unleash our supernature?

Could meditation be the key to unlocking our full human potential?
Spiritual traditions have long known about the profound possibility of spiritual awakening. Indeed, the liberating realization of Enlightenment has always been the ultimate goal of the spiritual quest.
If you’ve had even a glimpse of this profound spiritual potential, you know that an extraordinary, enlightened life is possible—a life filled with meaning and purpose, in which you have access to a seemingly limitless well of inspiration, wisdom, love and creativity.
Yet for thousands of years, the supreme goal of Enlightenment has been shrouded in mystery, believed to be accessible only indirectly through decades (or even lifetimes) of repetitive and often tedious meditation practice.
Now, thanks to the pioneering efforts of spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton and a bold team of consciousness researchers, all of that is about to change.
Get immediately download Craig Hamilton – Meditation 2.0 – The Practice of Direct Awakening (Promo Webinar)
A series of breakthroughs at the frontiers of meditation research have recently brought forth a powerful new meditation system that can give you direct access to “awakened consciousness,” unleashing a miraculous set of extraordinary abilities with the power to uplevel your life in ways unimaginable to your former self.
Craig calls it “The Practice of Direct Awakening.” And it is rapidly turning every assumption we’ve had about spiritual practice and Enlightenment on its head.

The groundbreaking discovery behind the practice of Direct Awakening is that it doesn’t take decades of practice to access the miracle of awakened consciousness.
Through a precise set of simple but profound practices, it’s possible to directly tap into the power and wisdom of this superconsciousness right now and allow its energy to infuse every aspect of your life.
When we learn to access this latent dimension of consciousness, we discover the greatest miracle of all, which is that this “essential supernature” already contains the extraordinary capacities that most of us are striving to develop.
It gives us access to profound intuitive wisdom, deep emotional resilience, genuine empathy, remarkable flexibility, surprising creativity and a host of other “supercapacities.”
Now, instead of spending years doing “indirect” practices to try to develop all these abilities, you can literally practice tapping directly into the source of these capacities every single day.
What’s more, when you learn to directly access awakened consciousness, your life finally begins to make profound sense. You awaken to a deep and abiding sense of authentic meaning and purpose and an easeful sense of freedom and flow begins to permeate everything you do.

That’s the miracle of Direct Awakening.
What if, instead of spending the next 10, 20, or 30 years doing mindfulness practices, watching your breath or repeating mantras in an attempt to prepare for Enlightenment, you could engage in a daily practice that gave you direct access to Enlightened Consciousness right now?
What if, instead of hoping for a lightning bolt of spiritual insight to awaken you sometime in the distant future, you could practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Enlightenment every single day?
Spiritual masters East and West have always told us that the miracle of Enlightened Consciousness already exists, fully formed, inside of each of us—that this luminous awareness is none other than our own true nature.
The radical discovery that is transforming our very understanding of spiritual awakening is that it is possible to tap directly into this infinite energy, intelligence and freedom right now.
Get immediately download Craig Hamilton – Meditation 2.0 – The Practice of Direct Awakening (Promo Webinar)
All that is required to immediately access this superconscious, unbounded way of being is learning a simple set of daily practices that enable you to step directly into the miracle of awakened consciousness every time you practice.