Course Builder´s Laboratory – Daanny Iny


Here’s Why You’ve Tried and FailedYou deserve it all: financial security, the freedom it brings, and the ability to make a difference in the world.No doubt you’ve tried a lot of things. A quick Internet search dredges up an endless list of trainings and info-products on how to make money by sharing your knowledge online.Even then, you don’t have to go as far as Google, with your Facebook feed full of offers from individuals who are all eager to teach you how to build your first course!And yet, every strategy, every program, every course, only gets you so far before it fizzles out, or you lose motivation… leaving you hanging with no idea what to do next.Even though you’ve purchased course, after course, after course… nothing really WORKS. It doesn’t seem like you’re doing anything wrong, but for some reason, nothing gets you to the finish line… no matter how hard you work for it.I know you’re not afraid of putting in the effort, but it’s a painful experience to invest all of that time, energy and effort only to have no success to show for it.This is when loved ones start to ask questions. “How’s that online course thing going? Do you really think it’s going to work out?”It’s enough to make you start questioning yourself, “Am I putting my energies in the right place?”You might start to wonder if there’s something wrong with you, because if OTHERS can use these trainings, strategies, and systems to vault to amazing heights, how come you’re left lagging behind?Are you doing something wrong? Or are you missing a bigger picture?Actually, it’s a bit of both.There are three main reasons why most people fail to create a successful online course:REASON #1 Courses Without Proper Coaching & SupportBuilding your online course empire – or even launching a single successful course – is a lot like learning any new skill.Let’s take dancing, for example.You can gather all of the information you want about different dance forms, the intricacies of the different moves, and how best to perform when it comes to show time.But your progress will be hampered without two things:Regular practiceInstruction from a teacher or coach, who has expertise in the form of dance you want to learnWithout these, your chances of developing your skills to a high enough level, say to perform in front of a crowd on your wedding day (like I had to), aren’t going to be very good. At least not in the short term.What’s necessary for success is working with someone who can observe how you dance, spot the mistakes you’re making, show you how the moves should be properly executed, and correct your form… right there in the moment.This sort of intimate and high-touch education is what’s necessary to learn a real world skill properly. But it’s a stark contrast to what you get when you buy most online information products, where you’re handed a package of videos and PDFs and then you’re left to figure out all of it by yourself……without any real sense of guidance, and without any personalized support from the course creators (who, if you believe the photos on their sales pages, are relaxing on a beach or a yacht somewhere sunny while you wrestle with their program).It doesn’t seem fair.You’ve tried your hardest to work with these people’s trainings, but without adequate support from someone who genuinely cares about your success, you never really stood a chance.REASON #2 An Industry That Isn’t Equipped To Deliver You Meaningful SuccessThe reality of the industry is that most courses you buy are created by internet marketers.Most of these people are good at what they do, and have valuable information that they’re eager to share.They’re also very good at identifying a demand in the market for a particular course or information product. And when they do, they set out to fulfill that demand (usually) with the best of intentions.Unfortunately, they don’t realize that it takes more to provide a meaningful, transformative, educational experience than just recording the information and delivering it. It also takes coaching, support, and a deep knowledge of educational principles.But because they’re not aware of the “Information vs. Education Divide” (we’ll be getting to that shortly), no matter how good their marketing might be, their programs don’t deliver the outcomes people want and most of their products are destined to be “another course that sits on the shelf.”It’s unfortunate because this whole situation means the vast majority of their students (who don’t get personal access and coaching) inevitably struggle… and the marketers don’t realize there’s a better way to help students achieve the outcomes they’re eager for.In short, the course you bought was never designed for long-term student success. Frustrating, isn’t it?REASON #3 They Flunked the “Mom” TestWhen it comes to creating your online course, you know it’s an important step towards building the online business that will allow you to achieve that higher level of freedom, impact, and wealth that you’re looking for.But it can be challenging to find the *right* person or organization to guide you to success online, because so many people online flunk the “mom” test.What’s the “mom” test?Simple. Ask yourself, would you model your business after the way a particular person does business, and still be happy for your own mother to become a customer?Or would you even be willing to tell her that’s the way *you* do business?If the answer is no, then why on earth would you want to learn from them?You wouldn’t.Congratulations – you’re not like those other heartless, money-grubbing monsters. 🙂But, if you purchased one of their programs, you *may* be hundreds – if not thousands – of dollars in the hole, with training or software you’d never dream of using.And here’s the REAL kicker.Did any of those gurus ever once ask you what your product was? Did they ever care enough to see if you actually had a viable idea for the strategies and tactics to work?Were they willing to help adapt their educational approach to fit your situation? Were they willing to provide you personalized support to achieve the outcome you were dreaming of?Of course not!They just wanted to sell you their stuff, whether or not you could truly succeed with it. In short, they flunked the Mom Test.Get Course Builder´s Laboratory – Danny Iny, Only Price $197 What’s Inside The Course Builder’s LaboratoryMost programs only get created once. The marketing changes every year, but it’s essentially the same course. We do things differently at Mirasee.Each year we take the feedback of thousands of students and use it to shape the latest iteration of our course. We’re the only course building program that continuously gets better every year, so you know the material you’re getting is what’s working best for others that are successfully creating courses online.With the latest iteration of our program, we’ve used cutting edge instructional design methods, with input from teaching experts from Harvard, Yale and Stanford.We’ve also implemented some changes that are working wonders to get students unstuck in the places where they have traditionally gotten bogged down. The program was always able to be done fast, but now it’s more effective at seeing more students move through at a consistent, steady pace. It’s also super flexible to accommodate the speed you as a student want to complete the course.Best of all, the amount and quality of coaching and support you’ll receive is better than ever. For the first time ever, you’ll even have your coach’s phone number for when you really need it.But here’s the biggest change we’ve made this time around: We’re setting firm enrollment limits on the number of students who can enter each cohort of the Course Builder’s Laboratory. Each coach has a finite amount of time, and we’ve set these limits based on the “sweet spot” of how many students each coach can realistically support. We wanted to be able to make sure that you can get the help and coaching that you need, when you need it, instead of being crowded out by too many other students who also need help.Therefore, we’re setting up a few concrete “entry dates” which will be the only times that students can enroll in the Course Builder’s Laboratory. You can choose to enroll in the current cohort or a future one (whatever works best with your schedule). However, we’ll only accept new students in any given cohort for as long as seats remain open.I can confidently say that the Course Builder’s Laboratory will teach you the fastest, most effective, and most reliable process I know for building a profitable online course, while making a positive impact in people’s lives.Through our iterative piloting process, you’ll get early student feedback and results quickly, to ensure that the course you build provides a solution your market is willing to pay for. You’ll know exactly what your students want to buy from you, because they’ll tell you!And it’s a quick process; you won’t spend months creating a huge, complex beast of a course. Instead, you’ll launch your first pilot course in as little as 60-90 days – even if, right now, you’re not 100% sure what to include in your course or how to find people who’ll buy it.Here’s the entire curriculum, laid out for you:MODULE #1 Determining Your Pilot CourseHow to map out the journey for what you’ll teach your students in your first successful courseBefore you can build your course, you need to be clear on what you’re doing, where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there. The program starts with mapping out a 30,000-foot view of what’s involved in taking your business project from idea to profitable course.How to define your target market online… in a way that gives you the best possible chance for success. Few courses spend enough time on this essential step. Marketing online can be tricky, but don’t worry. You’ll get details not just on choosing and defining your market, but validating it, too.A simple system for discovering the best possible course idea for your specific skill set. One of the most important steps in the course building process is deciding what your course should be about. Here is where we’ll show you a simple system for discovering the best place to start with your first “pilot” course.A quick and proven method to validate your course idea has legs… before you invest months or years researching and building it. This is the special validation process that all of our successful students used to ensure they ditched their bad ideas before they led them astray!The “honest” mindset of success every course builder needs to adopt. This is more important than you think! But once you get this, you’ll be focused and have momentum on your side… launching your first pilot course in as little as 60 days.Our proven roadmap to online success… which works no matter what level of online experience you’re starting with. Even if you have no online presence whatsoever, we’ll show you how to lay out your essential – and achievable – road map to build a successful and thriving online course.MODULE #2 Researching Your Pilot CourseHow to dive to the core of what your future students are eager to learnMost people, when they get a course idea, hole up in their bat-cave and start drafting the course they always wanted to create. BIG MISTAKE! Before you start building, you need to be sure you know what people want to learn – so the time you invest actually pays off and students are eager to sign up for your course.The simple, natural way to figure out what people are hoping you can teach them. This is the exact technique I used to build my business from zero to multiple 7-figures in just a few years.How to guarantee your course idea will SELL. There’s an important difference between something your market wants, and something they’re willing to BUY. These research techniques will show you how to find out what problems people are happy to pay to have solved.A simple step-by-step process to discover the language that will excite your prospects at the mere mention of your course idea. Miss this and your course simply WILL NOT resonate with the core buyers in YOUR market!How to research your competitors like a high-level marketer… in a fraction of the time. We’ll show you how to benchmark the competitive landscape, so you can find the perfect place in the market, where your course will shine.How to “magic wand” your course ideas to make them irresistible to your audience. This secret technique was developed by a behavioral scientist, and supercharges the appeal of your course to your target audience (don’t worry, it’s completely ethical!)Our secret to getting paid for your course… *while you build it*. This “risk reduction” technique gets you proof that people will pay you BEFORE you build a thing.MODULE #3 Planning Your Pilot CourseHow to get your pilot course set up for success… FAST!One of the most common mistakes people make is over-planning around the wrong idea. By the time YOU get to the planning stage, you’ll already have validated what will work (or what won’t) – and you’ll be ready to plan the elements of your pilot course that will be necessary to make your first sale!The 3 types of “course structure” that you can use for your new course. These proven structures work best for online courses, and depending on your course material, time commitment, and personality, we’ll show you which is the best structure for you.Simple and straightforward guidelines to find the right price for your course. Pricing is one of those headache inducing topics that we can all lose our minds to. Too much? Too little?! Skip all the self-doubt with our unique P.R.I.C.E. system to find your perfect price point.How to avoid the “pilot paralysis” that CAN keep you from getting your first course rolling out the door. The #1 most common pitfall that kills momentum is over-planning. Let us show you how to deftly dodge that problem and get your course content in front of your students – FAST!Little-known secrets for planning your perfect lessons. Overwhelming your students is the kiss of death. It will cause either inaction or, worse, refund requests. You’ll learn exactly how to craft your lessons so students get exactly what they need.The key to welcoming new students… so they feel right at home from the beginning. Getting this right is the key to a happy student experience – and to building great word-of-mouth marketing for your course.Simple solutions for every important technology challenge. Whether it’s video-call software or payment processors, online courses DO require some tech know-how. But fear not, you’ll learn the simplest methods to deliver your course, and your coach will help you decide on the technology that makes the most sense for you.MODULE #4 Selling Your Pilot CourseSimple and Ethical Sales Strategies To Ensure Your Course Is Full Of Happy, Paying StudentsAfter you’ve planned out the basic elements of your pilot, it’s time to enroll your first paying students! This is where the REAL fun begins. We’ll walk through different strategies for selling your pilot, and help you determine the best fit for your style and situation.How to overcome your sales fears. Selling can make you feel nervous, because it means you may have to face rejection. But with our super-comfortable (and effective) sales strategies, you’ll overcome your worries and become a natural sales generator!The power of co-creation. This simple psychological phenomenon will have a powerfully positive impact on how your students feel about you and your course. You learn how to get your students MORE engaged and find your course MORE valuable… at the same time!Mirasee’s 3 proven, ethical sales strategies… and how to decide which is best for you. From simple, friendly conversations, and emails, to sales pages and webinars… we’ll show you a number of strategies to make sure you’re effectively getting the right students into your course.How to honestly evaluate your sales results. It’s normal for at least a few people to say “no, thanks” to your offer, but how do you know if you’ve been successful or not? You’ll learn exactly how to assess your results and troubleshoot any issues.MODULE #5 Delivering Your Pilot CourseHow to deliver your pilot course in a way that leads directly to long-term successA successful pilot isn’t one that wins rave reviews. It’s one that tells you whether it’s time to scale your course or take it another direction altogether. But those decisions need to be based on measurable results, not gut feelings. We’ll show you how to deliver and evaluate your pilot, so you’re on the fast-track to success.The pilot course “litmus test” to measure whether it was a success or not. The deciding factor for whether your course should be scaled or adapted. Your expert coach will guide you in identifying your best path for long-term success and sustainability.Your 3 options for moving forward based on the success of your pilot. You’ll know exactly which option is right for you, so you can move forward with confidence.The powerful concept of “pilot iteration.” How it can help you develop a winning course you can scale to help more people and bring in higher profits.How to turn failure into ultimate success. A failed pilot isn’t a failure. It’s rich information about what doesn’t work. And while it can be tempting to see it as wasted time, we’ll show you how to use that information to adapt your course and turn it into something FAR more meaningful (and profitable).MODULE #6 Outlining Your Full-Scale CourseHow to set up your full-scale course for massive successOnce you’re ready to turn your pilot into a full-scale product, you’ll have many decisions to make. The devil is in the details, so in this module, we dive deep into launching your first full-scale course. With the feedback and the insights you’ve gained from your pilot, you’ll nail down your vision for your final product.How to choose the right format and final price for your course. With so many possibilities, choices CAN seem endless. But in reality there are only two options you need to consider, and we’ll show you exactly what they are.A simple (but crazy effective) 2-stage “marketing launch plan” that gives your course the best chance of sales success. You’ll get detailed examples and planning guides. And best of all, you’ll have direct one-on-one support throughout the entire launch process from your coach.The best months and days of the week to launch your course. When it comes to selling your course, timing is everything. We’ll show you PROVEN timeframes that will add a big boost to your launch results.How to use “Joint Venture Partners” to increase your sales… and the right way to approach them so they’ll say yes. You’ll get “from-the-trenches” insights about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to attracting partners, including the most important pieces of information they’ll want from you.The 2 types of partner launches you should consider… and how to make sure they both go off without a hitch. With our guidance, you’ll be able to easily decide which is right for you.MODULE #7 Creating Your Full-Scale CourseHow to launch your final product to the whole wide world (with wild applause)At this stage, your focus is simply providing a stellar student experience. We’ll take you step-by-step through what to do and how to do it, so you can create a course that blows away your students’ expectations, while giving them their best chance of success.A simple phrase that slashes refund requests. Not only will you know when to say it, but exactly how to phrase it. The result? Students become more engaged and action-focused in your course!The 3 things you MUST include in your welcome email. Skip any of these and it could cause confusion, overwhelm, and refund requests.The 5 learning styles and 2 modalities to consider for maximum success. These ensure every student learns in a way that’s best suited for them. This is the “gold standard” secret for making every student feel your course was designed just for them!Simple “Instructional design” methods that will take your course from good to great. Plus 4 ways to structure your lessons so learning is easy and engagement remains high, from start to finish.How to build an effective learning environment for your students. From your technology to your learning management system options, we’ll show you the best, most cost-effective options – even for non-techies.4 straightforward options for supporting your students. Discover easy-to-use, proven ways to provide great student support, in a way that’s scalable, won’t break the bank, and won’t eat all of your precious time.MODULE #8 Marketing Your Full-Scale CourseSimple and proven strategies to get an endless stream of eager new studentsBy now, your online course is complete, it’s a proven success, and you’re ready to grow your business further by picking one of five proven growth strategies to take you to the next level. Your only guideline: play to your strengths.The “Warm-Traffic Pyramid.” Learn two effective methods to build a large audience with warm traffic (the nice part about this approach is there’s little-to-no financial outlay to begin with!)Cold-traffic “flywheels.” Use these to generate new traffic to your site from other platforms. Don’t worry, we’ve simplified this advanced strategy, so even a digital newbie can understand it (and profit!)How to choose between a “content play” or a “JV play.” At a certain point, you’ll want to go one way or another. You’ll see where the best place is for you to start, based on your personality and growth goals.How to incorporate paid traffic to build your audience… FAST. Paid traffic requires a bigger commitment from you — in both time and finances — but it can give you BIG results with some simple optimization strategies.Advanced growth tools and strategies — where to go for your next steps. Tools and resources to get your full course in front of bigger audiences and sustain your income. Get Course Builder´s Laboratory – Danny Iny, Only Price $197  Tag:  Course Builder´s Laboratory – Danny Iny Review.  Course Builder´s Laboratory – Danny Iny download. Course Builder´s Laboratory – Danny Iny discount.