Corporate Finance Institute – Capital IQ Fundamentals


Corporate Finance Institute – Applied Fixed Income
Build on your fixed-income fundamentals by diving deeper into government-issued debt, zero-coupon bonds, floaters, linkers, callables, and putables.

Master government, agency, and sovereign/supranational bonds
Understand the difference between specialized fixed income instruments like zeroes, floaters, and linkers
Learn how to price callable and puttable bonds

This Applied Fixed Income course builds on the fixed income fundamentals and delves deeper into government & agency-issued debt, zeroes, floaters & linkers, and callables & putables. It provides knowledge on how they are priced with industry-relevant examples of each type of debt. You will work through practice examples of certain types of debt and learn how to identify critical information on Refinitiv Workspace. By the end of this course, you will have an enhanced understanding of fixed-income products, which will prepare you for learning advanced fixed-income courses.
This Applied Fixed Income course is perfect for anyone who wants to build up their understanding of fixed-income products. This course is designed to equip anyone who desires to begin a career in the capital markets on the fixed income desk.
What You’ll Learn In Applied Fixed Income?

Describe the different types of fixed-income products, their issuers, and investors
Understand in-depth their pricing, duration, and convexity
Understand how to calculate bond yields from Bloomberg