Corey Halliday – Learn About Trading Options From a Real Wallstreet Trader


Corey Trades in the global market began in 2001. After that, trading continued in equities and futures, forex and options. As the Chief Market Analyst for a publicly-

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Corey Halliday – Learn About Trading Options From a Real Wallstreet Trader


A willingness to learn!
An internet connection to track stocks & make trades.

Learn How to trade options from a stock broker No matter your knowledge of the financial markets, we can help you understand the basics of option trading.
Corey Trades in the global market began in 2001. After that, trading continued in equities and futures, options, and index options. As the Chief Market Analyst for a Publicly-He leads his team of professionals and provides market strategies for a traded company. 2011 Corey developed a Weekly trading strategy using SPX Index Options which returned + 390.6% between March 2011 and the current day.
Corey Is the content creator a Numerous trading newsletters, and author of comprehensive investing classes for professionals and individuals traders. His market knowledge covers all aspects of the market, from basic concepts to investing to advanced options and technical analysis. He has been recognized as a Top instructor for two of the most popular online courses in shopping and responsible for teaching over 100,000 customers across the US and Canada!
Corey’s professional career includes successful positions as a stock broker, Principal OptionsChief Market Analyst, author and content creator. Corey Series 7 Licensed (General Securities Representative), Series 4 Licensed, (Main). Options).
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This course is perfect for beginners learning about the financial markets.

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