CopyHackers Joanna Wiebe – 10x Facebook Ad


You are welcome to start here! 5 mins. Module One Facebook Instagram Ads 101. Facebook Instagram Ads 101 16 Mins. Cheat Sheet Stages of Awareness 259KB. How to Map a Lead Generation funnel 10 minutes. How to Map a Webinar Funnel in 6 minutes

CopyHackers Joanna Wiebe – 10x Facebook Ad

Welcoming you and starting here! 5 minutes

Module 1: Facebook Instagram Ads 101
Facebook Instagram Ads 101 16 Mins
Cheat Sheet Stages of Awareness 259 Kb
How to map a lead generation funnel in 10 minutes
How to Map a Webinar Funnel – 6 minutes
How to Map a Challenge or Video Series Funnel in 5 minutes
How to Map an Ecommerce Funnel in 6 minutes
How to map a funnel from scratch in 5 minutes

Module 2: Anatomy of Facebook Instagram Ads
Anatomy of Facebook Instagram ads 10 minutes
A Walk Over the Shoulder-Through of Ad Types 11 minutes
Resource: Facebook Ad Unit Guide

Module Three: Gathering Your Messages
Gathering your Messages in 8 minutes
Ninja Technique: Facebook Group Message Mining 14 Mins
Ninja Technique: How to Mine Amazon Review 8 minutes
Ninja Technique: How To Mine Twitter for Messages in 5 Mins
Ninja Technique: Facebook Ad Competitor Research 7 Minutes
Cheat Sheet – Voice of Customer Research Questions 721KB

Module Four: Mapping your messages
Mapping your messages 8 mins

Module Five: Writing High-Converting messages
Writing high-Conversion Ad Copy 9 minutes
Value Proposition Rehab 10 mins
Long Copy vs. short Copy 3 minutes
When you’re ready to write – Take 2 minutes to do this first 2 minutes
Step 1 – Refer to your funnel map, and pick a place where you want to start 4 minutes
Step 2 – Write down your Value Prop Variations in 3 minutes
Step Three – Write your Headline Variations for 15 minutes
Step Four – Write your Body Copy in 37 minutes
Resource: Facebook Ad Copy the Example
Ad Copy Worksheet 58 KB
Cheat Sheet – Value Proposition Checklist 197KB
Resource: Emojipedia for Facebook Friendly Emojis
Resource: Facebook Bullet Point Emojis

Module Six: Images & Videos
Images and Videos 25 minutes
Resource: Creative Hub Gallery
Resource: Creative Hub Ad Formats
Resource: Facebook Text Checker
Cheat Sheet 121 KB
Anatomy and Function of a One-Minute Video 211KB
Livestream script/ Educational/ Value-Add Content 151KB
Livestream: Relationship-Building 121 KB
Livestream script – Case Study 136 KB
Livestream script: Sales 93.7 KB
Resource: Copyright Free Images From
Resource: Copyright Free Images at

Module Seven: Converting Landing Pages
9 minutes for Landing Pages to Convert
Cheat Sheet – Anatomy of a High-Converting Landing Page 279KB

Module Eight: Testing and how to know if your ads are safe “Working”
How to test your ads and how to tell if they are working “Working” 16 minutes
How to Troubleshoot A Campaign 13 mins
Cheat Sheet: Rules of Thumb to Effective Testing 148 Kb
Cheat Sheet Key Metrics and What They Mean 170KB
Cheat Sheet: Key Metrics & What They Mean Continued 96.8 KB

Module Nine: Red Flags
3 minutes: How to spot and avoid red flag situations
Cheat Sheet: Red Flags to Avoid in 198 KB
End of Module Quiz

Bonus: Facebook Ad Compliance
How to Write Facebook Ad Compliant Copy in Difficult Verticals 17 Mins
Resource: Facebook Ad Policies
Quick-Start Videos
Step 1 – Refer to your funnel map, and pick a place where you want to start 4 minutes
Step 2 – Write down your Value Prop Variations in 3 minutes
Step Three – Write your Headline Variations for 15 minutes
Step Four – Write your Body Copy in 37 minutes
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Here’s what you can expect in the new book CopyHackers Joanna Wiebe – 10x Facebook Ad

CopyHackers Joanna Wiebe – 10x Facebook Ad : Sample