CopyHackers – Conversion Copywriting Workshop


The original conversion copywriter, Joanna has optimized web and email copy for the likes of Wistia, Buffer, Crazy Egg, Neil Patel, Shopify, Indochino, Invision, Tesco and countless others.Purchase CopyHackers – Conversion Copywriting Workshop courses at here with PRICE $497 $52 DOWNLOAD IMMEDIATELY!THE COURSE CONTENT BELOW: – Conversion Copywriting WorkshopThe Conversion Copywriting WorkshopAs presented and recorded at ConversionXL Live.With a strong emphasis on finding and organizing your messages before you begin writing, this conversion copywriting workshop will help you not only write better copy but think like a copywriter in everything you do. Discover the words to use to speak directly to a single reader. See how to make sense of those words and messages. And get the tips and techniques you need to turn good messages into great copy.Plus, because this is a recording of a live workshop, you’ll see how others struggle with copy. And you’ll watch as the original conversion copywriter Joanna Wiebe coaches copywriters through their challenges.Your InstructorJoanna WiebeThe original conversion copywriter, Joanna has optimized web and email copy for the likes of Wistia, Buffer, Crazy Egg, Neil Patel, Shopify, Indochino, Invision, Tesco and countless others. She’s been invited to teach conversion copywriting on the stages of Mozcon, Heroconf, SearchLove, CXL Live, CTA Conf, SydStart, Problogger, DCI Summit, Authority, Microconf, Wooconf, Business of Software and dozens more.The CEO of and Warrior Forum, Matt Barrie read Joanna’s ebooks on a flight back to Australia, promptly told his team to read them, promptly invited Joanna to be interviewed for his massive audience, and promptly proclaimed – without a word of prompting – “These ebooks changed my life.”And when Brian Clark – one of the best known copywriters on the planet – wanted to hire someone to optimize his copy for Rainmaker, Digital Commerce Institute and Authority, guess who he hired. Yup: Joanna. She is the cofounder of Copy Hackers.The CurriculumThe Workshop:Start by identifying the “stage of awareness” of your prospectWith the stage of awareness in mind, apply the Rule of OnePart 1: Find your messagePart 2: Find your messagesPart 3: Find your messagesPart 4: Find your messagesHow to phrase your messagesOptimize the elementsFinish by editing in the awesome Purchase CopyHackers – Conversion Copywriting Workshop courses at here with PRICE $497 $52