ConversionXL (Simo Ahava) – Advanced Google Tag Manager


Your website can be transformed into a tracking device by mastering Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager It is more than just deploying tags or remarketing buttons. Understanding the interplay of tags, triggers, variables and how they interact is essential. You also need to learn how to use GTM API, the data layer, and events.

ConversionXL (Simo Ahava) – Advanced Google Tag Manager

Your website can be transformed into a tracking device by mastering Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager It is more than just deploying tags or remarketing buttons. You must understand the interplay between triggers, tags, and variables, as well as how to use GTM API and data layer to create events. This course will help you.
Do you feel like you are in control? Google Tag Manager, but there’s a lot more to know?
Here’s your chance to master Google Tag Manager’s complexities with Google Developer Expert Simo Ahava.
Once you’re ready to move past the basics, you need to realize that GTM is a javascript deployment machine. You will need to be able to use GTM’s APIs, data layer, and event tracking as an advanced user.
This is the purpose of this course.
This 6-class training program, you’ll learn

Understanding GTM and GTM data models, Javascript skills, as well as how to automate tasks using GTM programmatic API
GTM event tracking customized to track interactions
Customizing your Google Analytics using Tasks API, hitCallback and the Google Analytics Settings Regular expressions and variable expressions
DataLayer: The ins and outs
GTM is a powerful tool that can transform your data organization

The technology stack of the internet gives you more confidence
Google Tag Manager sits firmly in the fascinating interface between different parts of the organization: marketing, IT, HR, sales, and products & services.
To understand this interplay between the different departments of an organization and the systems they use to communicate data to and from the website, it’s important to understand the web browser and how GTM is firmly entrenched in the capabilities and limitations that the browser technology stack imposes.
This course will teach you how JavaScript dynamically works and how DOM manipulation and event tracking work for you.
Learn the intricacies of Data Layer
It’s not hyperbole to say that the Data Layer is what makes GTM tick. Data Layer is simply a JavaScriptArray that feeds data into the GTM. Google Tag Manager. This is just a small part of the entire picture.
In this course, you’ll learn about the multiple faces of the Data Layer. You’ll understand how the Array is actually just a message bus, feeding messages to Google Tag Manager’s internal data model. You’ll learn how Google Tag Manager Introduces imitation of “state” You can use the browser to your advantage when passing data between the website and your browser.
Understanding the interaction between the website and the Data Layer Google Tag Manager It is crucial to use the tool effectively.
How to understand Google Tag Manager Under the hood
The course will focus on how to make the most of your time. Google Tag Manager It works under the hood. It’s not just a theoretical exercise, though, as the learning curve of GTM is very steep and necessarily involves understanding how things like GTM’s data model, event tracking, and end-To-End debugging work. These lessons can easily be translated into actual use cases. With this knowledge, you can make the container more than the sum of its individual parts.
JavaScript is available in all languages.-Present when talking about “advanced” Google Tag Manager. GTM is more difficult to understand the deeper you go, the blurrier the line between them. Google Tag Manager JavaScript has become. At some point, you’ll find yourself coding more JavaScript than using the GTM UI in your daily work. The tips and tricks shared in this course will help you get a better grasp of the JavaScript paradigm you’ll need to subscribe to if you want to make the most of Google Tag Manager.
This course is right for you if…

You want to know how to best use GTM and how JavaScript is used to customize web analytics tracking
You want to learn how the API can make GTM management simpler.
You need assistance with GTM or Web Tracking JavaScript issues

This course is probably not for you if…

JavaScript is unfamiliar to you, and there is no motivation to learn.
You are looking to find a deep relationship with your partner?-Get into mobile GTM, or the GTM programmatic programming API
You are only just starting with GTM and don’t like technical descriptions, live coding, or browser developer tools
You don’t care about web analytics deployment or implementation, or you believe GTM should replace your IT department or developers

You should have the following skills

Intermediate understanding of GTM and how triggers, tags, and variables interact
Basic scripting skills and understanding of JavaScript, especially DOM manipulation (you’ve taken Codecademy’s intro course or equivalent).
Basic understanding of how the web browser works, especially when it comes to event tracking, the Data Layer, and Chrome’s developer tools

About your instructor Simo Ahava
Simo Ahava, a well-respected expert on customizing web analytics to improve the overall user experience and tag management solutions, is “life cycle” Data collection, processing, reporting. His main areas of expertise are in the following: Google Analytics Google Tag Manager. Google He was appointed as a Google These are the fields of a Developer Expert.
Simo is the Senior Data Advocate at Reaktor. Simo also writes a popular blog about all things Google Analytics Google Tag Manager development at
Simo is a prolific blogger and speaker who can be heard at conferences, product forums and support communities.-Both ups and downs.
Your complete course curriculum:
Advanced Google Tag Manager
Lesson 1
JavaScript Google Tag Manager
We’ll go over some necessary JavaScript concepts you’ll need to understand to make the most of Google Tag Manager. These are mostly related to manipulating the Document Object Model.
You’ll also get a refresher on function syntax, closures, callbacks, good coding practices, and how these all tie in with Google Tag Manager. It won’t be just a coding lesson–we’ll also learn some cool tips, tricks, and custom variables you can use to power up your container.
These topics are:

Basic JavaScript concepts: Boolean logic, functions, closures, variable hoisting, global namespace, etc
Handling race conditions, asynchronous loading and jQuery, among other things.
How to debug JavaScript using a browser.
How to execute JavaScript Google Tag Manager.
JavaScript writing best practices Google Tag Manager.

Lesson 2
Event tracking
Event tracking is one of the most important features of Google Tag Manager. Using GTM’s native listeners, you can track user interactions on the site with great accuracy. However, there are pitfalls you need to be aware of, and we’ll cover these in this lesson.
We’ll also go over the steps to create your own custom listeners, talk a bit about event propagation, and discover how other JavaScript on the site can easily mess up your event tracking via GTM.
These topics are:

How GTM’s triggers work.
How to debug GTM’s triggers and the underlying mechanisms.
What usually breaks event propagation.
How to create custom event listeners

Lesson 3
The Data Layer
Another important feature of the Data Layer is Google Tag Manager. It serves multiple purposes. It acts as a message queue and feeds data from the site to Google Tag Manager (and back), as well as structures the data in GTM’s own internal data model. There are ways to manipulate the data in the data model, and we’ll take a look at these methods in this class. You’ll learn about Data Layer messages and events, about the interface to GTM’s data model, how to manipulate the data in the data model, and how this all relates to GTM’s core features like tag sequencing.
These topics are:

The dataLayer array
In Google Tag Manager
Debugging the Data Layer Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager’s internal data model
Recursive merging and Version 2 Data Layer Variable

Lesson 4
Advanced Google Analytics Tracking
Google Analytics is the main reason many migrate to Google Tag Manager. In this class, we’ll take a look at how you can use GTM to manipulate the data collection of GA, by focusing on advanced features like hitCallback, customTask, and the “transport” field. We’ll also go over things like cross-Domain tracking and how GTM interacts avec the tracker object created using analytics.js
These topics are:

Google Tag Manager The tracker object
Cross-GTM domain tracking
CustomTask is for advanced configuration
Tips and tricks for enhanced Ecommerce

Lesson 5
The API, Tips and Tricks
In this final class, we’ll first do a live walkthrough of the GTM API, by programming a Google Sheets are an add-on-On pulls in information from Google Tag Manager. Not only will you be able to learn about Google’s APIs and their authentication methods, but you’ll also have a good grasp on how to use these APIs to automate your own tasks. We’ll wrap up the whole course with a handful of tips and tricks learned after using Google Tag Manager since day 1.
These topics are:

A quick overview of the Google Tag Manager API
Live Coding lesson to pull account/container information from the API into an a Google Sheets document
30 hand-These are tips gleaned from five years of experience in the workplace Google Tag Manager

Lesson 6
Bonus session
Simo will host this bonus session.

Attendees may have lingering questions from previous classes or FB.
Re-learn some of the key lessons learned in the previous five classes
You can go through any material he didn’t have time to look at during the five classes.

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