Conversionxl and Momoko Price – Product Messaging & Sales Page Copywriting


Stop Letting Amateur Copy & Lifeless Value Propositions Wipe Out Your Conversions

Get the recordings of this intensive camp training on YouTube Product Messaging & Sales Page Copywriting

Register for this 8-Class Product Messaging course learn how to …

-Choose messages that trigger your customers’ real-Motivations for your life

Conversionxl and Momoko Price – Product Messaging & Sales Page Copywriting

Stop Letting Amateur Copy & Lifeless Value Propositions Wipe Out Your Conversions

Get the recordings of this intensive camp training on YouTube Product Messaging & Sales Page Copywriting

Register for this 8-Class Product Messaging course learn how to …
-Choose messages that trigger your customers’ real-Motivations for your life

-Craft value propositions that capture visitors’ attention & pull them in

-Strengthen your page copy with persuasive narrative & flow

-Transform raw data & research into powerfully convincing copyClass 1: How to “Tear Down” Your own Page Copy
Watch & learn as Momoko reveals the exact system she uses to evaluate her clients’ messaging & copy, pinpoint problem areas, and Find the best ways to fix them.

Class 2: How to Hunt and Send messages online

Find out how to gather & recognize powerful messages about your product — even when you don’t have a single customer yet.

Class 3: How to Get Powerful Messages from Your Customers

Your happiest customer is the best person to talk about your product. Learn how to coax compelling messages out of them with carefully structured surveys & One-on-One interview.

Class 4: How do you find your best value proposition?

Now you should have a mountain full of rich, raw messaging data. In this class, you’ll learn how distill this data into clear value propositions that will set your product apart and Increase your conversion rates
Weeks 3 and 4: Writing, Editing, & Layout

Class 5: How to Add Structure & Flow to Your Messages

Time and timing of the order and For maximum conversions, it is important to get the flow of your messages right. Learn how to create targeted advertisements. Messaging Hierarchies that seamlessly bridge your offer’s gap and your customer’s mindset.

Class 6: Writing your first draft

You’ve done the research — now it’s time roll up our sleeves and write. Learn how to tackle tricky elements such headlines, subheads hooks, forms and hooks. and CTAs (and avoid conversion-Making mistakes along the journey is not an option.

Class 7: What to do? “Punch Up” Your Copy

Did you get everything down on the page (including your kitchen sink)? Great. In this class, you’ll learn how to cut fluff and Filler with surgical precision and Replace it with attention-Use catchy statements to keep your visitors interested.

Class 8: Formatting Your Copy & Laying Out Your Page

Learn how to use whitespace, contrast and typography to your advantage. and Use directional cues for powerful emphasis and Your page copy should flow to it. Your copy should be laid out in a professionally wireframe.-Fifidelity design


Class 9

BONUS CLASS. How to shift your team to a copy-First Design Workflow

Is your team guilty of dipping into color schemes? and glossy mockups, and Do you want to leave the actual copy behind? This bonus course is designed for you to get teammates and All stakeholders must end the chaos of content and embrace a copy-First (and Customers are the most important thing.-Web design: The first approach.
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