Conversational Copywriting


Conversational CopywritingWrite powerful web copy that drives sales… without being pushy, loud or manipulative.There are two types of copywriters and marketers in the world… those who feel comfortable using high-pressure, hyped-up sales copy… and those who don’t.If you fall into that second group, keep reading…If you don’t like hype, you’re going to love conversational copywriting.And luckily for you, conversational copywriting is what your audience wants too.How come? Because today’s online consumers don’t like pushy, loud sales pitches.They don’t like being sold AT in the old-school, in-your-face, broadcast style.This is why so many people install ad-blockers, and why online conversion rates are so low. Prospects are just turned off by that traditional copywriting approach.Sooo….If you can’t sell with traditional sales copy, how CAN you sell online? Make the sale with conversational copywriting.With conversational copywriting you’re not selling or talking AT your audience.You’re writing in a way that engages WITH your audience. It’s more respectful. It’s the anti-hype.It’s about engaging your audience more fully, connecting with them emotionally, and drawing them into a place where they feel ready to buy your product or service.Conversational copywriting is about removing layers of friction and mistrust between a company and its customers.Conversational copy is the future because people are no longer “buying” the old-school approach.What you can expect from this course…Over the course of 21 instructional videos – plus BONUS materials – I’ll take you through numerous before and after examples, and 6 homework exercises.I’ll teach you how to write conversational sales copy that creates a powerful desire for the products or services you’re selling, and converts more browsers into buyers.You’ll learn how to…Create sales pages that convert readers into buyers through deep engagement and honest persuasion… not with the blunt-force trauma of hard-core sales copy.Write emails that feel like they were written by a real human.Write blog posts and social media updates that truly connect with your readers and build long-term trust.Build home pages and other website pages that communicate with openness and warmth, instead of hiding behind “corporate-speak”.Once enrolled, you’ll be part of a powerful and growing community.As soon as your eyes have been opened to the benefits of conversational copywriting, I bet you’ll find it hard to go back to the old-school, adversarial approach.As a conversational copywriter you’ll feel like you’re part of something new, and better.And I think you’re going to love being part of our community.We gather together in a private Facebook group where we ask and answer questions, share insights, ask for and offer help… and a whole lot more.This group is open to you from the moment you enroll.And you’re invited to stay after you complete the course. That way you’ll be there for new students as they start their own journeys.This is a passionate community of copywriters who believe in a better way to sell online.In addition, at least once a month we hold a live Video Q&A Session within the Facebook group.Only those enrolled in the course can access these sessions.This gives you the chance to ask me any questions you like, either about the course materials as you work through them, or anything else related to conversational copywriting.I also give you my personal feedback on no fewer than 6 homework assignments.As you go through the course you’ll be invited to complete 6 homework assignments.This is a great way to really internalize and reinforce what you’re learning.In addition, I’ll give you my personal feedback on every assignment you complete.Honestly, when I deliver that kind of feedback package for one of my corporate clients, it costs them north of $1,000.With this personal feedback on your 6 homework assignments – and the one-on-one interaction through Facebook – signing up is a bit like being part of one of those high-end virtual coaching groups.But without the high-end pricing.Is this good value for your money?I truly believe it is.Here’s a reminder of what you get…The course itself… originally 21 lectures… Now 27 lectures and PDFs, including Bonus items.My personal feedback on 6 homework assignments.Access to me and fellow students through a private Facebook group.Indefinitely.Live Video Q&A sessions once a month. Indefinitely.And here’s the thing… the BIG thing… you pay just once to enroll, and that’s it. There are no monthly fees.So yes… I believe that’s pretty good value for a low, one-time enrollment fee.The price of entry?Enroll today for a one-time price of just $197. Or, if you prefer, you can opt for two monthly payments of $107.That price includes all the course materials, access to the Facebook group and live Q&A video sessions, PLUS my personal feedback on your 6 homework assignments.This is a one-time enrollment fee, giving you indefinite access to the course materials and Facebook community – WITHOUT any monthly or annual subscription payments.You want to do this, but… You’re worried you’ll be signing up for yet another course you don’t even finish.Or you feel cautious about committing the time and money.No worries.If you enroll in the course right now, you can always ask for a full refund at any time within the next 30 days.And the course is self-paced. Fit it within your schedule and other obligations, and take as long as you need.One more thing… don’t let one unanswered question get in the way of your future.If you have any questions you’d like to ask about this course before enrolling, please email me at [email protected]. I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can.Class CurriculumSection 1: Who I am and why conversational copywriting is the future.Introduction (3:51)Changing times and attitudes have made a big difference to copywriting. (4:35)Section 2: Conversational copywriting defined.What exactly is “conversational copywriting”? (3:22)This isn’t an entirely new idea… (6:53)Section 3: Why conversational copywriting is the future of copywriting onlineThe web is a two-way medium… (7:33)Tag: Conversational Copywriting Review. Conversational Copywriting download. Conversational Copywriting discount.