Constance Brown-Riggs – Diabetes Management for Today’s Complex Patient


Every time you watch the news, it confirms that you are caring for today’s most common and most complicated patients.

Constance Brown-Riggs – Diabetes Management for Today’s Complex Patient


The Paradigm Shift: Are you PREPARED?
Technology Updates
Medication Management Strategies
Nutrition: One Size Does NOT Fit All
AADE7®: Sounds so Simple, So why is it so Difficult?

DIABETES…Alarming Increases, Devastating Costs, Crippling the Future of America!
Every time you watch the news, it confirms that you are caring for today’s most common and most complicated patients. The prevention and treatment guidelines seem to change constantly, the patients are getting younger and sicker and you are busier than ever! Are you left wondering how you can make a difference in your patients’ lives?
Expert, Connie Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, works directly with the most challenging patients with diabetes and understands how difficult it is to manage this complex, chronic disease. Attend this interactive seminar and increase your understanding of the latest evidence-based interventions and treatment guidelines. Connie will provide strategies to optimize patient outcomes and practical tips you can use to educate and empower your patients. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve the care you provide to patients with diabetes.
The Paradigm Shift in the Diagnosis of Diabetes

Type I
Type II
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults
Monogenic Diabetes
Antiretroviral Associated Diabetes

Prevention Strategies

Populations at Risk
Lifestyle Modifications
Pharmacological Interventions
Self-Management Education & Support
Glycemic Treatment Goals
Intercurrent Illness

Can We REALLY Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

The Difference Between Reversing & Remission
Partial Remission
Complete Remission
Prolonged Remission

Pharmacotherapy: Unique Functions, Dosing & Side Effects

The New Oral, Injectable & Inhaled Drugs
Patient Considerations
Basal/Bolus Concepts
Paired Testing
Pattern Analysis & Management

Diabetes Technology: What’s New?

Insulin Pumps
Managing the Data

Diabetes in Pregnancy

Glycemic Control
Gestational Diabetes
Type I Management
Type II Management

Chronic Complications: Detecting & Slowing Progression


Acute Complications: The Precipitating Factors

Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Non-
Ketotic Syndrome

Nutrition: One Size Does NOT Fit All

Current Evidence-based Recommendations
Advanced Carbohydrate Counting
Glycemic Index
Complimentary Care

AADE7® – Sounds so Simple, So why is it so Difficult?

Physical Activity
Motivating Behavior Change
Stage Matched Behavior Change
Motivational Interviewing
Importance & Confidence Ruler
Social Media

Would you like to receive Constance Brown-Riggs – Diabetes Management for Today’s Complex Patient ?

Explain basal-bolus insulin therapy, including insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio and correction factor.
Describe the diagnostic criteria for the different types of diabetes.
Summarize the eight classes of antidiabetic drugs, their mechanism of action, and meal planning considerations.
Discuss the criteria for the three stages of diabetes remission.
Develop management strategies for the patient experiencing a diabetic emergency.
Integrate motivational interviewing strategies to facilitate patient behavior changes.
Define the principles of sick day management.