Conor Lynch – The Funnel Mechanics


ou’ve been chasing lightning in a bottle… the mythical silver bullet.
The no effort, no risk, no money down, 12-step, PAINT BY NUMBERS, Google beating, Facebook smashing mega product.
You plunked down your 7 or 7 or whatever…
You bought the ticket and you took the ride…
12-steps later – you still haven’t beaten Google or smashed Facebook. In fact, you probably haven’t even made your first .
Building a successful business online isn’t difficult… (really)
This stuff is easy.
And I can go over it again for you…

What’s not easy, and what you’ve maybe never heard… is all the unsexy stuff…
The under the hood… under the radar stuff…
The stuff the gurus won’t talk about.
I mean the KEY LEVERAGE POINTS in your funnel that actually get RESULTS.
And that actually make the difference between success and failure.
Here’s the math…

This is the total package.
I’ve taken everything I learned…
Building and optimizing dozens of funnels..
And compiled it into a hands on course.
So that if you’ve got a funnel, but it’s not converting…
You’ll learn exactly what you need to do to fix it.
And if you don’t have a funnel…
You’ll follow along step by step, and build your first one from scratch.
You’ll get…

Your own Blueprint. Everything you need to build a successful funnel. I’ll give you all of the worksheets, and documents you need to research, prepare and write your first mailing list. When you’re done with these you’ll be ready to start driving traffic.

My complete demo funnel! You’ll get all of my research notes, my niche mind map, all of my completed worksheets, my squeeze page AND the initial email sequence. You’ll literally be able to copy and paste my work if you want.

My Find My Niche Research Notes. See exactly what I do and what tools I use when I’m hunting for brand new niches to launch a funnel in.

My Micro Niche Validation Notes. You get my entire research notes that show how I validate whether or not a niche will make me money.

Niche Validation Spreadsheet & Template. With the empty spreadsheet and template you’ll pick and validate your own niches, and see how I picked my demo niche.

My Micro Niche Research Notes. Witness how I research a niche. See all the notes I take, and where the raw data comes from. So you’ll know how to do it too.

My Micro Niche Mind Map Template. You’ll get the complete mind map I made for my demo niche, and you can model your own off of it.

Audience Profile Template & Worksheet. I’ll show you how I turn all of the data from our research into a compelling story about my demo niche. Then you’ll get to turn around and do the same for yours.

Obstacles & Offers Spreadsheet & Template. See how I identify the obstacles that are preventing my prospects from achieving their goals, and pick the best affiliate offers to help them overcome. You can copy my process.

Squeeze Page Template & Worksheet. Get inspired by the complete squeeze page copy I wrote for my demo niche. And then write high converting copy for yours!

Email Sequence Plot Template & Worksheet. An email sequence has a lot of moving parts, and you’ll get to see how I break one down. Use this knowledge with the worksheet to build yours back up.

Completed 7 Email Sequence Template. I’m going to give you the 7 email autoresponder sequence that I wrote for the demo niche. You can have it. Use it as swipe to inspire your emails. Or copy it outright. It’s up to you!

A walkthrough of the entire Blueprint. In my video coaching series I’ll pick a demo niche to build a funnel in. And I’ll take you through my entire process – finding a niche, researching it, writing the funnel – from nose to toes.

Look over my shoulder, do as I do. Follow along at your own pace, and watch as I execute on the demo funnel. You’ll learn the theory from my Ebook, now you’ll be able to see it in action!

Diagnose the problems in your broken money-losing funnel. It’s leaking cash, but not for the reasons you think.

Poor niche selection is the #1 most likely reason you’re not profitable. You’ll learn how to identify and validate the perfect email marketing micro niche.

Imagine you could read your subscriber’s minds. How profitable would your emails be if you knew exactly what they were thinking and feeling? What they want right now? I’ll teach you how to do the next best thing, with my niche market x-ray method.

Choosing affiliate offers is an art. You’ll find out precisely how I pick the ultimate affiliate offers for my list. And how to avoid trust crippling mistakes that trip up lesser marketers.

Skyrocket your squeeze page opt-ins. I’ll walk you through all the key factors that make or break opt-in pages. And show you how to make yours hum.

Write your first autoresponder series. You’ll learn how to create powerful, well written email copy that resonates with your niche.

4 Week email sequence designed to get YOU moving. Get your business UN-STUCK. And obliterate obstacles to YOUR success.

WEEK 1 – I help you figure out how to obliterate Information Overload and Procrastination. And I share inspiring stories of Perseverance.

WEEK 2 – I walk you through the process of setting up a squeeze page FROM SCRATCH with literally ZERO technical skills. Plug in your autoresponder & set up split testing with Visual Website Optimizer.

WEEK 3 – I get you through the niche selection process. This is where MOST people get stuck. But NOT YOU. Not with my help!

WEEK 4 – Writing your e-mail sequence can be VERY intimidating. In these emails I give you EVERYTHING you need to crush it.