Cold Email Mastery – Black Hat WizardCold Email Mastery – Black Hat Wizard course is available you will get immediately after payment only $215 $36.3,628 Freelancers & Agency Owners Used The CEM Framework To Generate Over $4,000,000And Today – You Get Access To The Same System That’ll Allow You To Close Four, Five, & Even Six Figure B2B Deals ON DEMAND.**(or your money back)Look, when you’re selling B2B services:You’re only one cold email away from anything you want…But that’s ONLY if you know how to:SCRAPE the email address of any prospect you want – no matter what niche you’re in…WRITE irresistible cold emails that’ll get 7, 8, and 9 figure business owners on the phone with you…LAND in the primary inbox of any potential lead you want – ensuring that none of your cold emails drown in the spam folder…AUTOMATE your outreach so that you can book 5, 10 or even 20 sales calls a week without lifting a finger…And in this 2 minute letter, I’m going to reveal the exact framework that thousands of agency owners and freelancers have used to achieve all of the above…But just before I get into that, I’ll let you in on a secret.In this B2B space, there’s ONE factor that determines how successful you’re going to be:Your client acquisition.That’s right.Your client acquisition could quite literally be the difference between quitting your job, flying to South America and working from the beach…Or ending up as just another failed agency owner.( I’ve seen many in my time )So before I introduce the CEM Framework, let me ask you a question.Are you in true control of your client acquisition?Do you know for a fact where your next client is going to come from?If you answered no… you’re in for a treat.Because I’ve taught 3,000+ students how to get results like this:And yes, I can email any business owner, in any niche, and sell nearly any B2B product to them.( It’s basically a superpower )There are no “email blasts”.There are no black hat methods or scams.There is no magic software.It’s a single, fundamental system that allows you to find your target customer, get them on the phone, and close high ticket deals – on AUTOPILOT.And if you’re wondering what you can sell with cold email, here’s what my students have sold:Web design…SaaS…SEO…Lead Generation…Email Marketing…Funnel Building…Copywriting…Influencer Marketing…Blog Writing…App Development…Social Media Marketing…Consulting…Videography/Photography…And much, much more.Friend, this may sound like it’s too good to be true…But I assure you…Young guys like yourself are closing $10,000, $40,000 and $80,000/mo deals everyday using the CEM system.So it’s clear the CEM System works…But you might be wondering, who are you and why should I listen to you?Well, I’m just a normal guy like you.Even though I can sell basically ANY B2B product to ANY niche…I’m not some kind of hacker. Or persuasive genius. Or an old guy that’s been in this industry for 30 years.No, my name’s Daniel.And for a long time, I couldn’t send a successful cold email if my life depended on it.Okay, I got some replies…But most of them went along the lines of…“Stop”“Unsubscribe”“If you ever email me again I’m reporting you to the FTC”And I know that seems weird coming from a guy who’s widely known as“The Cold Email Wizard”But I must confess…During those hard times where I couldn’t get a single positive response…I thought:Cold Email = Ineffective Bullsh*tAnd I’m pretty certain there are a lot of people who think the same.But the truth is…People only claim that “cold email is useless” because they do the following:Blast some blind, crappy email with a generic template to thousands of people.And that’s not only ineffective…But it’s disrespectful to your prospect – and more importantly – it doesn’t work.So how did I go from getting no replies to becoming The Cold Email Wizard?After thousands of thousands of email blasts, I knew I had to change my approach.I was desperate.So I started testing things. Like a mad scientist.What if I use this angle with this CTA?What if I mix this… with this…?What if I change this setting in my email provider?And then….One day it happened.Two positive responses arrived in my inbox.I pinched myself to make sure I hadn’t just dreamt of those replies.I was ecstatic.So I doubled down on my new technique…And guess what happened?MORE positive replies in my inbox.Now fast forward to this exact moment…You’re reading this gumroad page…And I’m telling you about the system that I’ve been optimising, perfecting, and testing over the past 4 years.In that time, I’ve taught 3,000+ students how to use cold email to generate MASSIVE amounts of income for their B2B products…I’m talking millions of dollars…5-figure monthly retainers…Commission based deals…The whole shazam…And based on all of my research, failures, and victories…I created the Cold Email Mastery system.A course that changed the entire cold outreach industry.( and the financial situation for lots of guys & gals around the world – you’ll see some of their OUTRAGEOUS testimonials on this page )The CEM System works even if you’re not a highly technical type of guy…It works if English isn’t your first language…Hell, it even works if you don’t have a B2B service to sell…( You can sell other people’s products for a commission! )Bottom line is:You can sell ANY B2B service with the Cold Email Mastery System… No matter how big the client is or how fresh you are to your craft.If you know how to deliver results with a skill…Then CEM is the missing piece in securing your future in the B2B realm.Oh, you don’t know one profitable skill?Okay, don’t worry, got you covered:You can use these same tactics to sell other people’s products for a commission.But let me tell you something important…Cold Email Mastery is successful ’cause it’s based on…One single and simple element that every other cold email method out there misses…It’s so powerful it can get you 15%, 20% and 30% more responses.Give me any cold email campaign with 200 recipients…If you got 1 call, CEM will get you 10. If you got 2 calls, CEM will get you 20.THAT’S how powerful the CEM System really is.With this one element you’ll have 7 and 8 figure executives THANKING you for your cold email…“Thanks for reaching out to me” I know it’s weird.But this one ingredient does wonders.I call it “moving the lead”…And it’s not a template, it’s not a persuasion trick, a bribe, or an expensive software stack.CEM is not about silver bullets that get old and lose effectiveness.CEM is based on a distinct approach everybody can easily apply and get results by, without copy and pasting useless templates.The CEM System is so powerful, yet so easy to implement…You could almost call it “plug-and-play”.Here’s a peak of what you get inside CEM:Video – IntroductionBook – Cold Email MasteryVideo – DomainsVideo – DNS RecordsVideo – Warming up & Custom Tracking DomainsVideo – Writing scriptsVideo – Video OutreachVideo – Creating OffersVideo – Writing personalized lines & hiring it outVideo – Good personalization examplesVideo – Bad Personalization examplesVideo – Scraping ecommerce storesVideo – Scraping enterprise contactsVideo – Scraping LinkedInVideo – Scraping B2B databasesVideo – Finding owner contact infoVideo – Automated sendingVideo – Optimizing campaignsVideo – Astronomically increasing reply ratesVideo – Cleaning EmailsVideo – Google Sheet SystemsVideo – Zapier AutomationsVideo – James Watson, $1 million+ in sales from LinkedIn teaches personalized imagesVideo – Devesh, $20k/mo agency owner teaches frameworks Video – Increasing call show up rates Video – Additional strategiesVideo – $80k/mo Contract Case StudyGet Cold Email Mastery – Black Hat Wizard, Only Price $36Tag: Cold Email Mastery – Black Hat Wizard Review. 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