Closing From the Stage – Steve Olsher


“What If You Could Walk Into a Room Full of Strangers And Leave With $10,000, $100,000, even $1,000,000… In 90 Minutes Or Less… GUARANTEED?”Taught By The New Media Summit CEO, Steve Olsher, Accompanied By The Top .001% Of The World’s Best Stage ClosersIf you want to multiply your impact, income and profits while consistently and effortlessly growing your business, here’s how  the top .001% of speakers and “stage closers” do it…And, HOW (and why) you can do the same thing TODAY leveraging the information below…Even if you don’t consider yourself a professional speaker.Even if you are an introvert and shiver at the thought of public speaking.Even if you’ve been speaking for years and aren’t reaping the benefits (yet). I was up next.I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart was pounding as if I was running a marathon.Climbing the stairs of the stage, I felt an intense heat in my chest and I was already sweating.I was super excited, but the stress was making it hard to breathe.There I was, climbing the stairs to the stage to my first major speech.In the audience, over 500 eager faces were waiting for tactical strategies, and proven knowledge bombs that could accelerate the growth of their businesses.Dance music started playing… just like I asked.I stepped out on that stage, and just like that… my stress vanished!I felt complete freedom… speaking, presenting and DANCING my life away!Of course, I stumbled. I bumbled for way too long. Even forgot some parts of my presentation.Yet, at the end, I made my first offer… attempting to CLOSE from the stage for the first time in my life… Get Closing From the Stage – Steve Olsher, Only Price $167I DIDN’T EXPECT WHAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPENAfter I was done, I came off the stage, and out of 500 people…… there were 12 who raised their hands and invested in my offer!I was selling a $1,000 product, so I made an easy $12,000 flapping my inexperienced gums in just an hour’s worth of work…The crazy part?I wasn’t the first speaker, so I didn’t have “first-speaker advantage”.Most of the audience didn’t know me and this was literally the first time they had ever heard my name.And, yet, I sold over $12,000 worth of product (an online course that had almost zero fulfillment cost), without the usual “rah-rah“ pushy sales pitches.I was over the moon!Never before had I earned that much money in so little time.So what happened next dropped like an anvil on my stomach…Backstage, I ran into my personal friend and advisor Larry Winget…… a LEGEND in the professional speaker game, a member of the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame with decades of experience.Well, he looked at me the way a father would look at his 6-year old who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.He said:“Don’t ever dance like that on stage again. It makes you look like an idiot!”In that moment, after his harsh (but true) comments, I realized two things:If you want to close from the stage, pulling big paydays within mere hours, you need to practice, practice, practice.There is a VAST world of opportunity to generate new business and revenue leveraging the power of stages (physical & virtuals ones… more on that in a bit).Hell, if wet-behind-the-ears me could generate $12,000 in my FIRST speech ever while “looking like an idiot”…… imagine what I could do if I sharpened my skills and became a MUCH better presenter?From that point on, I made it my mission to watch, and learn from, as many different speakers as I possibly could. I attended hundreds of events. Bought every available course on the subject and read every book there is on speaking, selling from the stage and mastering presentations.If you’ve ever wondered…What is the Highest-Converting Sales Method of all time?If my 30-year entrepreneurial journey has something to say, from mowing lawns to shaking hands over 7 and 8-figure deals…It’s face-to-face, one-on-one selling.There is no better way to identify pain points, answer objections and close the sale.The only downside… if there is one?It’s excruciatingly slow.If you want to share your message with the masses, impact tens of thousands of people and exponentially grow your profits, one-to-one selling is inefficient and unscalable.Simply stated… it’s a no-go.But, if you understand how to sell one-to-many, closing people from the stage into a high-ticket offer (e.g. $500+) is not only infinitely doable, it’s like injecting one-on-one selling with STEROIDS.In the same hour that it takes to tell your story and DEEPLY connect to one prospect across the desk, kitchen table or zoom call…… you can deeply connect with TEN, one HUNDRED, or THOUSANDS of people from the stage!Mastering this skill…Liberates you from selling to one person at a time, becoming an income multiplier…Removes the need to ever have unfruitful conversations with people that will never buy from you… and, Empowers you to “manufacture” authority and it’s one of the easiest and most reliable ways to engineer NEW growth for your business…And, while you can’t ask questions and deal with objections from thousands of people from the stage…You CAN create a persuasive, entertaining and educational presentation that’ll have the audience hooked, answers their questions, overcomes their objections and have them lining up to invest in your offers… even dancing to your tune like an expert (and ethical) puppet master.If you think about it… n other words…If you understand how to speak, and convert your ideal prospects into customers, you will never go “hungry”.Simply stated, when you learn the priceless skill of Closing From The Stage…… you hold in your hands the ability to sell from anywhere, virtually anything, to almost everyone, whenever you please…… while increasing your impact, revenue and business growth just by sharing your brilliance with the right people in just a handful of minutes!A SKILL THAT UNLOCKS THE“SELL FROM ANYWHERE” ABILITY…Truth be told, you don’t even need to ever set foot on a physical stage to put this training to work for you and your business…… because the process you’ll learn from me works on ANY “stage”…Podcasts ! Sales Videos ! Webinars ! Facebook Lives!Masterminds ! Networking Events ! Associations ! Social Media !Charities ! Conferences ! Media Appearances ! Summits !…and many more! Here’s How You’ll Eliminate YourFear of Speaking and Selling… Forever!If you’ve ever felt that queasy, gut-twisting anxiety swirling at the pit of your stomach right before stepping on stage, sharing your brilliance on a webinar or presenting on a virtual summit…Guess what?It happens to all of us.From the local Toastmasters speaker to the Broadway actor.To this day, I still get butterflies before the ‘magic moment’ of taking the microphone.However, just as the professional actors show up on set prepared and ready to rock, because they’ve read the script, tested their material, and rehearsed over and over again…I understand, and leverage, the science that goes hand-in-hand with crafting a professional presentation that is meticulously designed to achieve my intended result and, once I start speaking, that apprehension and concern subsides. At the end of the day, selling one-to-many on a physical or virtual stage is a very similar experience to your favorite actor crushing their scene because, when you leverage our proven process, there is no guesswork, you won’t be ‘winging it’ and revenue WILL be generated from EVERY one of your presentations.Simply stated — well-tested structures and well-proven methods can be followed step-by-step to yield top results every time.And me and the world’s BEST stage closers are about to teach them to you.Get Closing From the Stage – Steve Olsher, Only Price $167Introducing the Closing From The Stage Method Finally… a time-proven, no-nonsense system designed to help coaches, authors, experts and business owners grow their impact and revenue by ethically, naturally and effortlessly enrolling ideal prospects into relevant products, programs and/or services from physical AND virtual stages.Closing From The Stage is the ultimate step-by-step methodology for connecting with audiences of all sizes, quickly and intentionally developing the requisite know, like and trust factor needed to move attendees to take your desired action.I, along with the assembled Mount Rushmore of Stage Closers, will guide you…… and, with our combined experience of well over 100 years of closing from the stage…… we’re now sharing our proven strategies that have generated TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars from the platform and will help you:Land the stages you MOST want to secure.Present like the go-to authority in your niche even if you’ve never presented from the stage before.Deeply connect with those who are literally WAITING for you to show up in their lives. And,​Generate meaningful revenue EVERY TIME you step on stage. Note: Closing From The Stage is the ONLY training available that combines tried-and-true, ethical stage psychology practices that have been effectively leveraged for decades AND today’s proven strategies for moving even the most experienced event attendees to stampede to the back of the room with credit cards in hand and say YES! to your offer.    No more hunting for clients one-by-one. Now you can enroll dozens, even hundreds, of ideal clients authentically, and nearly effortlessly, whenever you ‘step’ on stage (whether physical or virtual), share your story and put forth your irresistible invitation to guide them furtherNo more watching others in your niche achieve greater levels of success simply because they can leverage the power of the stage. Now you’ll be able to secure coveted speaking opportunities and consistently enroll more of your favorite clientsNo more “impostor syndrome” and getting weak in the knees when it’s time to put forth your offer. Now you’ll be able to present with authority and always gain the trust of attendees — even if you’re starting from zero (like I did).Get One-To-Many Sales Training From Me, And Today’s Top Closers, Who Crush 6 & 7-Figure “Selling From The Stage” Presentations.Repeatedly.When you enroll today, you’ll receive access to 9 detailed training modules which take you step-by-step though the 7 powerful, proven steps of the Closing From The Stage blueprint… PLUS, you’ll receive access to my invaluable resources, including Contracts, Order Forms, Lead Generation Cards and my PROVEN-TO-CONVERT, SLIDE-BY-SLIDE PowerPoint Presentation that you can download, customize and use right away! These bonuses alone are worth AT LEAST $4,997 and will save you substantial time, energy and cost (not to mention the frustration and expense of trial and error) trying to figure these out, and design them, on your own! Specifically, here’s how the training breaks down…Module #1: The Power (And Profits!) Of SpeakingBecoming a confident stage presenter who enrolls audience members into your products, programs and services at conversion rates HIGHER than the average speaker boils down to a simple, repeatable process.In Module #1, we set the foundation for success by focusing on the main pillars of the Closing From The Stage methodology and explore the opportunities speaking from the stage offers.When you enroll today, you’ll learn:​Why you don’t have to be a great (or, even good) speaker, networker, salesperson or negotiator to enroll DOZENS of new clients at ONCE​Step-by-step secrets revealed… what the greatest stage closers and speakers know that they’re not telling you! (Hint: Do the exact opposite of what most speakers do and you’ll turn “okay’ish” presentations into unforgettable ones)​The three core benefits of public speaking are visibility, credibility and authority. Here’s the missing link to achieving all three​Why I recommend speaking over ANY other platform to develop the absolute must-have Know, Like & Trust factor to endear people to you and convert them from ‘passive’ prospects into raving fans​The vital importance of understanding your audience and where almost every speaker goes dead wrong when attempting to do so​How just ONE powerful presentation can help you become famous, generate a massive number of leads and bring in serious revenue… and, why the key to speaking success has NOTHING to do with how many stages you speak on Module #2: Your Topic Of InfluenceThe secret to growing your business leveraging the power of speaking starts by identifying your Topic of Influence.An impactful Topic of Influence not only streamlines your Closing From The Stage success, it becomes the “guiding light” that empowers you to create products, programs and services that your ideal audience is STARVING for.In Module #2, we’ll reveal how to identify a compelling Topic of Influence that perfectly aligns with, and attracts, your PERFECT audience and the right visibility opportunities.When you enroll today, you’ll learn:​How to “flush out” and finally gain clarity on what can you talk about endlessly — perhaps the single most important factor for winning over and captivating virtually any audience​My strange — but proven effective — way of connecting my Topic of Influence with my go-to presentation (In addition to identifying what puts fire in your soul, it leads to more profits in your pocket)​Why you’re probably overlooking where your BIGGEST opportunity lies and the quick fix to pursue it with strategic abandon to avoid stepping over dollars to get to dimes​How to easily lead people down, and articulate, your ascending customer ‘Profit Path’ so your most ideal prospects invest in new offers from you “sight unseen” (No tricks or “mind-control” needed — and believe it or not… it will be HARD for people NOT to buy from you when you get this right)​A completely forgotten market research secret that will help you identify your audience’s deepest, darkest problems… and, position your offerings as the solutions they need. (Get this part right and your presentations will become so effective that you’ll generate sales even if everything else in your talk is off!)​How to hit the “bullseye” with audiences and endear attendees to you even before you take the stage Get Closing From the Stage – Steve Olsher, Only Price $167Module #3: Designing An Irresistible OfferBefore you start picking fonts and colors for your presentation, you need a bulletproof, no-brainer offer for your audience.In Module #3, you’ll learn how to reverse-engineer a powerful presentation that consistently and seamlessly converts for you, beginning with the end in mind — your offer.You’ll understand how to set yourself apart from others in your niche, creating your defensible (and lucrative) blue ocean so your competition is essentially rendered irrelevant.When you enroll today, you’ll learn:​An “oldie but goodie” principle — hidden inside a self-help book from 1989 — to effortlessly take attendees by the hand and lead them towards the sale (this is one of the most powerful, and ethical, ways to show them they NEED what you have)​Offer Creation Secrets: Discover exactly how to create an absolutely irresistible offer, build tension in your presentation, and structure your timing so attendees straight up ASK you — even beg you — to invest in your offer before you even invite them to do so*** ​Avoiding the ‘Failing Offer Syndrome’ — and why, sometimes, charging less for your offers is the best strategy for getting prospects to enter your world — and how to profitably use this strategy​The “low hanging fruit” far too many speakers overlook. The seemingly obvious — but often forgotten — rule to follow when picking the right offer for the right audience​Understanding the myriad Calls-to-Action you can leverage when speaking from the stage and how picking the wrong one (even if presented at the right time) can result in your leaving five, six or seven-figures on the table​How to quickly determine the perfect bonuses that move people to take swift action and, often, are of MORE interest to buyers than the core offer itself (Warning! Include too many, or the wrong bonuses in the mix, and all you’ll get is resounding silence)​Limiters: Why they are SO powerful, when to implement them, and how to avoid the classic limiter errors that can cause this strategy to actually work against you*** Use with caution: At several presentations, people nearly got hurt trying to get to the back of the room to be the first ones to fill out my order form. Module #4: Positioning For Different Types of StagesOne of the biggest roadblocks for people who want to fully leverage the power of speaking and enrolling ideal prospects from the stage is FINDING the right stages and, of course, getting booked to speak on the stages you MOST want.Of paramount importance in this process is developing REAL relationships with the key figures behind these decisions and immersing yourself in their world so they know who you are and understand WHY you are the logical choice to add value for their audience.In Module #4, I show you exactly how to make this happen… and challenge you to expand into another (MUCH more) profitable and powerful strategy for closing from the stage…When you enroll today, you’ll learn: ​How to get booked on the stages you MOST want to appear on! (Traditional strategies rob you of these opportunities, while the techniques I reveal actually INCREASE your chances of their saying YES!)​Why accepting every speaking opportunity can HURT your earning potential, reputation AND waste your time​Want to close from the stage at significantly higher conversion rates than your counterparts? The most crucial component to keep in mind for this to happen (Hint: It’s NOT your sales ability)​The counter-intuitive method of securing your BIGGEST paydays while presenting on the SMALLEST stages​The secret of enrolling up to 50% of an aligned room boils down to this seldom-taught tactic (I rarely see anyone doing this, because they’re in love with the spotlight — this is where the real money is being made)​That most reliable way to easily get onto the radar of the biggest industry events in your niche, and practically “tap dance” your way onto their stagesThe “mere mortal” curse which haunts most people attempting to sell from the stage — and HOW to banish this disempowering strategy for good​The tongue-in-cheek way to ethically influence event hosts and founders into asking YOU to speak on THEIR stage Module #5:Closing For All Different Types of PresentationsNot all stages are created equal. If you want speaking to become a core push-button solution to business and revenue growth (which it absolutely can be), you have to establish the proper frames for each stage.I’ll show you how to do exactly that, as well as the turnkey elements you need to transform every presentation into a WIN-WIN-WIN — for attendees, the event host, and you.When you enroll today, you’ll learn:​How to leapfrog over your competitors and advance from being a burnt out “road warrior” who is speaking WAY too often to make your numbers… to being a highly-rewarded (and regarded) authority who speaks infrequently yet earns MUCH more​The “ace-up-your-sleeve” common, everyday item which you MUST bring every time you take the stage — leave it at home and lose leads, sales, and countless opportunities​How to turn one-off stage appearances into repeat business and double, triple, even quadruple the Average Customer Value for the large majority of speakers​How to tap into the “hidden budget” almost every organization “forgets to mention”, multiplying your take-home revenue from every stage appearance… (Works even with UNPAID keynote sessions)​Why “paying for stage-time” can ABSOLUTELY be more profitable than getting paid to speak (the exact methodology I follow to generate a MINIMUM of a 300% return on my investment every… single… time)​How to protect yourself from overpaying for bloated attendee numbers — the word-for-word clause I place in my contracts so I’m in the black on every event (this ‘must insert paragraph’ alone will pay for the entire program after only ONE event)The 3 Main types of stage presentations — and, a detailed breakdown of the benefits, hidden blindspots and quick hacks to leave as the best-paid speaker from eachModule #6: Mastering Your Success MetricsThere is a world of difference between viewing “Speaking as a Business” and truly understanding how to leverage the “BUSINESS of Speaking.”If you’re not clear on the difference between the two, you will leave MILLIONS of dollars on the table over the course of your career.Inside Module #6, I reveal my proven, profitable, and rewarding ‘Business of Speaking’ strategy that, when followed, will forge FOR YOU a path of certainty that empowers you to attain massive profitability whenever you set foot on stage.When you enroll today, you’ll learn: ​The “instantly-pocket-more-money” method for ensuring that the MOST ideal prospects in every audience keep buying from you YEARS after they’ve heard you speak​Why most speakers who attempt to close from the stage (even the most seasoned professionals) still miss the mark and end up earning a LOT less than they should. You’ll be one of the select few who truly “gets it” once you understand this strategy​How to virtually eliminate ALL of your risk when booking event appearances — grasp THIS and you’ll have an unfair advantage in your marketplace​How to “crack the code” behind the numbers to earn more with every new stage you speak on​The truth about achieving profitability with low conversion rates — chances are, it’s not what you think​The 7 brain-dead, simple metrics to instantly predict the likelihood of a successful event and whether or not you should say YES to speaking there Module #7: Becoming A “Closing From The Stage” MasterTo effectively, consistently, confidently and profitably close from the stage, it is imperative to have a proven, riveting presentation that evokes emotion, draws a clear picture of the opportunity at hand, and most importantly…Moves attendees to take your desired action — that is, get out of their seats, move to the back of the room, pull out their credit card and invest in your offer. Module #7 shows you STEP-BY-STEP how to make this happen by breaking down the psychology behind what it REALLY takes to close from the stage. From eliminating stage nervousness, and creating an entertaining, engaging, and COMPELLING presentation to enrolling attendees by transitioning seamlessly and confidently into your offer — WITHOUT changing the presentation dynamic when it’s time to ask for the sale — everything is detailed and broken down in this invaluable Module.When you enroll today, you’ll learn: ​The simple (but super effective) presentation flow which activates the buying desire of the audience​The #1 question you MUST keep in mind throughout your presentation — Ignore it and wave every chance to secure sales good bye​A good story can sell anything, right? WRONG! Stories alone are ineffective unless you follow through with THIS​One of the most powerful laws in marketing is “Show them the WHAT, sell them the HOW.” Here’s how to apply, and incorporate, this proven methodology into your presentation​My “$96,000 per year in just 2 hours a week” secret I use in every presentation to ignite the audience… moving them to nearly beg me to process their credit card​A detailed breakdown of my “irresistible offer” structure that I consistently use to fill my online programs and live, in-person, summits​How to implement a simple, nine-word sentence to boost your response by 50% or more. No, it’s not NLP, manipulation or any other pushy tactic (nothing you’ll learn in this course is slimy or ‘salesy’ in ANY manner whatsoever)​What you should NEVER include after you finish your pitch. This is a costly mistake that far too many presenters make… and WHAT to do instead​How the success (and profitability) of your presentation is largely determined long before you even touch the microphone​The seldom-shared process for identifying the most likely buyers in each audience and how to connect specifically with them during your presentation to ensure they enroll in your offer Module #8:  Presentation Psychology – An In-Depth, Step-By-Step Breakdown Of A High-Converting 75-Minute Keynote Presentation  (ALL OF MY STAGE CLOSING SECRETS REVEALED FOR THE FIRST TIME) It’s one thing to watch, and listen to, a series of videos on how to create a great sales presentation.But, experiencing a high-converting presentation in real time — as I break down EVERY step, every move, virtually every nuance with painstaking detail as to why I do precisely what I do right after I do it… is on a whole other level.Everything YOU need to say and do to consistently crush it from the stage — from creating a captivating hook and presentation promise to endearing attendees to you throughout your time on stage, maintaining and escalating their attention and interest, providing MASSIVE value while still leaving them yearning for more, all the way to presenting your expertly positioned and incredibly compelling offer — is mapped out for you… step by step by step.Moment-by-moment, I take you by the hand through my precise presentation structure and deconstruct a winning presentation of mine that you can (and should!) absolutely model to achieve results like those shown above at one of my recent presentations where attendees clamored to the back of the room to enroll in my offer.Model what I teach you and you’ll realize similar results… guaranteed. That’s right. I walk you through an actual event recording from my high-converting 75-minute keynote presentation, taking you through every slide, providing invaluable detail as to the psychology behind nearly every word and action.By implementing the presentation framework shared, you’ll bypass ALL of the guesswork far too many aspiring 7-figure speakers have to endure.When you enroll today, you’ll learn: ​How to create compelling presentations that can be leveraged on both live and online stages, webinars, podcasts, videos and sales pitches — leaving your audience entertained, educated and ready to invest… with unparalleled consistency​The 7-figure closer’s “one-two punch” secret weapon for starting your presentation with a BANG and ensures that you’ll capture the audience’s attention and have them glued to your every word from start to finish​How to spin a dull event into an insanely profitable one… FOR YOU! (Warning — you might drive other speakers crazy using this strategy as it often leaves no ‘meat on the bone’ for them)​How to immediately bond with the audience in such tight fashion that many will want to invest in your offer even before you invite them to do so​A foolproof strategy for anchoring your audience’s price perception of the opportunity at hand so your offer is perceived as a downright bargain​An old-school closing-from-the-stage secret used by Russell Brunson to close $3.1 million from ONE 90-minute presentation (Every time I implement this strategy, I enroll 30-40% of the room… even on an off day)​A completely counter-intuitive strategy for diffusing the skeptics in a room, earn their trust and convert them from being downright pessimists to becoming your biggest advocatesModule #9:Contracts, Order Forms, Lead Generation Cards – Strategies and Best Practices(This Module On Its Own Is Easily Worth $997 Or Much More!)If an athlete can earn millions per year hitting a ball with a stick, why shouldn’t you get paid extraordinarily well for your talents and abilities?You absolutely can and should.And, just like the elite athletes who have representation fighting to get them the best deal possible and making sure that every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed, you also need to make sure that you secure the best terms available and have your speaking-related paperwork in order.Countless amounts of revenue has been foregone by even the best of speakers due to unintentional oversight, unfavorable terms and missed opportunities. Pay close attention to this Module and the odds of this happening to you are slim to none.When you implement what you learn, you’ll maximize your investment of time, money and energy by capturing virtually every lead and dollar available to you for your efforts.When you enroll today, you’ll discover: ​Proven strategies for collecting the maximum number of leads available in a room​How a simple tweak to your order forms can earn you TENS OF THOUSANDS in additional revenue without your having to do ANY extra workContract mistakes even the most accomplished of speakers overlook. Here’s how to protect yourself​How to identify contractual terms that are designed to work AGAINST you and the clauses you MUST include that are non-negotiable. You’ll have a clear understanding of what you can and cannot be flexible on and when it’s best to simply tear up the contract and walk awayThe best ways to handle the ‘good’ problem of too many people rushing to sign up for your offer because of the irresistible limiters and bonuses you include… and, how to make those who miss out on ‘em just as happy​Show me the money! The ultimate way to ensure you get paid on the orders you receive (I learned the hard way how easy it is for your “buyers” to jump ship to another speaker’s product. I share the exact way to avoid this from happening)​The payment collection structure you ABSOLUTELY need to implement. Model what I encourage you to do and you’ll collect the MAXIMUM amount of revenue generated (Don’t do this and you’ll fall victim to the typical payment ‘traps’ that plague far too many speakers) Get Closing From the Stage – Steve Olsher, Only Price $167But, WAIT… There’s MORE!   For The First Time Available ANYWHERE…“The Giants” SessionsIn every industry, a small handful of leaders reach stratospheric heights — launching themselves beyond the Top 1% and attaining the rare status of being recognized as the Top 1% of the Top 1%.Yup… we’re talking the cream of the crop… the Top .001% of their industry.Giants who have mastered the game and their respective industries recognize them as the absolute best of the best.In the world of Closing From The Stage, there are a small number of presenters who have achieved this rare status.Convincing them to share their singular strategies and insights — allowing you to benefit from their 150+ years of collective experience — was no small undertaking.After much cajoling, 7 of the world’s best stage closers agreed to leave no stone unturned and sit down to share the secrets of their success.They agreed to answer ANY question I put forth.They agreed to hold nothing back.They agreed to share the proven methodologies for closing from the stage that they have honed, refined and perfected over thousands upon thousands of hours from the stage.And, share they did!Never before (and likely never again) has such an accomplished cadre of closers come together in one place to share their brilliance.That’s why we’re referring to the Closing From The Stage adjunct faculty of experts as… …The Mount Rushmore Of Stage Closers!Bonus Giant Session #1: Christian Mickelsen An industry leader. A multi-millionaire. A leading authority on personal development and business coaching. The host of countless events and the author of four #1 best-selling books.Christian Mickelsen has built his empire appearing, inspiring and closing from stages.His company has made the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies three years in a row. Christian routinely enrolls ideal prospects into $75,000/year masterminds, $100,000 VIP days and dozens of other high-ticket products, programs and services.In this detailed sit down, Christian shares his proven enrollment methods and his MOST important strategy for shifting ‘passive’ prospects into high-paying clients. Thousands of coaches, healers, authors and consultants have built multi-six and seven-figure businesses under the direction and guidance of Christian Mickelsen’s world-class trainings.